Shall We Dance

5 min readJan 30, 2017


So I have practiced my describing out loud based on the Cartoon’s of differing Artists. I have also practiced the telling a story based on the Cartoon, much like you might do for a Strip Cartoon or indeed within the early stages of production of TV & Film realms where many scenes and ideas are first Story Boarded prior to then being filmed or recorded etc.

I rarely knowingly or perhaps consciously PLAN as to which option I will utilise because many of the more famed artists are well versed in differing styles and I have witnessed this on multiple occasions where the artist simply switches style and modes at the drop of a hat on any given day, week, month, year, etc. and the method or system I previously felt appropriate (in my practice) also potentially requires adapting in accordance with such thing.

Now the following is The Observer cartoon from Sunday 29th January by Chris Riddell. The comments on his cartoon’s have been closed to comment for a couple of the previous weeks. Although were opened up for comment on Sunday afternoon.

I felt whether rightly or wrongly that some kind of ATTITUDE was being given in not opening the cartoon’s up for comment. And in all honest beyond the Cartoon Thread (I only joined Guardian online in October 2016) I have felt many opinion pieces and articles have been no go zones. Once Bitten Twice Shy (so to speak) in that I have given honest opinion on some articles and seemingly been seized upon by zealots, fanatics, and people of extremist tendencies wanting debate that my opinion does not really invite, my views usually given from experience. Likewise with the describing cartoon or telling the story, if someone such-as myself is doing that then it makes others LAZY in not doing such activities for themselves. So at worst I am guilt of being “OVER ENTHUSIASTIC” though in taking time to do description and write-ups I may as well share them. If not on the comment thread then maybe via Twitter and a Blogsite such-as this one.

Chris Riddell on “That Special Relationship” Guardian/Observer 29/01/2017

In reading the words within the bubbles I was first led into a little research. The song & Tune quite well known by George Gershwin & Ira Gershwin “Let’s call the whole thing off”

The song has been performed by many people. Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers (for example) in a classic Vaudeville style musical “Shall We Dance”.

Now whilst they are potentially in Dancing Postures, I must admit that I went lateral in checking out what SPORTS were occurring today.

yellow faced Donald appears as though shouting “you’re out” in a game of Baseball or Cricket, and India were playing England in a Twenty20 Match, (India have since won), the tour now at 1 match apiece.

Likewise the Song, if we go with Ginger Rogers as performer, Roger Federer Won the Australian Men’s Tennis, even though many were seemingly secretly pointing at Nadal to win.

Now The Flag on the Whitehouse is interesting because I often relate Flag’s to Golf and both The USPGA and PGA (European) have ongoing tour events. Golf like many games & sports is much more like a series of 4 round Battles per event and The War perhaps concludes at seasons end. Interesting that on the morning this was published clue pointers and indicators could have mislead people as to who might win, though when you follow golf, you come to see huge variances and changes in day to day positions and also environmental conditions.

All we need to do with any given sports is always highlight and remind ourselves that favourites are favourites for a reason, especially in early rounds of things such-as tennis. All sports have slight variance in dynamics though similar aspects hold true for most of them, separating out those who have higher levels of consistency at the higher levels of the sports. Having said that it can be wise to keep an eye on who professional’s tip as up & coming’s.

So what other aspects are not being considered?

Well much of my meditation study revolved around the idea that “all life is suffering”, unfortunately there are reality double-binds in a sense, that all information is data and can be perceived in positive or negative light, and it can seem flippant or discouraging, for someone such-as myself to relate everything positively to sports when others elsewhere in the World really are suffering human rights abuses and so on.

There is also the aspect that we can question as to “if you do not look after yourself, how can you be in position to help others”.

So we can perhaps suggest that The World as a whole is made of many symbiotic relationships and finding a greater underlying foundation can take a long time. Prior to stumbling upon Holosync I had gone through multiple enlightenment & teaching courses & modalities that promised the World though failed to deliver (in my opinion). Though likewise even with having made the investments and changed myself to change my World outlook and view and perspective, others who were perhaps less damaged continue on in what seem to myself FAILED systems and ideas.

I think many systems have shared underpinning Art & Science and Actor/Actress/Agency ideas, such-as they having linked differing basic colours to sounds and all the various numbering systems, though we typically struggle in the deciphering & filters aspect, through not understanding the Hierarchies and Filtering Systems and mechanisms (or indeed pointers & clues, if that is how we consider them).

It can be said that I adopted an Isolationist approach, as the “get involved” “participate” type teaching only ever kept myself suffering & going round and round in circles. I found it far more therapeutic to adopt a somewhat fascist isolationist approach (where possible) and navigate in awareness of the greater truth’s I was being taught or coming to terms with.

Anyway, we have to perhaps decided given all the debate surrounding Donald Trump and Theresa May as to whether they are “examples” of people we ourselves would invest time and thought upon etc. Who are the role models and so on that we ourselves would choose to be like or admire & aspire to, in this mad mad World.

Thank you for reading, God Bless and Be Well! ;-)


