We’ve got the remedy for RWC fever!

2 min readSep 15, 2015


Remember the summer of 2012, when Londoners were companionable, people chatted on public transport, all rules of urban living were forgotten in lieu of the Olympic glow? Well, it’s time again, as we host the 2015 Rugby World Cup, starting with Fiji v England, 8pm, Friday 18th Sept. If this sounds lovely but you don’t have the foggiest, it’s time to embrace the camaraderie. Some of the best afternoons are spent in a crowded pub/bar, watching thirty goliaths in tight shorts chase each other. Whether it’s the love of the game, the men watching it, or the ladies watching the men watching it, there is something for everyone.

Firstly, pick a venue, something lively with a good atmosphere, i.e. The Rum Kitchen (Notting Hill), Boopshi’s or Bird of Smithfield, where you can be sure to stick to rule two, to never be more than an arms length from food or drink at all times. If you’re still going to stick out like a cauliflower ear amongst all this rugby hysteria, then follow this cheat sheet for surviving the 2015 RWC.

History: Last win 2003, beating the Australians, Jonny Wilkinson kicked a drop goal and everyone sang Swing Low, Sweet Chariot for six months.

Key Words:

Hooker: This is not Julia Roberts in thigh highs being rescued by Richard Gere, he weighs three times as much and is front and centre in any scrum (No 2).

Scrum: When they huddle together, bow down and charge, while their team stream out like a British Bulldog.

[Be heard to ask, “do we have a greater pack weight?”]

Ruck: When the goliath gets tackled to the ground and his teammates will essentially dog pile.

[If you ever see the other side running around the side, be sure to shout convincingly “offside!”]

Maul: Tackled, but not gone to ground, they will all charge in for a team huddle. [If this goes on for any period of time, be sure to shout “held up, held up!”]

Line Out: Similar to when the bride throws her bouquet, except they are vicious, organised, and will tear each other down. Like any good wedding with a glut of over-forties. [Be sure to chime in with “was it straight, was that straight?”]

Have a go with those sound bites, you’ll pick up more and remember, gratuitous shouting is ladylike and gentlemanly in this instance, so get into the spirit!

Thea Wellband

More great venues to watch the RWC include: Goat, The Proud Archivist, Kosmopol, The Jones Family Project and if you’re feeling flush, you can even rent out the Electric Cinema for private viewing.

(All venues mentioned are Cake compatible)




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