TESLA’S TRAGEDY: Elon Musk’s Epic Collapse

Andrew Wilson
7 min readMay 10, 2024


Elon Musk took Tesla from a small company to a big deal in the electric car and clean energy world.

He’s really pushed the boundaries, making cool stuff like the Tesla Roadster and Model S, and even solar panels and batteries. Musk is all about making a world where energy is clean and cars don’t need gas.

But lately, things have been tough for Tesla. The company’s facing big challenges like ups and downs in the economy, lots of competition in the electric car market, and the stress of managing a huge team all around the world.

Some people say Musk’s way of running things has changed, becoming more forceful and less about looking after his employees.

How Tesla handles these tough times will decide where it goes from here.

The Rise of Tesla

Elon Musk, you know, the guy behind Tesla? Well, he’s a big reason why Tesla is so successful. He’s always coming up with new ideas that change the way we think about cars.

His focus on making cars eco-friendly and using the latest tech has totally changed the game.

Musk didn’t just make electric cars; he made them cool. He’s all about pushing the boundaries and making things better.

His passion for sustainability and high-tech stuff has totally shaken up the car industry.

Thanks to Musk, Tesla isn’t just a car company; it’s a symbol of innovation. He’s made us rethink what cars can do and how they can help the planet.

It’s like he’s constantly saying, “Let’s make things better, folks!” And you know what? He’s doing it.

Signs of Trouble

Certainly! Here’s a simpler, more conversational version of the text:

You could tell Tesla and Elon Musk were having a tough time for a few reasons:

In 2018, Musk said it was the hardest year ever for him. He was working super long hours and even missed his brother’s wedding. Sounds like he was really stressed out.

Tesla almost went broke in 2008 and 2013. Musk had to dip into his own money to keep it going. So, the company had some tough times in the beginning.

Musk was known for being pretty intense. He’d yell at his execs over small stuff, even right before big company events. That’s not exactly a calm leadership style.

Tesla’s stock price dropped by a third in 2022. Sales weren’t growing as fast, there was more competition, and Musk had his hands in a bunch of different projects. People started to wonder if Tesla was as strong as they thought.

Musk did some things that got people talking, like posting controversial tweets, smoking weed on a podcast, and getting into it with the SEC. His behavior was all over the place, which made folks unsure if he could lead Tesla well.

So, basically, Tesla had money troubles, Musk was really stressed, he ran things with a heavy hand, and his own actions were sometimes unpredictable.

Those were all signs that things might not be smooth sailing for Tesla and Musk. Even though Tesla was growing, there were some big red flags.

The Turning Point

So, Tesla’s journey isn’t like a movie with a clear start of the downfall. They’re still doing well in the electric car world.

But, Elon Musk, the guy in charge, has said and done some stuff that got people talking. Especially on Twitter, where he’s quite active.

Here are some examples:

  1. In 2018, he tweeted about having money to take Tesla private, which got the SEC involved.
  2. During the COVID-19 mess, he downplayed it and talked about treatments that weren’t proven.
  3. He smoked weed during a podcast in 2018, which some folks didn’t think was cool for a CEO.
  4. In 2023, he shared a conspiracy theory on Twitter that got him into hot water. He later said sorry, calling it his worst tweet ever.
  5. He’s big on making big promises on Twitter, but sometimes they don’t happen. Some folks say it’s like what Trump used to do, always saying one thing, then another.

Tesla’s still doing alright, but Elon’s social media antics sometimes steal the spotlight and make people wonder about his leadership. But, there’s no solid proof that this has directly hurt Tesla’s success.

Internal Turmoil

Tesla is going through some tough times right now. A bunch of top bosses have left, which is causing a lot of stress inside the company.

Some big names like the head of new stuff and the person in charge of the Supercharger Network have said goodbye.

People are worried about where Tesla is headed with Elon Musk leading the way. Investors are feeling unsure, and the company’s future seems a bit shaky.

They’ve had to let go of quite a few employees, like at least 10% of the whole team. This has left everyone wondering about Tesla’s plans to save money and what cool stuff they’re going to make next.

