Configuring your Solana Trading Bot

2 min readMar 19, 2024


If you want to know how to get set up in the first place, I would start with this first guide here

If you have set that up, lets get into actually correctly configuring your bot to make the most money.

This guide assumes you are trading with SolTradingBot: but it will work with whatever trading bot you are using.

Bot Configuration:

  1. First generate a new wallet in the bot by first doing /start and clicking on generate new wallet.
  2. It will give you a private key and a wallet address, I recommend putting this wallet address and private key either in Phantom Wallet or Solfare Wallet for easily tracking the balance and the balance of all of your coins.
  3. Still in the /start menu, click on Settings
  4. First are optional ones that can be used to execute quicker trades, but for beginners I would keep them off.

Auto Buy allows you to immediately buy when you paste a token address for an amount you set, this can help you get into trades quicker but you run the risk of accidentally buying if you forget the settings, and are just trying to use the bot to study the trade

Auto Sell allows you to immediately sell when you paste the token address, but has the same risks as above.

Now for the important ones:

  1. ANTI-MEV: definitely enable this unless you are specifically sniping. ANTI-MEV will secure your transactions from MEV bots, that will try to frontrun your trades to get a higher price before you so that you buy or sell at a worse price than you intend. This will slow down your transactions but prevents you from making a worse trade than intended. For sniping, you want this disabled because you just want to get in as fast as possible, and are willing to take a bit more risk than if you were just trading.
  2. Enable wSol sniping on the left hand side if you want to snipe new token launches
  3. Slippage: would put this at 75–100% for super early launch coin buying, and 50% or less for regular trading (can be configured at the purchase level if you disable auto buy). I define slippage in the first doc above
  4. Tip: 0.001. The tip determines how quickly your transaction gets fulfilled, so putting in a slightly higher tip would likely increase your gains as you get in at a better price during a pump

Extra: If you wanna learn more, I will be sharing more tips with yall in my discord. Its just a few of us rn helping each other out.

Follow these tips and you will optimize making the most money. GOOD LUCK OUT THERE




Just trying to teach people how to trade Solana Meme Coins