The Alchemist

JC Jay
7 min readApr 23, 2024


Transmuting and transforming darkness into light.

Photo by Natalya Letunova on Unsplash

A piece for all of us (a free-write after meditation). -J


If you have read the other articles I have written, you know how I feel about the shadow of evil lurking in our everyday existence. And by that, I mean, the evil we create. To summarize all the pieces I have written, if we are the light beings we believe we are and can create anything from nothing, we must also recognize that we co-create the existing misery. On this plane of existence, it means we have a hand in creating wars, famine, nefarious governmental actors and actions, and the all-around everyday evil that seems to linger in the very halls we walk. Even if you succumb to the notion that lizard people are controlling us with 5G, you must recognize your part in that play (i.e., giving power to others influences the narrative that we are not in control).

Whenever you give your power to an external entity, you lose energy to another being when you could be alchemizing it and creating the world you prefer. Again, we are the evil; we are negative, we are the matrix.

Harboring conspiracy theories, whether accurate or not, is harming your ability to create. Disempowerment weakens our own energy field and gives more to the very negative you wish to dismantle. Free will is an amazing thing; we have the ability to choose where our energy goes, and that reverberates back to us in the manner we originally chose. The matrix is really a school. This school was meant to show us our darkness and our light. As we spiral down the rabbit hole over lifetimes, we are meant to see the worst of ourselves. And our reality reflects that darkness. The point of this school is to know that darkness and choose light, and ride that spiral upwards to the ultimate form of alchemy, meshing our darkness and light into a singular container, and harnessing that energy to create. That is it, that is Earth. In fact, that is every reality (although Earth is known to be among the hardest).

Caveat — I will not get into WHY Earth was created; you can find that on your own. But it is here and that is our use for it.

I think alchemy is such a beautiful word. It encapsulates our very being, and we choose how best to use it. If you are reading this, you are somewhere on the spectrum of ascending into a higher version closer to what you already are, what you always have been. You are finally recognizing the truth in you and the power you have.

There are countless articles on how lightworkers are healers, seekers, advisors, channelers, astral travelers, mediums, etc. But what if none of these things resonate with you? Well, the answer always lies in the idea that you are supposed to help ground the light and anchor in the new reality here on Earth. By just being, you do this. This is the truth, but I found that it is not enough. So, I will relay to you what anchoring in the new reality means.

Alchemy. I am sure some of you are reading this hoping I discuss manifesting, and I will (kind of) get into it, but that is another topic with millions of articles. Sorry! If there were a “negative-clap,” on Medium, I’d suggest you could go that route and cease reading. Caveat — I don’t know what a negative clap would be, but I would like to think it would send me a direct notification to my phone of people booing — until I manifest it on Medium (😉), feel free to comment “boo”.

Everything you see in this reality is a mirror. In the end, that is what a hologram is. The mirror image of your thought process. A bad trip will mirror the inner sanctum of your mindset. Having a difficult adult experience is a mirror image of that mind, directed by a choice of the higher YOU. Everything you have gone through in this life is a lesson until you have learned that lesson and chosen to break that lesson’s cycle (i.e., pattern). I have spoken about this extensively in other pieces. Still, for now, I want to solidify this notion: Our whole existence is to learn and experience, and we will not move on from the experience until we learn the lesson our higher selves set for us. Ascending is the recognizing of all of the patterns, accumulating the lifetimes of experiences, recognizing what we actually are, and combining the two into a solidified whole (#YinYang). Alchemy is the use of energy to create. Once you begin creating in the physical, you know you are about to graduate Earth school (#AscendedMaster).

But a true master of this Earth school would not just be concerned about their specific idea of Earth heaven. A true master, a pending graduate, would want to better the lives of others as well. Most people on the verge of awakening would also consider themselves empaths. As a psychologist (I am), I recognize that an empath in our science is an individual who feels others’ pain in an authentic way. As an awakened psychologist, I realize that an empath is someone who takes on the energy of others, typically in the form of the negative. If someone has ever trauma-dumped on you and walked away feeling better, and it took you hours to decompress, you have experienced what I am speaking of. This is the rawest form of pre-alchemy.

You took their negative, and it became your own. Now, that sucks. But it’s only half of the equation. The next part, typically only done by the awakened (the recognition of your authentic being and power; this is NOT to say the unawakened cannot/do not do this), is how you become a lightworker. After the trauma-dump, they leave feeling stronger because they relayed their negative energy to you. You, the lightworker, held it for them and used it to create. You took their negative, felt what you needed to feel, and made yourself get back to positive. You just transmuted Earthly negative energy into positive Earthly energy. This is a lightworker.

I go to local bars (I like to say “on a whim,” but in reality, it is my intuition that someone possibly needs the spark and that I certainly need a drink). I will have lunch and a drink, or three, and shine as brightly as I can the entire time (even when looking into my phone at your “boo” negative-claps). Just being in that bar, I can transmute energy through the enjoyment of my drinks and burgers (and light chatting with the bartender). Occasionally, I will get lucky and also act as a mirror and showcase the light in others — another form of alchemy.

We should not be forcing the awakening of others. We have to let others find their own path to it. Now, their own intuition may direct them to the bar where we are shining brightly and getting booed, and their own intuition may nudge them to spark up a conversation. And on our end, we may have received a nudge to do this same. It is on us to allow the natural mirroring to occur. The natural mirroring is intended to spark that individual in some form. Occasionally, this is a positive to a positive, where we get to shine a light on their own light that they may not necessarily be able to see just yet (this is the most beautiful thing in the world). Or, it may require us to shine a light on their negativity.

I say, “Shine a light on their negativity,” because that is real-time alchemy, something that can only happen when you are detached from your personal emotional reaction. Our light really upsets people who are not close to their own awakening (this is sometimes referred to as people who are trying to maintain/control the matrix; a Mr. Smith, if you will). Sometimes, this negative reaction to the lightworker’s light becomes a physical manifestation (negative comment, a sneer, back turned towards the lightworker, etc.). This is the mirror. You, the lightworker, are the mirror of their negativity, and it is hard for them to accept. Now, most of us will sit with their negativity and let them be. But I would argue that when possible, turn their negative into light and alchemize that negative by buying their drinks (I did this the other day; it felt right at the moment and totally took me by surprise), speaking a positive comment, or transmuting that negative energy into positive for others.

Every day, we get to be the lightbeings we are. It is on us to transmute as much as possible into beauty. We should not look at those negative instances, or any negative instance, with our own negative reactions. Nor should we blame anyone for those negative instances. Nor take that negative and harbor it and let it become our own. We are here to transmute it; that is our purpose. That is a lightworker. That is an alchemist.


We have experienced more than enough of how horrible we could be to each other. So, at this point of our Soul/Earth evolution, there is one rule that I would like to impart: be kind to everyone and everything. And maybe skip the judgment. -J



JC Jay

I am a normal dude who has had an extraordinary life. I was a full-blown atheist and have since awakened. I free-write after meditation & some get published.