The Vanguard Squadron — Creating History with The Club Guild’s Elite Fighter Pilots

The Club Guild
5 min readJan 26, 2023


The Vanguard Squadron is a public facing elite fighter pilot squadron within The Club Guild and the Star Atlas game who promote Club Values, inspire members, deter aggressors, aid recruitment, improve defence diplomacy and showcase Club Esports talent. Their 5 year mission is to become a world renowned squadron by 2028, creating and logging the history of their activities in a lore format, creating a historically accurate sci-fi adventure, backed up immutably on the blockchain. The ships they fly will eventually become unique NFTs with years of history built upon the blockchain. Fans, supporters and collectors will be able to see which battles and missions the ships were a part of, who piloted them and be able to see the logged, written history of events.

The Backstory

After the devastation of the Convergence War, few would have imagined that the Galaxy would once again fall into the conflict of chaos, but such is the call of Iris. Her song is an insidious pull on all sentient beings and as the Factions once again flowed into the medium risk zone (MRZ), the drums of conflict resonated across the stars.

A snapshot of the cruel embrace of the Jorvik Controlled MRZ

The Jorvik had long held most of the MRZ in a cruel embrace, allowing some systems to flourish and others to be mere battlegrounds of regional warlords or a haven for pirates. As each Faction once again pushed into the MRZ the Jorvik fought back with ferocity that left planets, space stations and entire star systems a smouldering ruin. The Jorvik began to crumble and in the wake of their retreat a power vacuum was left behind. The MRZ descended into anarchy and wider scale destruction which left many in the region longing for the cruel yet comparatively stable return of the Jorvik. Over time the Council of Peace were able to stabilise some areas of the MRZ, however, although flourishing these small pockets were far from stable.

Finding Solace in the Turmoil

During the turmoil another year had ended and a new one began but, with no indication of better days on the horizon, many grew too weary of the struggle. Fear, uncertainty and doubt crept in. Depleted of energy they abandoned the fight and returned to their lives. They needed something, anything to reassure them that the better days are just around the corner, a spark to reignite the smoking embers of their hope, to raise morale and to remind them of what they are fighting for. They needed to find solace. It was at this time The Club Guild formed their Vanguard Squadron.

Agent Solace — Founding Commander of The Vanguard Squadron

From a Tiny Acorn, The Mighty Oak Grows

There were yet still pilots with fires in their bellies. Quite unexpectedly, the needed spark did not come from the guild’s leadership but from a lower ranked member, Agent Solace who had just returned from leading a ground ops team to victory and was urging guild members to train together and with allies, believing their coordination and communication would be the key to success. Solace’s ambition, initiative, loyalty and previous accolades were impressive, earning him a fast track promotion to commander. His first challenge, The Vanguard Directive.

The Vanguard Directive

The Vanguard Directive — Sociis Terrori Hostibus
Comfort to our Allies, Terror to our Enemies

The Vanguard Directive Guidance and Principles

The Vanguard Directive aimed to improve moral, inspire guild members and deter enemies. Resources were scarce and Solace was to put together the squadron with little or no supply, to engage and destroy any foe who threatened the precarious peace that the Council of Peace had established. The Club, like the COP were a connected band that consisted of all members of the Factions of Galia. The founding team were selected on merits of talent, effort, guild loyalty and achievement with a short term goal of public influence and recruitment.

The Founding Members

#1 Solace — Commander
#2 Loid — Wingman
#3 Kepler — Wingman
#4 Somedude — Pilot Assessment
#5 Grist — PR and Comms

The Founding Vanguard Squadron

The constant battles with the Jorvik had been relentless, but the newly formed Vanguard Squadron gave the Club members the resolve needed to forge through the strife. They knew that only through cooperation and unity could they hope to succeed in their mission. The MRZ would never be as idyllic as the safe zone (SZ), the peaceful regions where every citizen of each Faction could live a life of leisure. Yet it did not have to be a region where a small DAC of explorers or a band of asteroid miners had to worry they would be atomised any second by a Pirate warping in, weapons ablaze. The Vanguard work tirelessly for the same mission as the COP: that the MRZ would be transformed from a lawless wasteland into a bustling hub of commerce and trade. A place where all the Factions will thrive.


Star Atlas is a next-gen gaming metaverse emerging from the confluence of state-of-the-art blockchain, real-time graphics, multiplayer video games, and decentralized financial technologies.

Using Unreal Engine 5’s Nanite, real-time graphics technology allows for cinematic quality video game visuals. In addition, blockchain technology using the Solana protocol establishes a largely serverless and secured gameplay experience. Non-fungible tokens obtained and traded within Star Atlas create an economy that replicates tangible world assets and ownership. To learn more, visit, and send your spaceships on a deep space mission by enrolling them in a Faction Fleet.

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The Club Guild

The Club Guild is a pioneer of the Metaverse and Play-To-Earn (P2E) gaming space and we give back to our community.