Webflow pricing: how to choose the right plan for you

The Compote
8 min readSep 6, 2023


Two mockups of tablets showing Webflow pricing options

Webflow, offers a range of pricing plans to suit different needs and budgets. However, understanding the various options and choosing the right plan can be a bit overwhelming for new users. In this comprehensive guide, we will break down the Webflow pricing structure and help you make an informed decision that aligns with your website development goals.

Understanding the Webflow Pricing Structure

Webflow offers two main categories of pricing plans:

  • Site Plans
  • Workspaces

Each category is further divided into separate pricing plans and packages to cater to different user requirements. Let’s take a closer look at each category and the plans they offer.

Site Plans

Site Plans are hosting plans provided by Webflow for individuals and businesses who want their websites hosted on the platform. There are two categories of Webflow site plans:

  • General plans that include: Basic, CMS, Business, and Enterprise plans
  • E-commerce plans that include: Standard, Plus, and Advanced plans.
Colorful diagram on black background showing Webflow Site Plans Overview
Webflow Site Plans Overview


Workspaces are intended for in-house or freelance designer and developer teams who want to harness the power of the Webflow toolbox. There are two categories of workspace plans available:

  • In-house Plans that are: Core, Growth, and Enterprise.
  • Freelancer/Agency Plans that are: Freelancer Plan and Agency Plan.
Colorful diagram on black background showing Webflow Workspaces Overview
Webflow Workspaces Overview

General Site Plans Breakdown

Now that you have a good understanding of each pricing category, let’s dive deeper into these site plans to help you with selecting the perfect option.

Webflow General Plans Pricing
Webflow General Plans Pricing

Start Plan

The Starter Plan is the starting point for users joining Webflow for free. It provides full control over website design and content management, along with access to 100+ hours of tutorials on building and publishing a website successfully. Unlike a trial plan, the Starter Plan can be used indefinitely.

However, certain features are locked for Starter Plan users. One significant limitation is the inability to use a custom domain. If you decide to go live with your project, your site will be published to webflow.io. Additionally, the Starter Plan allows for only two active projects. To unlock more projects and access additional features, you will need to upgrade to one of the paid plans.

Basic Site Plan

The Basic Site Plan is perfect for those looking to build simple websites such as personal portfolios or landing pages. It costs $14 per month if paid annually or $18 per month if paid monthly. With the Basic Site Plan, you will have access to features including:

  • Connect a custom domain
  • 50 GB bandwidth
  • Up to 250,000 unique monthly visits to your site
  • Up to 500 form submissions per month
  • Various interactions, SEO options, and more

However the Basic Site plan does not offer any CMS items.

CMS Site Plan

The CMS Site Plan is designed for content-driven websites such as blogs or news sites that require an intuitive content management system. Priced at $23 per month if billed yearly or $29 per month if billed monthly, the CMS Site Plan offers the following features:

  • Connect a custom domain
  • Up to 2,000 CMS items
  • 200 GB bandwidth
  • Up to 1,000 form submissions per month
  • 120 API requests per minute
  • 3 content editors
  • Various CMS features, interactions, SEO options, and more

Business Site Plan

The Business Site Plan is ideal for websites that expect high traffic. Priced at $39 per month if paid annually or $49 per month if paid monthly, the Business Site Plan includes the following features:

  • Connect a custom domain
  • Up to 10,000 CMS items
  • 400 GB bandwidth
  • Up to 2,500 form submissions per month
  • 120 API requests per minute
  • 10 content editors
  • Increased speed
  • Form file upload
  • Various CMS features, interactions, SEO options, and more

Enterprise Site Plan

The Enterprise Site Plan is tailored for enterprise-level companies with specific customization and scalability requirements. To get detailed pricing information for the Enterprise Plan, you will need to contact the Webflow sales team. The features available under the Enterprise Plan include:

  • Connect a custom domain
  • Custom amount of monthly visits
  • More than 10,000 collection items
  • Unlimited monthly form submissions
  • Form file storage
  • Increased speed
  • Custom API requests per minute
  • Custom number of content editors
  • Dedicated support from the Webflow team
  • Extra flexibility in SSL certificates, billing methods, security headers, and more

Ecommerce Site Plans Breakdown

If you plan to set up an online store, Webflow offers specific ecommerce plans under the Site Plans category. There are three ecommerce plans available: Standard, Plus, and Advanced.

Webflow General Plans Pricing
Webflow Ecommerce Site Plans Pricing

Standard Ecommerce Site Plan

The Standard Ecommerce Site Plan is suitable for new businesses with a limited product range or customer base. Priced at $29 per month if billed annually or $42 per month if billed monthly, the Standard Plan includes the following features:

  • Up to 500 items in your online store
  • Up to 2,000 CMS items
  • Custom checkout, shopping cart, and product fields
  • Email customization
  • Integrated CMS for blogs
  • Various payment options (Stripe, Apple Pay, PayPal)
  • Marketing features (Facebook and Instagram integration, Google Analytics integration, Google Shopping integration, and more)
  • Manual shipping rules configuration
  • Up to 3 staff accounts

