Basics of cloudfront in AWS

2 min readOct 26, 2023



1. Content Delivery Network (CDN): CloudFront is a CDN service provided by AWS. CDNs help deliver content (like web pages, images, videos) to users globally with low latency by caching content at edge locations.

2. Edge Locations: These are server clusters located in various parts of the world. CloudFront uses these edge locations to cache and deliver content to users with lower latency.

3. Origin Server: This is where your original, un-cached content is stored. It could be an Amazon S3 bucket, an EC2 instance, or even an on-premises server.

4. Distribution: A CloudFront distribution is the configuration specifying the origin server, the edge locations for caching, and other settings. You can create two types of distributions: Web and RTMP.

5. Web Distribution: Used for distributing websites, including static and dynamic content.

6. RTMP Distribution: Designed for streaming media files using Adobe Media Server and the Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP).

7. Cache Behavior: Defines how CloudFront handles requests and responses between users and the origin.

8. Security: CloudFront provides several security features, including the ability to restrict access to content, use SSL/TLS for secure connections, and integrate with AWS WAF for additional security.

9. Logging and Monitoring: CloudFront provides logs and real-time monitoring through Amazon CloudWatch, helping you track user requests and system performance.

10. Cost Management: Pricing is based on data transfer out of CloudFront to end-users, requests, and data transfer between AWS regions. Utilizing features like caching and compression can help manage costs.

Uses of CloudFront

1. Create a Distribution: Set up a new CloudFront distribution in the AWS Management Console.

2. Configure Origins: Specify the origin server where CloudFront fetches the content.

3. Configure Behavior: Define cache behaviors, including how CloudFront handles various types of content.

4. Set Security Measures: Implement security features like SSL/TLS and access control.

5. Configure DNS: Map your domain to the CloudFront distribution using a domain name

6. Testing and Optimization: Test your distribution to ensure proper functionality and consider optimizing settings based on performance requirements.

CloudFront is a powerful tool for optimizing content delivery and enhancing the performance of your web applications globally.


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