Don’t Waste Your Time on Resolutions You Won’t Keep

DJ Jeffries ✔️
4 min readDec 19, 2018


As 2018 winds down, a lot of people will find themselves setting resolutions that they probably won’t keep. Don’t believe me? Take it from U.S. News, which found that most New Year’s resolutions fail. But that’s not even the worst part — apparently 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail by February, just two months into the New Year. Talk about good odds, huh? But since it wouldn’t be helpful to leave you with the bad news, I come bearing good news. Even if the odds aren’t in your favor, you don’t have to be a part of that 80% and there are a few things you can do to make sure that you aren’t.

If you want to know the reasons you should be in that 80%, read me latest article here.

1. Stack the Deck by Thinking Small

If I could magically improve myself by the end of 2019, I’d be fluent in Spanish, French, and German, will have traveled to 30 countries, finished my first self-help book, achieved those perfect abs, and be BFFs with Bruno Mars. The problem with these goals is that New Year’s isn’t some magic holiday that makes all your dreams come true, transforming you to some idealized version of yourself. Yet somehow, we’ve all heard it those four words, “New Year, New Me.” We’ve also probably heard people loudly voicing their opposition to this cliché, but that’s beside the point. What matters is that you…



DJ Jeffries ✔️

I help people identify their life’s work and improve their work life. HR Innovation Specialist. Career Coach. Founder of