The Club Guild Decides Their Home and Specialist Factions in the Star Atlas Metaverse…

The Club Guild
The Club Guild
Published in
3 min readDec 9, 2021

Selecting a faction within the Star Atlas Play-To-Earn (P2E) game is a strategic decision based on the available knowledge at hand and planned ambitions within the game. It is a familiar decision faced by many gamers when starting a new game but at the same time, this is a business decision, as P2E can affect people’s livelihoods. It is therefore imperative that the decision be taken with extreme care and consideration.

Star Atlas: Fimbul Treearrow commander size NFT ship

Each faction within Star Atlas has its own advantages with greater proximity and access to specific resources. It is also known that crew/workers naturally ‘buff’ the technology of their own kind, for example a human stationed on a human designed ship will find the technology very familiar and can easily master the skills required for efficient operation but, post that same person on an alien ship and they may not have the slightest idea how it works! They may find it very difficult to utilise the technology to its full potential at first but, given time, the skills can be mastered.

To ensure maximum prosperity within Star Atlas, The Club Guild will have members operating in all three factions, MUD, Oni and Ustur, to fully benefit from the resources and crew buff perks. Spreading assets too thin however can also be detrimental to the expansion of the Guild, could hinder progress and must be avoided. To overcome this, The Club has selected a Home faction, MUD, for the majority of operations and Specialist factions which provide resources, labour and the other benefits specific to them.

MUD Faction Overview

Home Faction - MUD
Offering proximity to resources that serve a core purpose in the component manufacturing process for distant astronautical travel and ballistics technology, MUD is the faction which will allow The Club to expand and secure its territorial boundaries most rapidly and securely. This is where the majority of the defence and security fleets will be built and operated from and also where the main mining operations and other gameplay aspects will be focussed.
The Home Faction also provides escorts and security to the Specialist Factions’ and Allies’ trade routes and exploration teams. This decision has been made under the guidance and consultation of the Interstellar Alliance Guild and we respect their leadership and knowledge on this subject.

Specialist Factions - ONI and USTUR
The specialist factions are vital for ensuring the success of The Club Guild through exploration, mining and trade of highly valuable, faction specific resources that are otherwise more difficult to obtain from the Home Faction. The training of specialist crews and labour forces is also key to ensure our fleets of ships operate at maximum efficiency. These factions explore for the planets most rich in faction specific resources, close to the edge of the safe zones where security is not required for protection. The Specialist factions will also set up trade routes which supply the Home Faction and are protected by dedicated Home Faction security fleets. The Club Guild will also build relationships and allies in nearby regions to provide additional security and support for our DAC members operating in these factions. The Specialist factions are very suitable for guild members looking to operate mining and trade businesses without worrying about security fleet investments, but also receive maximum returns for supplying high demand products cross faction.

Member’s Faction Choice
Avatar choice is independent of faction choice, therefore it is possible, for example, to be in the MUD faction but with an Ustur avatar. The Club Guild Members can use the information detailed above to decide where they will be most suited and can rest assured in the knowledge that whichever faction they choose, they will have the full support of The Club Guild behind them.

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The Club Guild
The Club Guild

The Club Guild is a pioneer of the Metaverse and Play-To-Earn (P2E) gaming space and we give back to our community.