Photo by Johann Walter Bantz on Unsplash

When common sense punches you in the groin, do this

Jesús Enrique Rosas


I’m not very attached to material things, but today I said goodbye to a ‘friend’ that has worked with me for the past four years. My mechanical keyboard.​

Yeah, I know. It’s silly to call a device a ‘friend’, but when you’ve gone through more than one million words together, been to literary self-therapy together, blasted through hundreds of Twitter threads and another hundred blog posts, laughed, cried, received way too many frustration-fueled closed-fist smashes, wrote all your Youtube videos together and connected with millions of people together, well… It’s hard to replace that bond.​

But here’s what’s interesting about this.​

I’ve already got a new one, and I could say that it’s ‘shining new’. But it’s not. Because these keyboards are matte black when new. But, my old friend? it’s shiny and polished. Every keycap towards the center line reflects everything, almost like a mirror.​

That’s the effect of so much friction after several million strikes. And now I can literally stare at myself on its surface.​

So, be it one million words or the 10.000 rules of mastery, the most important result is that you end up finding yourself.​

You will polish your skill to the point that you will end up recognizing, slowly and progressively…

