How to Stop “No Wallet Available” When Using Blockchain on Mobile!

Samuel Baird aka PmpMstr007
3 min readAug 12, 2022


This article will explain why this problem is occurring on mobile and the simple easy fix to aid you in all that Blockchain has to offer!

Always Stay Safe from Scams! Check to make sure you have a legit Metamask App by obtaining it directly from!

Why this Error Occurs

So you now have Metamask on the mobile and yet can not interact with the wallet when on that Dapp you just cant wait to use!

This happens because google chrome and safari mobile apps are not web3 applications and have no extension service to allow Metamask to coincide with their functionality.

So here is how to fix this problem and carry on as you meant to go on!


The Metamask app has it’s own web browser and that browser has web3 interoperability that will recognize your Metamask wallet.

However there is a catch! And for those who were using Metamask browser and still running into this issue then this guide will be the saving grace for both parties here.
(Note: I do not have an i-phone nor use apple products so get an android or good luck doing any of these next steps)

First: Below is where to find the Metamask Browser within the Metamask mobile app.

(Left) From the home screen click the triple stack in Upper left hand corner. (Right) Then Select Browser

From here it will appear to function like a normal browser until a link is clicked on. This is where the problem lies!

The link is then being brought up in the default web browser not the Metamask Web Browser.

Next: To Stop this from happening go to “Settings” wherever that may be on your device. Once there, select “Apps”.
(Normally a cog emblem in the upper right hand corner of the pull down notifications screen)

In settings find and select Apps

Once in Apps scroll down and select MetaMask.

From Apps menu scroll down and select Metamask.

Once selected from within Metamask App info locate “Defaults” “Browser App” and select this option.

Select the browser app box or the blue writing below it

Then select the Metamask bubble from the list in “Default browser app”.

Make sure selection indicator is highlighted beside Metamask

This can always be changed back at anytime if you would like another app to be the default the majority of the time. Just go to the browser app you would like under the apps menu and repeat the process selecting the browser you prefer.

When using Metamask or doing anything on the blockchain or dealing with crypto related content, then re-applying this setting will make life a lot less complicated!

Hoping to make life a little easier with The Baird Necessities!

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Samuel Baird aka PmpMstr007

I’m a Jack of All Trades and Chains on the Block! Been a gamer for 30+ years and a Trader/Investor for the past few years. Speak the Truth! Live for Peace!