The First Day

The anonymous captain
2 min readJun 17, 2019

My wife and I started two businesses together, in both she was the CEO and I was the CTO. Well that all changed on Tuesday June 11th, 2019. My wife, our CEO had been unfaithful to me and worse our company. She had broken promises to her husband, her children, her employees, her mentors, her investors, and her customers. She had been having an online relationship for the last month with a man she had never met. She was in love with him and wanted to leave it all behind. She was using critical time at work flirting with this man instead of making sales, generating revenue, and leading the team.

Prior, to this there was a lot that had happened, she had been suffering from the stress of leading and her depression was out of control. There were days she didn’t even want to get out of bed. Where I had failed her was to recognize as both her husband and co-founder that she was in over her head and instead of throwing her a life vest I just poured more water on her. The Friday prior we finally had a conversation about me leading in the back-end and her leading on the front-end to relieve the stress she had. Little did I know just how bad it was.

I found out about the affair on Monday evening. Tuesday I came in as the CEO and my wife was out of the company (Or so we thought). I had to right a ship that was sinking, heading the wrong direction, in the worse storm of its life, and with more holes than anyone could imagine.

This blog is about the trials and tribulations I will be going through while leading a failing company, repairing a broken marriage, and raising three children. My posts will most likely be short and to the point, if there is a point.



The anonymous captain

I’m pressed against the wall. In a matter of 48 hours I took over as CEO, ran our last payroll, and had to layoff an employee. These are my ramblings.