The company’s stock took a hit after they announced the layoffs. Now, everyone’s looking to Elon Musk for answers about what’s going on and what’s next for Tesla.

All this drama is making people nervous about Tesla’s future. The way things are going inside the company and the decisions being made are making folks wonder if Tesla can stay on track and keep growing.

External Pressures

Tesla has a lot of stuff outside its control that can affect how well it does. This stuff includes things like other companies competing with it, rules it has to follow, and changes in the economy.


There are a bunch of other companies making electric cars or getting into making them. This means Tesla has to work hard to keep its customers and stay ahead.

Rules and Regulations:

Tesla has to follow lots of rules about things like how clean its cars have to be, how safe they have to be, and who owns the ideas behind them.

Following these rules is super important for Tesla to keep making and selling cars.

Economic Stuff:

Changes in how well the economy’s doing, like the value of money, how much people can spend, and how stable the world is, can all mess with how many cars Tesla sells and how much money it makes.

To sum it up, Tesla has to deal with things like competition, rules, and changes in the economy that make it tough for them to keep growing.

They’ve got to be smart about planning, come up with new ideas, and follow the rules if they want to keep doing well in the electric car world.

Financial Woes

They’ve had some money troubles lately. Like, they’ve been struggling with keeping enough cash on hand, dealing with a ton of debt, and not hitting their financial goals like they planned.

People, especially investors, have been watching closely to see how they’re dealing with it all.

Elon Musk, the big boss at Tesla, has been trying to fix things up and make the company’s finances better. But, it’s been a bit bumpy, and it’s changed how people see both Tesla and Elon Musk.

Cash Problems:

Tesla’s had a hard time managing their cash flow. They’ve been spending a lot on growing the company and developing new stuff, which has made it tough to keep enough cash around, especially with more competition and rules to follow.

Debt Issues:

Tesla’s taken on a bunch of debt to grow and expand, which has made things risky financially.

This big debt load has made it hard for them to invest in new things and make enough money to stay in the green.

Missing Goals:

Tesla’s been missing their financial targets over and over again. They haven’t been making as much money as they thought they would, which has made investors lose confidence in the company.

People are starting to wonder if they’re managing their money right and if their business plan is solid.

How Elon Musk’s Dealing with Money Problems

Elon Musk is right in the middle of all this financial mess at Tesla. He’s been trying different ways to fix things, like cutting costs and rearranging debts.

But, not everyone’s been happy with how he’s been leading, and Tesla’s money troubles have even affected Musk’s own wealth.

What People Think

People used to think Tesla was super cool, leading the way with electric cars and all. But as their money problems piled up, opinions started changing.

Investors and regular folks alike started doubting if Tesla could keep it together financially and if Elon Musk was the right person to steer the ship.

Bad Press and Drama

Tesla’s been in the news a lot, and not always for good reasons. There’ve been issues with the quality of their cars, how they treat their workers, and the impact they have on the environment.

All this bad press has really hurt their reputation and made people trust them less.

So yeah, Tesla’s got some big financial hurdles to jump over. Elon Musk’s trying his best to sort things out, but it’s been a rough ride.

And with all the bad press and doubters out there, they’ve got a lot of work to do to get back on track and earn people’s trust again.

The Fallout

When Tesla hit rough times, it wasn’t just about the company; it affected a lot of people. Think investors, employees, and customers.

Investors might lose money because Tesla’s stock value goes down, messing with their investments. Employees might worry about their jobs, getting laid off, or the company changing direction, messing with their lives.

Customers might deal with stuff like late deliveries, service problems, or products not being as good, messing with their trust in the brand.

From what happened with Tesla, we can learn some big lessons. Like, being honest and open about what’s going on.

Having leaders who can handle tough situations and make smart choices is super important. And doing things in a way that’s good for the planet and long-lasting can help a company stay strong when things get tough.

Do you think that Elon Musk can handle tough time of Tesla



Andrew Wilson

I Discuss the latest Technologies, Practical Psychology and Current Business Trends.