Do Defined Visible 6 Pack Abs Define If You Are Fit?

The Coach Jimmy
2 min readApr 14, 2015

The other day I shared an article about a lady who is uber fit but was passed on being cast in a Yoga video because you can’t see her Abs. And I shared my struggle about being self-conscious about my own midsection. I am truly in the best shape of my life right now. But I wanted to show you a picture I took at 9% body fat … yes you read right — single digit body fat — yet no 6 pack to show for it. When I first got this picture back from my cousinJohn Hays — he was telling me how much he loved it … and all I could see was saggy belly skin and no 6 pack even though I had worked my ass off for 2 months of hard double workout days and super clean eating.

I felt super defeated. I decided to revisit this picture today as I get ready to go on a Cancun vacation with all of my Beachbody Coach brothers and sisters. In the past I have put HUGE pressure on myself to be as ‘ripped as possible’ for these trips — upping my workouts — dropping my calories …. like I needed to prove something to the other Coaches and trainers attending.

Well I took my body fat measurements yesterday. I am a very respectable 10.5% body fat — and a very solid 170 pounds. I feel strong, flexible, athletic … yet no 6 pack to show for my efforts.

Am I 100% cool with it? No, not really. It still bugs me and drives me nuts that the work I know I put in on a daily long term basis doesn’t always show up in the specific areas I want it to. But I thought I would share my insecurities with you — that you may be encouraged to know that we all have them.

No one 100% loves everything about themselves — yet we keep grinding and working — hopefully to inspire others to keep going as we choose to keep going ourselves.

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Do Visible 6 Pack Abs Define Your Fitness Level?



The Coach Jimmy

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