Why should Merchants join the ARAW Token Platform?

The ARAW Token
5 min readJun 21, 2018


It is useful to explain how the system works for merchants before listing its advantages. The ARAW Token Ecosystem is excellent for both customers and merchants as it offers a fully featured, complete, end-to-end solution, e-commerce, and payments platform. It is a decentralised system that bridges the gap between merchants and their customers. Out of all the available features, the mobile application is one of the most powerful. It provides the necessary tools for customers and retailers to participate in the ecosystem, such as the marketplace, a wallet, a crypto-currency exchange and more.

Merchants can offer their products on the ARAW marketplace and can accept the ARAW token cryptocurrency as a means of payment. Also, merchants can participate in the unified rewards system that the ARAW Token Ecosystem offers. It rewards both customers and merchants for purchases and other contributions to the platform. Through the application, merchants can receive tokens, exchange them and other digital currencies, as well as reward their most loyal customers. Store owners also can implement the ARAW Pay gateway on their online platform to accept the ARAW token at checkout. This is all powered by the Ethereum Block-chain, using smart contracts and automation, which offers many benefits such as fast and low-fee transactions, fast payment processing and more. In the next section, we will detail all the benefits for merchants and why they should join the AR-AW Token Ecosystem.

Benefits for merchants: why they should join the ARAW platform

There are a lot of benefits that merchants will have when joining the ARAW Token platform. Firstly, our system is straightforward to implement thanks to our Open API. Merchants can start using our system, designed to work out of the box, in no time. By joining the program, merchants can participate in the future of e-commerce and of payments with our platform, which we are continually developing and improving over time.

Secondly, by joining our ecosystem, merchants get access to the unified rewards system, which will allow them to increase customer loyalty. Nowadays, e-commerce platforms do not offer a reward system and a payment solution. Merchants all over the world struggle with customer acquisition, customer retention, and converting traffic into sales. On the ARAW platform, merchants can reward their customers with the ARAW token, which fuels the ecosystem, as users then keep using the platform, re-injecting and spending these tokens, and in turn, increasing the merchants’ profits. It is a win-win situation for both customers and merchants. Therefore, this creates a sustainable model and platform and improves customer retention. For example, through the reward system, a customer will buy from merchant one and get rewarded, he will later use those rewards to purchase from merchant two. It creates a positive cycle, boosts sales and customer loyalty. It bridges the gap between merchants and customers in a way that has never been done before, through the Blockchain technology.

This brings us to our third point, which is the fact that with the ARAW token, we allow merchants to join a fully decentralised and trustless economy. Most of them are currently failing to adapt to the growth of cryptocurrencies and are therefore not competitive enough in this new innovative economy. However, with the ARAW platform, they are now able to take part in a growing digital economic system, that is certain to grow and become the future of e-commerce. This in itself brings a lot of advantages to merchants. It allows store owners to avoid lengthy and expensive payment processes, experience faster transactions on the blockchain, cut down unnecessary costs, expand their customer base, and enjoy all the benefits of the ARAW token.

Therefore, in addition to improving the customer’s shopping experience, it adds tremendous value to merchants and their stores. Another strong incentive for merchants to join the ARAW platform comes from the provided tools. The customer application allows merchants to communicate with their customers, build trust and a stable bond with them. A simple business application is also available for merchants to be able to track their operations and manage customer requests. Our customer insight dashboard is the perfect way for merchants to understand their customers and obtain detailed statistics about their services. It is a robust solution for merchants to understand customer behavior, interests and sales statistics. Therefore, this allows merchants to target their customers better, meet their demands, adapt their operations to increase revenue and achieve short and long-term business goals.

Lastly, the ARAW token ecosystem is exceptionally convenient for smaller merchants. The platform will benefit them greatly in obtaining new customers and users. By joining our ecosystem, small merchants can have access to new business opportunities and be on the front rows of an e-commerce breakthrough with the ARAW marketplace. Moreover, merchants have the opportunity to adapt, tailor and customise their incentives, rewards and marketing strategy to better target specific customers based on their preferences and interests. This will, in turn, result in better shopping experience for customers and increased customer retention.

Investing in the next generation e-commerce and payments platform

The ARAW token platform and ecosystem are growing every day. With targeted and particular resources dedicated to the on-boarding of merchants and extensive support, this means that in the future, a lot more merchants will be joining the platform making it hugely successful in the e-commerce space. Our ongoing activities aim to ensure that each merchant is prosperous and takes full advantage of our ecosystem. In the future, the platform will attract more merchants and businesses globally thanks to our Open API and our plug and play website widget. All these reasons should significantly push investors to join the adventure and invest, as it offers a lot of promises and opportunities for the future. We will grow and become even better in the future, and we aim to provide the best e-commerce and payments solution for merchants and customers all over the world.


To conclude, the ARAW token ecosystem is designed to offer a lot of advantages and benefits to merchants, compared to the traditional e-commerce and payments solutions that have existed for decades. Our objective is to increase the ARAW to-ken adoption by merchants. Through our platform and the ARAW cryptocurrency, merchants can take advantage of a more convenient and economical service, while better engaging with their customers and increasing customer adoption and retention.

Website: https://arawtoken.io

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The ARAW Token

The Decentralised Payment for E-commerce Ecosystem Powered by the Ethereum Blockchain