Plus Ecommerce Site Plan

The Plus Ecommerce Site Plan is designed for established online businesses with higher trading volumes. Priced at $74 per month if billed annually or $84 per month if billed monthly, the Plus Plan includes all the features of the Standard Plan, along with the following enhancements:

  • Up to 5,000 items in your online store
  • Up to 10,000 CMS items
  • No transaction fees
  • Up to 10 staff accounts
  • Up to 20,000 paid user accounts

Advanced Ecommerce Site Plan

The Advanced Ecommerce Site Plan is suitable for large-scale online stores that require maximum scalability. Priced at $212 per month if billed annually or $235 per month if billed monthly, the Advanced Plan includes the following features:

  • Up to 15,000 items in your online store
  • No limit on yearly sales volume
  • Up to 15 staff accounts

Workspace Options

As mentioned earlier, there are different workspace options available for both in-house teams and freelancers/agencies.

If you are a company that wants to leverage the features of Webflow and have a dedicated team of developers and designers managing your website, we recommend to explore the in-house plans.

In-house Plans

In-house Plans are charged per account and are designed for small to large teams within a company. There are three in-house plans available: Core, Growth, and Enterprise.

Webflow Workspaces Pricing

Core Workspace Plan for In-House Teams

The Core Workspace Plan is priced at $19 per month per user if billed annually, or $28 per month per user if billed monthly. This plan is suitable for small teams who want more control over their website design and development processes. The Core Plan includes features such as:

  • 3 seats
  • 10 unhosted sites
  • Custom code
  • Code export
  • Billing permissions
  • 2 guests (agency members or freelancers)

Growth Workspace Plan for In-House Teams

The Growth Workspace Plan is priced at $49 per month per seat if billed annually, or $60 per month per seat if billed monthly. This plan is ideal for teams that are expected to grow and have more advanced requirements. The Growth Plan includes features such as:

  • 10 seats
  • Unlimited unhosted sites
  • Custom code
  • Code export
  • Billing permissions
  • Publishing permissions
  • 2 guests (agency members or freelancers)

Enterprise Workspace Plan for In-House Teams

The Enterprise Workspace Plan is designed for enterprise businesses that need to fully explore Webflow’s capabilities and customize features to fit their operations. Pricing for the Enterprise Plan is provided upon request. This plan includes features such as:

  • Unlimited seats
  • Unlimited unhosted sites
  • Custom code
  • Code export
  • Billing permissions
  • Publishing permissions
  • Upgraded security, customer success, and performance
  • Page branching

Freelancer/Agency Plans

Freelancer/Agency Plans are intended for freelancers or agencies offering Webflow design and development services. There are two plans available: Freelancer Plan and Agency Plan.

Webflow Workspace Freelancer/Agency Pricing

Freelancer Workspace Plan

The Freelancer Workspace Plan is priced at $16 per month per seat if billed annually, or $24 per month per seat if billed monthly. This plan is suitable for freelancers or small teams offering Webflow services. The Freelancer Plan includes features such as:

  • Up to 3 seats
  • 10 unhosted sites on webflow.io
  • Full CMS access for unhosted sites
  • Free Guest access to the Workspace

Agency Workspace Plan

The Agency Workspace Plan is priced at $35 per month per user if billed annually, or $42 per month per user if billed monthly. This plan is designed for agencies offering Webflow development services. The Agency Plan includes features such as:

  • Up to 9 seats
  • Unlimited unhosted sites on webflow.io
  • Full CMS access for unhosted sites
  • Free Guest access to the Workspace
  • Manage team publishing permissions

Choosing the Right Webflow Plan for Your Needs

Now that we have explored the various Webflow pricing plans and their features, it’s time to choose the right plan for your website. To make an informed decision, consider the following factors:

  • Budget: Evaluate your budget and determine how much you are willing to invest in your website development.
  • Website Type: Consider the type of website you are planning to build. Is it a simple personal portfolio, a content-driven blog, an online shop, or a large-scale enterprise website?
  • Traffic and Scalability: Estimate the expected traffic to your website and assess whether the plan you choose can handle the anticipated volume. If you have plans for substantial growth, opt for a plan that offers scalability.
  • Features and Functionality: Review the features and functionality offered by each plan and determine which ones are essential for your website’s success. Consider factors such as CMS access, form submissions, API requests, and content editing capabilities.
  • E-commerce Requirements: If you plan to run an online store, carefully analyze the ecommerce plans and choose one that accommodates your product range, customer base, and payment options.
  • Team Collaboration: If you have a team of designers and developers working on your website, consider the workspace plans that provide collaborative features, custom code capabilities, and publishing permissions.
  • Future Growth: Anticipate future growth and assess whether the plan you choose can accommodate your expanding needs. Consider the flexibility to upgrade or downgrade plans as required.


Remember, choosing the right Webflow plan is crucial to the success of your website. Take the time to assess your needs, budget, and long-term goals, and select the plan that best aligns with your requirements and feel free to contact us for any additional information. With Webflow’s powerful features and flexible pricing options, you can create a stunning website that showcases your brand and achieves your online goals.

If you need assistance with your Webflow website, shoot us a message!

This article was originally published on The Compote blog



The Compote

Prague-based digital design studio specializing in Web design and Webflow development.