Reject the Silence’s music easily grabs hold of the listener’s ear and grabs the reigns…

The Daedalus Project
3 min readOct 5, 2016


Reject the Silence — Reject the Silence LP
Reviewed by: Bradford Clark

I fell in love with heavy music by listening to the filthy, sexy, raunchy wails that were delivered by bands like Guns ‘n Roses, Skid Row, W.A.S.P., Ratt, Motley Crue, and all the other unsung heroes of the Rainbow Room/Sunset Strip era of music made for strippers. The rhythms were fun, yet had punch. The lyrical content was sex, drugs, and rock ’n’ roll. Yeah, there was a lot of tight leather pants, an abundance of glam, and enough Aquanet to lacquer billboards all the way down the strip. But the bands filled clubs with horny boys and sexy girls and the party usually lead to the hotel. It was an era where music celebrated rebellion, and chastised conformity. I would be incredibly surprised if Reject the Silence wasn’t in some way inspired by this long lost era of bad assery when they sat down to pen the tracks on their debut, self-titled album release.

With seven hard hitting, melody driven tracks and 3 equally astounding acoustic tracks this album is worthy of the multiple listens I’ve already given it. Every track offers it’s own flavor and voice with a throwback sound very reminiscent of the aforementioned era of early metal injected into the modern presentation of hard rock/metal similar to bands like Sevendust, Shinedown, & Drowning Pool. Vocalist Aaron Moore harnesses his pipes with a remarkable skill providing a range from singing to wailing and back with incredible precision. Bassist Stephen Lands and drummer Kenny Hueston lay down rhythms that are equal fist pounding as they are encouraging of a spin on the pole weaved with the variety of melodies offered by Craig Hauser on the guitar. Poignant lyrical content covering addiction, heartache, and more top off the brilliant and enjoyable writing on this album.

Having heard three of the tracks previously from their earlier EP release (Inside Out, You’ll Save Me, My Trinity) there was no surprise that they would stand out as killer tracks. My current favorite track is likely “I Hate You” with it’s varied intensity gripping me into its cadence. I find myself screaming back at the radio in empathic agreement. The tale end of the album showcases the band’s musicianship by offering three acoustic tracks that are far from snoozers. While each of these three tracks demand listening, my present favorite is “Ashamed”.

This album is an incredibly worthy listen. I found myself beating the steering wheel while singing along with every song after a few listens. I couldn’t help it, it just happened. The music easily grabs hold of the listener’s ear and grabs the reigns. I certainly wasn’t surprised at how much I would end up loving this album after having the chance to see them play earlier this year at Brews & Bruise Fest. Their stage performance is full of attitude and energy. Their Reverbnation page makes the claim to “leave you screaming sweating and remembering their performance. Refusing to fall into the mold of “just another rock band”…”. They deliver on that promise.

To learn more about the band:



The Daedalus Project

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