Ascend Using This One Simple Trick

JC Jay
5 min readJun 7, 2024


Enlightenment is an arduous process; it’s that process that elevates. Pretending we can achieve it in a simple manner is just pretending.

Photo by Dave Hoefler on Unsplash

A piece for all of us (a free-write after meditation). -J


If you did not like the last one, you will not like this one.

I was trying to be careful when breaking into this piece because I read hundreds of pages of spiritual writings daily, and many of them begin with big, bold titles like, “9 Easy Steps to be an Enlightened Budha” (or something of the sort). So, tiptoeing through this land mine I have set for myself was going to be art, basically my version of Van Gogh’s, “Starry Night.” But I am not the writers’ version of Van Gogh, clearly, and I am not very whimsical, so dancing through a field of mine’s is laughable. Caveat — I can dance quite well, actually.

There are no easy steps in ascending. There are no easy ways to Christ Consciousness. Nothing about this journey is easy or simple, and there definitely is not a concrete way up the spiraling ladder. If it were easy, it would not take hundreds or thousands of lifetimes to do it. I mean, think about how difficult this one life has been, and THIS is the ONE where we are supposed to elevate.

This journey is a nightmare. And I am not sure it should be anything other. We chose to come to Earth School, as I have said in previous writings, and we did it because of the difficulty. It is supposed to be hard, it is supposed to be confusing, and it is supposed to be self-driven and self-paced. A truly self-designed maze. Many of the detours we have taken were real-time maze-building simulations to collect data (lessons) on the way to self-realization. We even built in a way to forget previous lessons or miss current ones, so we get the chance to go back and re-do. The key word is “self.” If the self drives the journey, there are no simple or easy steps that the masses can emulate to make their journey quicker (minus outside help from, say, solar flares).

We have commoditized everything, which is partly why this world is so difficult to begin with. Our need to over-simplify to achieve the prize at the end of the journey (usually monetary or power-driven, in this case, enlightenment-driven) is how we went from relearning and using our real abilities to build an equal and loving world to creating fake valuable items to purchase goods and services and then creating a physical achievement system that prizes a very few while most can barely survive. Due to our incessant need for quick achievement coupled with immediate physical gratification, we found an addiction to division where only a few can win. This collective agreement of who deserves to win and who deserves to lose drove us to the lowest physical dimension.

Nothing on this journey is easy (here is where I get hate mail), but printing it in the title certainly gets more clicks and reads. We are using catchy titles to commoditize the journeys to build our audience. Here is the catch-22: does it really matter if it gets people reading and building those neural pathways? I don’t know. Maybe it is better to have people read due to the oversimplification and immediate gratification those titles present, but at the same time, do any of those “One Simple Trick” articles (😉) ever have a truly lasting impression on anyone (😉😉)? I would argue that the people looking for a simple way up the spiral (ascension) are probably railroading the deep internal work that’s absolutely necessary, to begin with. In other terms, they are not ready, and we cannot make them ready. Again, a self-driven journey. The self will do the work when the self is ready to do so.

I write this way because I am trying to propose a different approach, from a vastly different perspective. I believe the way I write may help a different type of individual, someone like me, and I feel there are very few current spiritually inclined men who have the same feel I do. Perhaps I have a different reach, a different type of audience, maybe those who need a more realistic and direct form of validation. Or maybe I am making everything up. Either way, I have every intention of speaking to those who can hear my sound.

A previous article of mine went into how I feel about profit from spirituality. And I DID receive some anger, and I understand this. I worked in high finance before making the jump I made; I understand how delicate surviving is in this world and the need to create revenue to be able to manage this life while pushing information out there for future spiritualists. Doing this and surviving is not an easy task, and I commend everyone pushing their knowledge out there in hopes of securing their own lives. Please keep going; we need you.

I, like most of you, came from zero. We had nothing, and my first career was on Wall Street. Having that close-up experience of the nightmare of our existence (at both ends -poor/rich) and seeing the rampant abuse of the very backdrop this entire 3d civilization is built on, I don’t believe our system should exist at all. I don’t think anyone should come here and be forced to make money to exist and thrive. My intent is to help rebuild it in a way that allows everyone to be exactly what they are and live beautifully in whatever way they wish to live.

So, J, why do you read those “Easy Steps” articles? I read them for the same reason I read everything. Because everything has truth in it, or it doesn’t. Either way, the neural pathways are built through the information, and I am then able to take that information and use it to navigate self-perpetuated downloads through meditations and out-of-body experiences (OBE’s) to better interpret the fabric of reality. Every piece of information you take in, no matter the instrument that provides it, perpetuates expansion.

We are here to collect data at the simplest level, so collect data. Read everything.


We have experienced more than enough of how horrible we could be to each other. So, at this point of our Soul/Earth evolution, there is one rule that I would like to impart: be kind to yourself, everyone, and everything. And maybe skip the judgment, especially the self-judgment. -J




JC Jay

I am a normal dude who has had an extraordinary life. I was a full-blown atheist and have since awakened. I free-write after meditation & some get published.