任天堂Wii被控侵犯醫療科技公司iLife Technologies的專利,法院判賠一千萬美元;柏林消化健康新創公司Cara日前完成2百萬美元的種子輪融資


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任天堂與iLife Technologies在Wii專利訴訟中敗訴,法院判定任天堂應賠償iLife一千萬美元;iLife在對任天堂提起訴訟的同時,也向其他多家公司提出同樣的侵權訴訟,其中包括知名健康與運動用品公司iFit及Under Armour;iLife的專利原設計主要是用來監測年長者跌倒和嬰兒猝死症的發生。(Engadget)

Nintendo lost a Wii patent lawsuit against a health-tech company iLife Technologies; It was ordered to pay $10 million to the firm; A number of other companies are also sued by iLife including Fitbit and Under Armour; The patent filed by iLife was originally designed to detect falls in the elderly and to monitor babies for sudden infant death syndrome.

柏林消化健康新創公司Cara日前完成2百萬美元的種子輪融資,由Atlantic Labs領投;該公司正在開發一款HiDoc app, 可以幫助人們追蹤自己飲食習慣及消化道問題並做成日誌紀錄;新資金將有助加速新功能的開發;該公司預計之後將加入AI輔助的微生物體分析。(mobihealthnews)

Berlin-based startup Cara raises a $2 million seed round led by Atlantic Labs; The firm is building an app known as HiDoc to help people track their eating habits and digestive health; New funds will help fuel new features development such as microbiome-based, AI-powered insights.



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