Different Among the Spiritual

JC Jay
6 min readMar 11, 2024


I always knew I was an island in my immediate environment, but I did not realize how different I would be while among other islands.

Photo by Jessica Ruscello on Unsplash

A piece for all of us (a free-write after meditation). -J


I am learning that even out of the spiritual crowd, I am quite different than most. This is a realization I have had since I switched my reading two years ago and altered my social media groups. Caveat — I have one social media account I use, Facebook. I switched almost all of my groups from political to spiritual ones and have never looked back.

Like you, no doubt, I was a different kid. A bit wiser and mature (certainly more confident), immediately calling the world out for its insanity. Even at 8, I recognized the hardships this world brings to its inhabitants and never could grasp why. Does anyone really deserve to go to bed hungry? Should our life choices sum up whether or not we have a roof over our heads? As a kid especially, the vulnerability of simply existing (considering the decisions of our parents may very well end us) was so abnormal to me. What a nightmare.

Throughout my teenage years and early adulthood, the differences between myself and others were vast. On my birthday, I would leave the house before anyone else was up so I could enjoy it alone. While driving to school, I would drop my younger sister off in the parking lot and then drive right out of the parking lot as the teachers would try to flag me down (I skipped school an awful lot as a Senior, close to half of the year).

Honestly, I love school. I am enthralled with education and learning. Even in high school, which was quite easy for me (in a multitude of ways), I just hated being locked into that system all day. Even when I would skip, I would skip and find a quiet place where I could have some alone time, usually in nature in some form. My friends would skip occasionally, and it would be to party. When they did, I would go to school that day.

I never understood rules the way we have deemed them. I never understood the constraints we place on ourselves, which has bled into everything I have done until now. Even the rule-breakers among us never quite matched up with me concerning context (i.e., they would break rules because of the little ego trip it would provide — the danger, I would do it because I thought learning would be better elsewhere).

That same yearning to learn is how I talked myself into atheism and how I walked myself right out (Caveat — I believe atheism and individual spirituality are separated by the thinnest of boundaries, as opposed to, say, religion and atheism, or religion and spirituality). Anyway, the real drive to learn has a foundation of wanting to know what is right, beyond the ego. Because what is “right” can change at any given point, and those of us who wish to learn need to be completely open to new ideas even if they directly challenge the old truth. Real learning, much like enlightenment, comes from unlearning falsehoods. You cannot do this without letting go of what you believe to be true.

Enter spirituality. The shedding of untruths. When I initially awakened, I could not read enough. I was hyper-focused (which I tend to get when something resonates with me — which I now realize is a guided nudge from higher) on learning. I was excited to see that my non-compliance to this reality was not innate solely in myself but in thousands of others. The more I read, the more I understood who I was. It was, and still is, a wild ride.

Then something happened, and the old ways and patterns seem to have crept into what I am now experiencing on this spiritual journey. You can even read it in some of my previous posts. To some, rules are still necessary to continue on this journey. What we eat, think, and want (even the idea of wanting), has rules for what we should and should not do to progress.

I cannot ascend if I eat a hamburger or a low-vibrational Snickers bar (or 3). Or perhaps I am supposed to detach from all wants and desires here, and if I don’t, I will be forced to reincarnate as my spirit guides and Angels laugh in my face at the council meeting upon my physical death. Perhaps I am supposed to assist the planet in rising to a higher vibrational state because a planet cannot do it on its own. Maybe my soul tribe can get together and make fun of the government of (insert Country here) for lying about aliens, and then we cast spells to deflect the darkness of the Illuminati.

Look, man, I don’t know anything, and I am not trying to offend anyone. I think rules are meant to assist us in being better to ourselves and each other. And where better to learn what happens when we break a rule than the ultimate learning experience (Earth)? I think our plane of existence is something that was not intended to be anything other than an energy generator but has become one of the toughest education systems in all of existence. Caveat — How badass are we for simply showing up here?

If we believe spirituality is a personal journey, a foundational principle, then we must see any ruleset portrayed by our guides as not universal. We have to recognize that to be here, in this and any moment in time, is to satisfy the most personal of endeavors. We chose to be here, we chose our current roles, and only then can we decide what is right to proceed forward. The only goal is to realize who we are through possibly hundreds of lives and follow an internal path to graduate. That’s the end goal: to graduate.

Finally, the power of our mind. If Earth can hold multiple dimensions, and our friends and family can live in separate planes while coexisting on the same physical Earth, all based on our personal vibrations reverberating via thought, then this life is completely self-generated (much like the personal journey of spirituality). If our thoughts are the energy that attracts our wishes and becomes our reality, then we create darkness much like we can create light. Therefore, the only evil in this world is generated in your mind. If a dark force stops you from living the life you dream of, it is really you stopping you. You either give your power up to outside influences, or you don’t.

Being part of a community is beautiful. Hell, I’ve been walking this earth for decades almost solely alone, but here I am, writing within a very small community. I want to be part of a society that sees everything as ourselves and places love for being (all beings) as highly as we place love for ourselves; because all beings is ourself.

Ultimately, anyone who is better to themselves and others today than they were yesterday has made a small step towards graduating. Which, coincidently, is a small step towards a healing world. Either way, the personal journey is yours alone, and only you know if what you are doing is right.


We have experienced more than enough of how horrible we could be to each other. So, at this point of our Soul/Earth evolution, there is one rule that I would like to impart: be kind to everyone and everything. And maybe skip the judgement -J



JC Jay

I am a normal dude who has had an extraordinary life. I was a full-blown atheist and have since awakened. I free-write after meditation & some get published.