We used AI to write a South Park episode , It Killed Kenny four times.

Chandrakanth Cheturvedi
11 min readApr 22, 2017


Earlier this week , we came across an incredibly helpful tutorial by Max Deutsch that details how to generate text using Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN). Being South Park fans , Mahesh K and I fed 19 seasons of south park dialogues into an RNN. It trained for 2 days (literally) as we didn’t have great computing hardware. Once the model was trained, we generated an approximately 2300 words transcript involving over 40 different characters.

About the episode:

It doesn’t really make sense top to bottom, but the sentence structure remains some what correct for the most part. There are areas where the characters seem to have real dialogue. But most of it is utter non-sense

Notable non-sense:

Sharon : Ozzy Osbourne bit Kenny’s head off the road marker for miles Jimmy : I am Mysterion. Though that is the second-in-line to be manager at Gart Brothers

The entire transcript :

Knowest during the status quo (go with the Virgin Mary’s Three trusty companions, Shoulda, Coulda, and Woulda.
But now, the Lord of the Rings downstairs.

Sharon: Oh my God! Ozzy Osbourne bit Kenny’s head off the road marker for miles.
Steve: Yeah, let’s try to live in the kidney. I have to take a piss. Sorry.
Specialist 3: We got it, Mimsy. I read the dishes, mop up the layers of barbeque BK toppers that have been diagnosed with HIV.
Kyle: Dude, what are you doing here?
Stan: We’re not copying my homework, you lazy turd.
Cartman: I’m gonna go to Papa John’s! YOU CAN’T MAKE ME GO TO PAPA JOOOHN’S!!
Randy: How long do I have to leave?
Liane: Uh, I was just teasing.
Principal: All right, folks, we put astronauts in a coma with a VR headset on.
Kyle: Dude, what the hell is that? WAAH What do you think of this little flaps in Conjoined Twin Myslexia Week!

And now, back to Huntin’ and Killin with South Park’s favorite hunters, Jimbo and Ned!
Jimbo: Hey Har- Har- Harris! Harris! Jesus. I got the test imaginable. little donkey Loco?

Kenny: (Hi, Cartman.)
Stan: Hey you guys! You guys! You guys! You guys! You guys! You guys! You guys! You guys!
You guys! You guys! You guys! You guys! You guys! You guys! You guys! You guys! You guys!
You guys! You guys! You guys! You guys! You guys! You guys! You guys! You guys! You guys!
You guys! You guys! You guys! You guys! You guys! You guys! You guys! You guys! You guys,
you know what chi-chis do, you stupid towel!
Sheila: Come on, rice picker!
Chef: Hey, hey Dad.
Linda: Stephen, what are you going?
Kyle: This is gonna be a sweetie and take you in the shuttle!
Kyle, Cartman: NOOOO!
Alien: It’s rumored for the socks!
Kenny: Nohoho! No, my name is John Garner and I’m a Buddhist.
Satan: What? This cave-in looks like a half Courics!
Broloff: Well it isn’t!! Fart jokes are the lowest form of comedy, and if I — Ugh! I have to get to the USDA, child.
Stan: Hey, what the hell do you think you are?!
Cartman: Just look at the prostitutes, you guys!
Redheaded Prostitute: What are chu looking at, Robertson?
Jimmy: I am Mysterion. Though that is the second-in-line to be manager at Gart Brothers.
Kyle: Suck mah nose! You got careless! Now, I don’t know what you’re gonna do with anything?!
Cartman: Fuck!

Best Buy Customer Service, this is Steve.

Kyle: Dude.
Linda: How’s it goin’, man?
Specialist 1: Oh my God! Oh my God! My, my God! Ozzy Osbourne bit Kenny’s head off the road marker for miles.
Steve: Yeah, let’s try to live in a fight, you little rascals.
Specialist 3: Oh my God! Oh my God!!
Cartman: Oh my God, they killed Kenny!
Kyle: You bastards!
Cartman: Aaahh!
Incredibly Obese Butters: Say what you want to see the bones of two hundred dollar-.
Dan Akawa: Louder, Billy, we have to forfeit the fight, Rad Russian!
You should be anywhere, hiding out for radioactive cannibals. Is that a cannibal? Sir? Ma’am? Oh. What?
Cartman: Sir, we’ve got to do a volcano erupt. That’s right Jane, duck and cover. But what the hell is this?

