Europeans WANTED to save Europe

4 min readMay 7, 2017


How did we come to this? After almost a century since the end of our last war, we as Europeans are turning against each other, out of hate and blame on the political establishment for not solving the problems of this new millennia. We have created this union as to protect ourselves not to go to war with each other ever again by making it economically and politically impossible. Our leaders have agreed to share our borders, our people and our resources together and what came out of it? the map of Europe can traversed without worrying about crossing customs, our schools and universities have one of the greatest pool of scientists of the world, we can start a new life abroad with less preoccupations than before and without the uncertainty that we could never come back.

Our heads of States gave up on a small amount of their power to a common European wide debate of how such power should be used. That is one of the most venerable achievements of democracy, contesting the presumptions of Montesquieu and others that men are chained to their power like prisoners, always wanting more. We have in a way grown up as a civilization as a result, the road was paved. “Nationalism is war” once said François Mitterand, the States will build an “ever closer Union” commonly stated the States in 1983.

Now, however, we seem to be deviating from this path, walking back to troubled times.

“Le Nationalisme, c’est la guerre.”

— François Metterrand, Président de la République

As the world moves on with ever more difficult problems to solve alone such as the climate crisis, the wars and unrests in Syria, Eritrea, Soudan among others, we cannot stand passively as it concerns us directly whether we want it or not.

At these times, we had to act together as a block. Unfortunately, the heads of States retained their control on these issues of defense and migration and out of pure, political interest, some States disagreed to the solution. The rhetoric was perfect, playing the David vs Goliath of the people, antagonizing the rest of Europe, reduce the European project to some offices in Brussels.

The Union is thus powerless to act, people don’t understand why it didn’t act and place the blame accordingly. A distance has been created between Europeans and Europe itself. This cannot stand.

Nous ne coalisons pas des États, nous unissons des hommes.

— Jean Monnet

We want Europeans to be in control of Europe, we want Europe to be one with itself, united in diversity. Europe was never destined to make a coalition of States but to unite the European people as Jean Monnet, founding father of the Union stated.

We need to push the heads of States into the next step in giving up their powers. To make Europe not represented by them but by their people.

We stand as Cross-roads, one of those illusive paths is the return of the strong State in Europe, sovereign and good in everything it does because it is for its people, or so it claims. Listen to the experts rather than only one group, you will see that such simple solutions aren’t unfeasible or bad because of some conspiracy by “the system”, it is because they are simplistic and rely on a very narrow, even false vision of the world.

The other is the one we wish to take, to create a European nation, to require every citizen to debate, to make the European Parliament the institution we turn to whenever action from a united Europe is needed. As Konrad Adenauer said : Europe is only possible if there’s a European people.

Europa ist nur möglich, wenn eine Gemeinschaft der europäischen Volker wiederhergestellt wird

— Konrad Adenauer, Bundeskanzler der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

The times of unanimity of States are over, now it’s the time of political majorities, efficient and centralized action when needed.

We do not wish for the destruction of the States of Europe, we want to save them from this world where European influence is declining. The only way to defend our interests is to be together.

This must start from individuals, bottom-up. On the long term, we need to make our request heard and force our heads of States by heir democratic obligation to respect our will.On the short term, we need to replace the silent compliance with the Union with an active voice defending it. We are Europeans, now we need to make Europe, as D’Azeglio said.

fatti gli europei ora bisogna fare l’Europa

— Massimo d’Azeglio

This means promoting Euopean action, dispell myths and lies, educate people on how to argue with other people, provide the tools needed for this European democracy and bring this discussion to the public forum.

This is what we set out to do and what we are, we are Europeans and wish to make Europe. We want other Europeans from all over the continent to join us, be it by bringing their knowledge and work or just by standing by us. Please come to, our discord, our Facebook and Twitter.

If you’re not convinced by online activism, then it is your civic duty to at least educate yourself about your role in Europe.

Please share this and I hope to see you around in a better world.

For the Union, For Europe.




Rights are like an avocado, you can cut some of them but you can't break the core.