James Connor
The Connor Post
Published in
2 min readJun 2, 2016


The German CDU/SPD “Grand Coalition” Drops Off a Cliff

The under-reported story of the day is that CDU and SPD combined are below 50% in the latest INSA Sunday poll. This is not just an outlier; INSA polls over 2000 people weekly and there has been a steady march towards the precipice for months.

This is even worse than the abysmal polls for the “Grand Coalition” that the Connor Post reported on May 10th. Not only have the SPD dropped to a staggeringly low 19%, but their coalition partners the CDU have dropped to 30%. This means not only do they collectively register under 50% for the first time ever, but the CDU itself is on the edge of dropping into the 20’s. This is the party that almost won the last election with enough seats to not even need a coalition partner.

None of this is surprising. To simply quote the next president of the United States, Merkel is ruining Germany.

This follows a pattern we are seeing all over Europe, where the supposedly reliable center parties represent less and less what the majority want and are becoming increasingly irrelevant and out of touch. In the Austrian presidential elections we just saw the two establishment parties come in a distant 3rd and 4th place with 11% each, not enough to make it into the run-off between the Greens and the FPÖ. This is after sharing power between them for 70 years.

It is of course unclear to what lengths the establishment will go to hold onto power, especially against parties that don’t hold their globalist agenda. (Maybe the main political divide of the 21st century is no longer between socialism and capitalism, or even liberalism and conservatism, but globalism and localism.) In Austria, the FPÖ apparently won the vote, but postal votes in the night seemed to result in a completely unexpected victory for the Greens. Suspicions of electoral fraud were justifiably wide-spread after such massive divergence between votes cast in person and the postal votes counted the next day.

And what about the AfD in this last opinion poll, after the typical weeks of negative press? They stayed at 15% — the third largest party in Germany, and only 4 percentage points behind Germany’s oldest party, the SPD.

The FDP with 8% look stable enough that they might hope to get back in the Bundestag after nearly getting wiped off the electoral map in 2013. The extreme left wing Linke have dropped below 10%, while the Greens are stable at 13%.

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