Elephant Agent: Who are you? Who is this?
Everyone: Welcome to the beach and-
Michael: Hey Har- ni, san, shi! Ichi, ni, san, shi! Ichi, ni, san, shi! Ichi, ni, san, shi!
Mr. Garrison: Okay, children, let’s take our seats. Today we’re breakin’ the cops?!
Cartman: They’re kihine.
Ugly Bob: I don’t know.
Jakovasaur Girl: Bo-woop!
Mr. Garrison: O-kay, for the socks!
Kenny: (Nope, I’m okay.) (It-aah. It hurts! IT HURTS!) (Ugh.)
Townsman 1: Look, the volcano.
Townsman 2: Quick, duck and cover. No matter what the hell is this?
Elephant Agent: Who cares? And what the hell is this?
Elephant Man: It is the soy sauce. Sneaky, sneaky soy sauce.
Jeff: We’re trying to get madder and madder at the bank.
Tom: That’s a zinger!
Referee: Praaayyy braal!
Chef: That isa YOUR SHOT!
Group: Lechambik leeushtula.
Male: Ateachine nishifeomeo onchteacobo ahuashbechiah eh.
Group: Aaaaaah
Ugly Bob: I don’t have any dragons to get you some more junk. Oh, hey bye.
Females: Christmastime. vamos para oink oink oink.
Stan: Oh my God, they killed Kenny!
Kyle: You bastards!

Tong Leader: Come ohhhn! C-Come ohhhn!
Nerd #1: I shoulda never mixed vodka and Jack Daniels. I shoulda just gone to the hospital and get ready for a customer feedback vindaloop.
Steve: Ohhh, fuck you!
Cartman: Yeah dude, it’s time for the Punishment Room!
Mr. Ose: Owatta!
Kids: Beikoku!
Mr. Ose: SHUT UP, Ichi, ni, san, shi! Ichi, ni, san, shi!
Mr. Garrison: Okay, children, let’s take our seats. Today we’re gonna have to take the precaution necessary.

Officer Barbrady: What’s going on here? What do you seek, Father?
Priest Maxi: Tiger kid!
Dawson: Well what the hell are you doing?!
Cartman: Oh my God! Oh my God! Ozzy Osbourne bit Kenny’s head off heah, and putting a bounty of treasure!
Scott: Not the pleasures of your kind, and now I can go to Bailey.
Stan: Cartman, what the hell are you doing?!
Cartman: Oh my God! Oh my God! Ozzy Osbourne bit Kenny’s head off the road marker for miles. What is the Cult of Thrones model exactly.
I’m not a good effort, and this is a Ponderosa pine. It covers a long time to narrow the Lifetime Conjoined Twin Achievement Award.
This award is a helicopter. Maybe one will fly overhead.
Kyle: Face it wrong.
Cartman: Oh, I think he has a kidney donor!
Stan: That’s a zinger!

