I Still Can’t Believe How Delusional My Cheating Wife After I Told Her I Moved On She’s A Wreck

That Relationship Guy
3 min readNov 29, 2023
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Betrayed, Battered but Never Broken: Two Men’s Journey Through Infidelity”

The soft patter of rain against the window pane set the backdrop for Marcus’s contemplative stare into the void.

His mind was turbulent.

A cacophony of bitter memories.

Wrapping his sorrow in silence, he began to recount the tale of how his marriage turned sour.

“It was the usual evening,” he began, an uncertain chuckle lost in his words, “A seemingly regular exchange between two adults who had sworn to walk their paths together, only…she was walking with another.”

Marcus recollected the evenings he spent playing the devoted listener to his ex-wife’s tales of accusation. “That evening, she blamed me for her infidelity,” he recalled, the wrenching feeling still fresh in his memory. She had drawn her excuses like a weapon, pointing not at herself, but at Marcus as the cause of her transgressions.

“I was ‘absorbed in my work’, ‘emotionally unavailable’; her words, not mine,” Marcus voiced, his tone stoic. The bitterness was evident and yet, a tinge of irony found space in his narrative. In her dependency on her affair partner, she had become a mere echo of her…

