Fluent media flyout for Winglows

The Cube
3 min readOct 14, 2021


Windows 11 has released and the audio flyout has remained the same. However this article is about Winglows and not Windows, so how would the audio flyout look like in Winglows?

Winglows an imaginary OS to see alternative ways the Windows desktop operating system could have been ignoring any limitations.

Introducing a Fluent Design audio flyout for Winglows

Note: The screen recorder glitched a little in the animation of the bar. ALSO THE CURSOR IS TINY WHAT

Here are the initial changes made

  • The sound indicator line
  • Hot GlowUI slider
  • Fluent icons
  • Mica*

Unique features

By clicking the mixer drop down you can open a full blown volume mixer to control different app volumes.

With mixer enabled

The glow line connects the app volumes synced to the system volume and disconnected custom volumes are not connected to the line just like the old volume mixer. In addition to this the sound indicator line also shows for apps.

Advanced easy to reach settings

Furthermore you can open the volume mixer settings to control individual input and output devices just like in the windows 11 settings app but this time in the easy to access flyout instead of launching a full blown app. Here the UI has Glow comboboxes and a glow line that indicates it is an expanded sub content.





The media controls

Summon BloodCube with acrylic to defeat the mica corrupted FireCube

The media part of the flyout is simple with minimal controls for simplicity. I can be closed with the animated red X icon if needed to save space unlike the Windows 11 one where you have to wait for it to disappear.

Visual comparisons

IGNORE the 60 in second slider, it was a bug AND THIS IMAGE IS SLIGHTLY OLD

Here we can see the flyout with mixer enabled next to the default Windows 11 flyout.






IGNORE the 60 in second slider, it was a bug AND THIS IMAGE IS SLIGHTLY OLD


Here is a comparison to the old/store version of the Modern flyouts audio flyout.





Tell me your feedback for the Winglows audio flyout and this article. Would you like to see this UI in Modern flyouts?