Referee: Praaayyy braal!
Chef: Yes?
Captain: Come ohhhn! C-Come ohhhn!
Liane: No, it’s just .it’s about a way to get the edges.
Woman: Oh my God! No-o-o-o! Rancher Bob, Mrs. Marsh. People are crawling to a two-month prison term, son.
Cartman: Jeez, it’s Christmas???
Sheila: No, you don’t have any non-dairy creamer?
Tom: Yes yes! Y’all come a-back now, that means the funniest book?
Jimmy: Our son is a ticking time bomb.
Kyle: DUDE! Oh my God, they’ve killed Kenny!
Praise Audience: Please-a you remember what weakness is, Steve? Weakness is fair, Jeez, it’s time for the Punishment Room!
Mr. Weatherhead: Now, what do you suggest?
Cartman: Heidi Turner is going on in the woods. If I can get to the vet’s office, you have to wait until they’re receiving messages, we can just .
live out my pubes!
Cartman: Wha-? Sorry, I’m not pouting! I just don’t have any rhythm.
Pablo: This is now secondary rainforest we are entering. Notice the canopy of foliage.
Choir Teacher: Oh, all right, Mr. Slave. We’ve got no powers!
Mark: C’mon!
Butters: Hwaaaah!!
Cartman: Dude! Where’d you get those?
Stan: You guys, this is not Japan!!
Cartman: Minata! Kite kite, churi.
Wendy: Dare ga pu shita no.
Mr. Garrison: Aggghhh!
Mr. Ose: Owatta!
Kids: Beikoku!
Mr. Ose: Owatta!
Kids: Beikoku!
Mr. Ose: Owatta!
Kids: Beikoku!
Mr. Ose: Owatta!
Kids: Beikoku! Nihon en ima hajimaru!
Mr. Ose: Owatta!
Sharon: Stanley —
Kids: Beikoku!
Mr. Ose: Owatta!
Kids: Beikoku! Nihon en ima hajimaru!
Mr. Ose: Owatta!
Sharon: Stanley —
Kids: Beikoku!
Mr. Ose: Owatta!
Kids: Beikoku! Nihon en ima hajimaru!
Mr. Ose: Owatta!
Sharon: Stanley —
Kids: Beikoku!
Mr. Ose: Owatta!
Kids: Beikoku! Nihon en ima hajimaru!
Mr. Ose: Owatta!
Sharon: Stanley —
Kids: Beikoku!
Mr. Ose: Owatta!
Kids: Beikoku! Nihon en ima hajimaru!
Mr. Ose: Owatta!
Sharon: Stanley —
Kids: Beikoku!
Sharon: — you need to be a good Meheecan?
Stan: You’re gonna go to Treasure Cove?
Woman: Randy!
Mr. Ose: Owatta!
Kids: Beikoku!
Mr. Ose: Owatta!
Kids: Beikoku!
Mr. Ose: Owatta!
Kids: Beikoku! Nihon en ima hajimaru!
Mr. Ose: Owatta!
Sharon: Stanley —
Kids: Beikoku!
Mr. Ose: Owatta!
Kids: Beikoku! Nihon en ima hajimaru!
Mr. Ose: Owatta!
Sharon: Stanley —
Kids: Beikoku!
Mr. Ose: Owatta!
Kids: Beikoku! Nihon en ima hajimaru!
Mr. Ose: Owatta!
Sharon: Stanley —
Kids: Beikoku!
Sharon: — you need to be a good Meheecan?
Stan: You’re gonna go to Treasure Cove?
Woman: Vince McMahon is set.
Demonius: It’s incredible! Suck my balls, 20! All we need to do is instill fear for a mold!
Krishna: Form of. a beaver! And which appears we have the power of AIDS which is magical, and full of rain. But a coon must be headin’ for accuracy?
Chubby Official: Herr Broloff! Herr Broloff!
Broloff: Das shpoitenhoff? Ahhh ladies and gentlemen! Damnit! With my tonfa of Takanawa! Hey hu hu hu hu hu ha, that’s God!
Sheila: What are you Meat Loaf?
Loogie: The key is keepin’ the cows chained so now that I fell,
With Choir: What the hell is that? Who is Mitch Connor?
Kyle: I don’t know.
Cartman: Video playback initialized.
Bebe: What is it?
Elephant Man: The Gelgamek vagina is for the “Save The Rainforest” summit tomorrow? Oh dear, where’s, where’s Mr. Mackey?
Mr.Mackey: Well, I think I have a lot of kim chee.
Sharon: You have got to be patient.
Cartman: Noo!! Nooo!!
Mrs. Garrison: Well what do you think this is?!
Kenny: (Oh no!)

Announcer: And now, back to America’s Stupidest Home Videos-
Cartman: What the hell is gong on here?!
Mr. Kim: Yah, wah, aaaah!
Tong Leader: You got careless! Now, I know you know what the hell is gong on here?! Stupid Spoiled Whore Video Playset!
Kal: You see, Token. that is called the Island of Misfit Mascots.
Cartman: .Yes, Mr Stallone come on, you guys. We’re gonna have to find the balance, the middle ground.
Cartman: I don’t know.
Mr. Gueermo: Don’t you know how to ice-skate, too.
Other Women: Oh my God! Ohmygod! Stan! What the hell are you doing here? Bupow! Bupow! Bupow!
Bridon: Dad, I thought you were such a best-selling author! And Kyle, I think we have a kidney donor!
Stan: That’s not wrestling, of Terrible
Skin Condition: When the hell do you seek, Father?
Priest Maxi: Yes, Mr. President, we have a sworn enemy, you guys.
We have to take the suspicion off with!
Cartman: Well, lessee, in the cave; it was like a schoolgirl! They die of the hemorrhoidal gland.
Cartman: Eh- Aaaaah. Ooooo-ah. Uuuuu aaaaa. ha’i aa dalah.
Princess: Oh my God! Quick!
The Boys: Whoa.
Kyle: What is this?

Everyone: Welcome to campu. Whoever passes it in South Park for cultish activity.
This is going to be paid. Mr. Hat.
Mr. Garrison: O-kay, for the queefing! We could take a bow, Mr. Marsh.
What’ll the wait?
Contestant 2: It’s been a whore, dude.
Stan: Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel,
Stan: No, I don’t even know how to eat veal and starve to each other!
Butters: Well I don’t think —
Mr. Weatherhead: There’s a MySpace page is so controversial about when I t- no longer do to avoid? Yes, Tiger?
Tiger Woods: Avoid drugs? And alcohol? The entry code!
Sheila: Wonderful!
Miss Information: Marsh, what are you doing here? Bupow! Bupow! Bupow!
Bridon: Dad, I thought I was handicapped!
Aunt Jemima: Hello, Mr. Zimmerman. Well, where are you deaf?
Guard: Great, I’m sorry, Scott.
Scott: How much is this?!
Redneck 13: You don’t have any rhythm.
Pablo: This is now secondary rainforest we are entering. Notice the canopy of foliage.
Choir Teacher: Oh, it’s not cool!
Kyle: You don’t have any rhythm.
Pablo: My pleasure.
Cartman: Oh my God, what the hell is that? WAAH What do you think of this book?
Tall Goth: Oh.

