The Best Comic Book YouTubers of All Time!

Elisa Day
5 min readJan 1, 2024


In the vast, bustling cityscape of YouTube, there’s a buzzing corner dedicated to the heroes, villains, and vibrant stories of comic books. Whether you’re a long-time aficionado of graphic novels or just getting your cape on in the comic world, the platform is a treasure map to narratives and discussions about your favorite illustrated adventures. But with so many channels to choose from, where do you start your quest for the best?

Fear not, fellow fanatics! We’ve scoured the depths of YouTube to bring you a curated list of the most engaging, informative, and entertaining channels for comic book lovers. From deep dives into the lore of Gotham to panel-by-panel analyses of the latest graphic novels, these creators are here to share their passion and knowledge with you. So, ready your devices and prepare to embark on a journey through the best YouTube channels for comic book fans. Whether you’re looking to relive classic story arcs or discover cutting-edge narratives, our guide has something for every type of comic enthusiast. Let’s turn the page and dive in!

Comic Drake

Comic Drake is a YouTube channel created by Drake McWhorter, a passionate comic book enthusiast. Drake’s content spans various aspects of comic book culture, including deep dives into storylines, character analyses, explorations of iconic comic book weapons, and much more. His videos are informative and entertaining, making them a great resource for anyone looking to expand their knowledge in the comic book universe​​. Comic Drake continues to be a go-to destination for comic book enthusiasts looking for engaging and insightful content.

Comics Explained

Comics Explained covers a wide spectrum of comics-related topics, including in-depth reviews, detailed analyses, and general comic book education. The videos are designed to cater to a diverse audience, ranging from those looking to rekindle their love for comics to newcomers seeking to navigate the expansive world of comic book storytelling. The channel’s success lies in its ability to break down complex comic book narratives and characters in a way that is accessible and engaging. Whether exploring the intricacies of superhero backstories or offering insights into iconic comic book arcs, Comics Explained is a gold mine for anyone eager to delve deeper into the comic book universe.


Comicstorian is a channel that brings comic books to life through dramatic readings. The channel offers a diverse range of content, including comic books from major publishers like DC Comics, Marvel Comics, and various indie titles​​​​. The channel’s unique approach involves in-character rereadings of comics, providing creative and impassioned audio renderings that engage the audience deeply, making complex storylines and characters more accessible and enjoyable​​. With an impressive catalog of over 2,000 videos and a commitment to daily content, Comicstorian has become a go-to channel for comic book enthusiasts.


ComicTropes is dedicated to discussing a wide array of comic books, from DC and Marvel to indie publishers, as well as international comics. The channel primarily examines the recurring elements used by creators or characters, providing a unique perspective on the storytelling and artistic techniques in the comic book industry​​. ComicTropes has become a favorite for many fans seeking deep dives into various aspects of comic books, from character studies to explorations of legendary creators like Steve Ditko. With a rich library of content and a dedication to exploring the nuances of comic storytelling, ComicTropes stands out as an essential resource for anyone interested in the art and craft of comic books.

The Imaginary Axis

The Imaginary Axis provides a unique blend of entertainment and education, focusing on the fascinating intersection of comic book fiction and real-world science. The channel delves into intriguing questions about the scientific plausibility of various superhero powers and scenarios, such as the mechanics behind Superman’s flight, the speed of Flash, and the strength of Spider-Man. It uses real-world science to explore and explain these fantastical elements from comic books, making it an enlightening destination for both comic book enthusiasts and science aficionados alike​​.


Linkara-AtopTheFourthWall stands out in the comic book community for its comedic reviews of both good and bad comics, offering viewers a mix of humor and insightful commentary on various aspects of the comic book industry. With an extensive library of videos, Linkara-AtopTheFourthWall has become a notable presence in the YouTube comic book space. The channel continues to engage its audience with regular content, maintaining its position as a go-to source for comic book fans looking for a mix of humor and insightful critiques.

Strange Brain Parts

Strange Brain Parts specializes in comic book reviews and in-depth histories of comic book characters. Strange Brain Parts’ videos are known for their engaging and detailed explorations, making it a valuable resource for comic book enthusiasts seeking to deepen their understanding of various characters and storylines​​​​. The channel’s commitment to providing quality content and insightful analysis of comics has made it a go-to destination for fans and newcomers to the world of comics alike​​.

Variant Comics

Variant Comics, founded by Arris Quinones, is one of the pioneering YouTube channels dedicated to comic books and superheroes. The channel offers extensive reviews on comic book movies, comic books, top 10 lists, “history ofs,” and “versus” episodes, covering virtually every aspect of the comic world.

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