D.E.B.T.: The Future of Blockchain Mining

4 min readMar 16, 2023

Blockchain technology has gained significant traction in recent years, revolutionizing various industries. One of the critical components of blockchain technology is mining.

As the demand for blockchain-based solutions continues to grow, the need for mining operations to support these networks will only increase. At this point, entering the world of blockchain mining can be a very rewarding opportunity.

D.E.B.T. invites you to join us on our journey to the future of blockchain mining!

The Potential Of Blockchain Mining

Blockchain technology is disrupting the world with unique features such as decentralization, transparency, and security. The potential of the technology is huge, which is proved by multiple successful projects and experiments in the industry. Even governments are exploring various use cases for blockchain in the economy, banking, public services, and digital identity.

Why do so many people become miners? One answer is the possibility of earning cryptocurrency rewards, which can be traded or sold for other currencies, products or services.

Blockchain mining has a number of benefits:

  • Supporting the digitalization of various industries, such as commodity extraction, agriculture, traditional banking, etc.
  • Allowing individuals to become a part of blockchain communities.
  • Contributing to the global development of web3;
  • Allowing interested parties to enter the world of cryptocurrency without significant effort;
  • Earning crypto rewards, which have the potential to grow in value in the future.

At the same time, blockchain mining has some limitations, too. The complexity of mining in the blockchain may increase over time, resulting in the need for more powerful mining rigs and lower rewards.

But D.E.B.T. has a solution!

D.E.B.T.: Mining With Proprietary Software

Software mining licenses are a killer feature of the D.E.B.T. ecosystem. This unique mechanism allows crypto enthusiasts to participate in numerous blockchain projects and earn mining rewards, without the need for a powerful computer or mining farms.

D.E.B.T.’s proprietary software allows individuals to earn rewards (tokens) from industry-supported projects in which they may not otherwise have been able to participate:

  • Commodities (crude oil, natural gas, aluminum)
  • Satellite exploration industry
  • Agriculture
  • Beverage industry
  • Real estate industry, and more

For example, the oil industry generally has a higher barrier to entry for most people. However, D.E.B.T.’s partnerships with oil exploration and production companies allow for reduced exploration costs, improved efficiency, and more, resulting in higher revenue from the market. A percentage of that revenue will be converted to the project’s token (in this case, BGLD tokens) and burned, allowing demand to rise and the value of the remaining tokens to potentially increase over time. Mining license holders are rewarded with BGLD tokens for their participation in supporting the blockchain.

You can find the full list of industry-supported projects on our website: https://www.thedebtbox.com/projects

What Makes Mining With D.E.B.T. Special?

Real projects

All token projects in the D.E.B.T. ecosystem are supported by real-world commodities, companies, people, and royalties. For this purpose, we have established partnerships with licensed commodity producers in the US and Africa – areas rich in oil, gas and metals. We also have multiple connections in the highly profitable spheres of beverage distribution and real estate.


Tokens of D.E.B.T’s blockchain projects are designed as deflationary, which means the number of tokens will decrease over time as the demand for the tokens increases, potentially raising the market value. The stability of each project is supported by the annual halving of tokens (burning), software mining license purchases, transactions, and project royalties. With more new projects entering the D.E.B.T. ecosystem, growth is expected to continue.

D.E.B.T. never offers speculative Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) and fake meme coins!


All software mining licenses work on an eco-friendly cloud mining platform which requires less energy and guarantees a fair distribution of crypto rewards to all miners, regardless of what device they use for hosting their mining licenses.

The Potential For Long-Term Growth And Profitability

D.E.B.T. has an elaborate and effective strategy for long-term growth and profitability for both the whole blockchain ecosystem and each particular token project. Our strategy is focused on bringing more real-world projects to the ecosystem and attracting more royalty flows to support the liquidity and value of tokens.

Another opportunity for growth is our goal to get listed on Binance and other trusted exchanges. It will allow us to continue to organically grow the exposure and volume of the DEBT token which supports the entire ecosystem.

These projects are expected to reward software license holders for years to come.

Please, visit our website to find out more about the D.E.B.T. Ecosystem and explore the documentation of our token projects!


