Nevada Democrats: “This Is How It’s Done”

3 min readJun 29, 2017


With a wrap on this year’s legislative session, Nevada Democrats have a lot to be proud of. Since Democrats flipped the Nevada Assembly and Senate with monumental wins in 2016, Democrats have moved the state forward on critical issues like equal rights, health care, education, and beyond. While Republicans hold the governorship, state Dems have worked hard to pass progressive legislation that will improve the lives of all Nevadans. Nevada is a prime example of what we can accomplish with more Democrats at the table.

Women’s health and rights

Advancements in women’s health policy proved to be a highlight of the recent session — which is unsurprising since Nevada boasts the second highest rate of female representation in state government.

Dems eliminated the “tampon tax,” secured funding for a new family planning program, enacted workplace accommodations for pregnant women, and ensured contraception and mammograms are covered by insurance. Nevada’s legislature has shown that greater gender parity leads to enormous advancements in supporting women’s health.

Additionally, Nevada became the first state in 40 years to approve the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). Democrats who backed the amendment called it is a profound gesture for women, who continue to face discrimination 45 years after Congress first submitted the ERA to the states. This symbolic win confirms the Legislature’s commitment to women’s rights and could come into play if Congress extends the 1982 ratification deadline.

“Whether it’s ensuring paycheck fairness or defending health care access, today is a reminder that the Democratic Party will always stand up for the full and equal rights of Nevada women.” - Nevada Democrats

Drug Transparency

In a bold move to protect some of the state’s most vulnerable constituents, the Nevada Legislature recently passed legislation to combat the rising price of prescription drugs. The first-in-the-nation law will increase transparency by requiring diabetes drugmakers to disclose information on production and marketing costs, exposing rebate negotiations, and requiring pharmaceutical sales representatives to register with the state.


Democrats successfully protected Nevada public schools by blocking Republican attempts to institute an Educational Savings Account (ESA) program. The $60 million program would have used taxpayer dollars to subsidize private education for wealthy families, instead of providing access to quality education for all Nevadans.

In a joint statement, DLCC Board member and Nevada Senate Majority Leader Aaron Ford and Assembly Speaker Jason Frierson stated, “Our Democratic majorities in both chambers have said loud and clear from day one that we believe in keeping public dollars in public schools. We continue to have deep concerns about how diverting public money to subsidize wealthy families would weaken our education system and threaten our children’s future.”

Renewable Energy

After Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement, state leaders stepped forward to lead the fight against climate change. Nevada Democrats have taken environmental policy into their own hands, passing nine bills this session that will further the state’s commitment to renewable energy. And despite Gov. Sandoval’s veto of a bill that would require 40 percent of Nevada’s energy to come from renewable resources by 2030, the bill was still a remarkable effort in the state-run effort to combat global warming, and could be a preview of what is to come in future legislative sessions.

The Nevada Legislature

Democrats have taken environmental policy into their own hands, passing nine bills this session that will further the state’s commitment to renewable energy.

State Democrats are fighting to ensure America does not fall behind in the fight for progress while Congressional Democrats fight Trumpism in D.C. Nevada’s recent session proves what can be accomplished with more Democrats in the statehouse: In under a year Nevada Democrats have boosted women’s health programs, took a stand against rising prescription drug costs, took steps to protect the environment, and more. By working to elect Democrats to statehouses nationwide, DLCC aims to transform state progress into national solutions.




The official account of the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee, the organization dedicated to winning state legislative seats and chambers for Democrats.