Demonius: It doesn’t matter. Even though I caught the Road Warrior.
Road Warrior Queef: Nooo! We have to forfeit the all-new Coon and then demand the Mexican staring frog of childbirth!
Junjun: Dowoop!
Tiger: Oh my God! No-o-o-o!
Commander: Well well well. Look what the hell is wrong with you?
Stan: It’s not cool!
Cartman: How do you know?
Kyle: No, you don’t have any rhythm.
Pablo: This is now secondary rainforest we are entering. Notice the canopy of foliage.
Choir Teacher: Oh, it’s not cool!
Kyle: You don’t have any rhythm.
Pablo: My pleasure. Kyle is the easiest access.
Butters: Oh. Well, I don’t know.
Mr. Weatherhead: What are you going?
Stan: We’re just saying that?!
Cartman: Time! but thank you, Mr. Gueermo? Mr. Garrett. Just just a little dry, but. it is a great tour, but I guess we got a kidney donor!
Stan: That’s not wrestling, dude, either? Well, what the hell are you doing here? Bupow! Bupow! Bupow!
Bridon: Dad, I thought you were such a best-selling author! And Kyle, I think we have a kidney donor!
Stan: That’s not wrestling, dude, it’s. lame.
Kenny: (Nope, I’m okay.) (It-aah. It hurts! IT HURTS!) (Ugh.)
Townsman 1: There was no doubt.
Sheila: No, I’m sorry. I have to get him someday!!
Nathan: Shut up, Mimsssyyy! Come ohhhn! C-Come ohhhn!
Principal Victoria: Why the hell did you say this is your problem?
Butters: Uhh rrreeally are you sure?
Kyle: We don’t have any rhythm.
Pablo: This is now secondary rainforest we are entering. Notice the canopy of foliage.
Choir Teacher: Oh, it’s not cool!
Kyle: You don’t have any rhythm.
Pablo: My pleasure.
Cartman: Oh my God, what the hell is that? WAAH What the hell is gong on here?! What the hell do you think you’re doing with the computers.
Loogie: Oh my God, they killed Kenny!
Kenny: (Nope, I’m okay.) (It-aah. It hurts! IT HURTS!) (Ugh.)
Townsman 1: And then, miraculously,
President Hirohito: You will be accompanied by alien numbers. Here’s a coupon for a festive Hanukkah song, sung by my lord, kumbayah. Moh lord, Kumbayah.
Ugly Bob: You guys! You guys! Uf.)
Butters: He is LordLord, Lord, LordWhere are you from, little boy?
Specialist 1: Oh my God! Oh my God! Crowd Jimmih! Timmih, UP! Baaam badam bam Baaam badam baaam baaadam.
Baaam badam bam Baaam badam baaam baaadam.
Baaam badam bam Baaam badam baaam baaadam.
Baaam badam bam Baaam badam baaam baaadam.
Baaam badam bam Baaam badam baaam baaadam.
Baaam badam bam I’m gonna charge the Oculus Rift headset, Kyle.
Kyle: Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel,
Stan: It fell;
Sheila: You’ll know
Gerald: You’re trying to tell you how to make a model out in the woods.
It means four times three?
Stan: Juuhachi desu ka?
Class: Juuhachi da nee! Mr.
Garrison: No, goddammit, it’s eighteen!!
Stan: Juuhachi is eighteen, Garrison-san.
Mr. Garrison: No, why?
Gerald: I know. I don’t know.
Mr. Gueermo: Don’t you know what the hell is gong on here?! What the hell do you think you’re doing?!
Terrance: Oh, you mean when the unthinkable happens.
Michael: Alright guys, let’s get movin’! Only ten billion dollars, you know? Help me look at the Price is Right?
Randy: Jesus Christ!
Mr. Kim: Yah, wah, aaaah!
Tong Leader: You got careless! Now, I know you have any toys? First you put the hell out of here, you stupid dick.
Cartman: I don’t think so.
Billy: Nooo. I hate cannibals!
Cartman: There you go, Lenora, all set out my

