The Best Movie and TV Youtubers of All Time!

Elisa Day
14 min readDec 10, 2023


In the labyrinth of YouTube’s endless corridors, where cat videos and dance challenges reign supreme, there exists a haven for cinephiles. This is a realm where the silver screen’s magic is dissected with surgical precision, where hidden gems are unearthed, and where movie buffs congregate to revel in their shared passion. As we embark on this cinematic odyssey, we’re not just browsing YouTube; we’re diving deep into the hearts and minds of those who breathe life into film analysis and appreciation.

Whether you’re a seasoned cineaste or a newcomer eager to explore the vast universe of film, these handpicked YouTube channels are your golden tickets. They are the beacons that guide you through the history, intricacies, and the sheer artistry of movies. From behind-the-scenes secrets to deep dives into cinematic classics, these channels are curated to enrich your understanding and love for films. So grab your popcorn and dim the lights; we’re about to unveil the best YouTube channels that every movie buff should subscribe to. Let’s roll the film!

The Cinema Cartography

The Cinema Cartography, a creation of Lewis Michael Bond and Luiza Liz Bond, stands as a unique and enriching presence in the YouTube landscape. Dedicated to exploring the art of storytelling and filmmaking, this channel delves deep into the aesthetics, themes, and techniques that define cinema. The channel’s approach is marked by a thoughtful juxtaposition of images and ideas, creating thought-provoking arguments that often encourage viewers to see films in a new light. Its content is known for its depth and beauty, drawing connections between various cinematic elements and broader artistic and philosophical concepts.

The Cinema Cartography doesn’t just focus on popular or mainstream films; it spans a wide range of cinematic works, from classic to contemporary, from well-known masterpieces to obscure gems. This diversity allows the channel to provide a comprehensive view of the cinematic landscape, highlighting different styles, movements, and cultural perspectives.

By inspiring new ways of experiencing and understanding art, The Cinema Cartography has become a valuable resource for both film enthusiasts and those looking to deepen their appreciation of the medium. It stands as a testament to the power of cinema to change perspectives and enrich our understanding of the world.


Cinemassacre is a YouTube channel run by James D. Rolfe, widely recognized for his character, the Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN). However, the channel’s content extends beyond gaming into the realm of film reviews, most notably through the popular series “Monster Madness.” In “Monster Madness,” Rolfe delves into horror and monster movies, offering insightful and entertaining critiques that blend his passion for cinema with a unique comedic style.

Rolfe’s approach to movie reviews showcases his deep knowledge and appreciation of film history. This aspect of Cinemassacre highlights Rolfe’s versatility as a content creator, demonstrating his ability to engage with different types of media effectively. For viewers who enjoy a mix of nostalgia, humor, and detailed analysis in their film reviews, particularly in the horror and monster movie genres, Cinemassacre offers a rich and engaging viewing experience.


CinemaTyler, a channel created by Tyler Knudsen, stands out for its meticulous approach to understanding cinema. The channel’s content is a blend of historical context, directorial vision, and technical analysis, making it an educational resource for both aspiring filmmakers and movie lovers. For anyone who cherishes cinema not just as entertainment but as an art form, CinemaTyler is an invaluable source of knowledge and insight, enhancing the appreciation of film as a medium and an expression of human creativity​​​​​​.

Collative Learning

Collative Learning is a YouTube channel spearheaded by Rob Ager, a British internet film critic and analyst known for his in-depth film analyses. The channel stands out for its independent analysis of movies, offering insights into various aspects of filmmaking, as well as covering topics such as psychology, marketing techniques, media analysis, and video games.

Rob Ager’s approach to film criticism is multifaceted, blending his expertise in psychology, creativity, film analysis, and filmmaking. This unique blend allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the movies he discusses, going beyond surface-level critiques to explore the deeper social and philosophical issues that films often address.

The channel is particularly noted for its analyses of the horror genre and the works of Stanley Kubrick, showcasing Ager’s ability to delve into specific themes and directors with great detail and understanding. His content is not just about critiquing films but also aims to educate viewers on the nuances of filmmaking and the psychological underpinnings that drive both the creation and reception of films.

Related channels:

Daniel Netzel (Film Radar)

Daniel Netzel, formerly known as Film Radar, is driven by a deep passion for cinema and a desire to explore and dissect deeper themes and concepts in filmmaking. He approaches cinema not just as entertainment, but as an art form rich in technical and thematic complexity. This level of detail and depth in his content makes the channel a valuable resource for film enthusiasts and aspiring filmmakers alike, who are looking to gain a deeper understanding of the nuances of cinema.

The Discarded Image

The Discarded Image is dedicated to deconstructing well-known pieces of cinema, providing viewers with in-depth analyses of various films. The content focuses on breaking down the elements that make up these cinematic works, offering insights into their construction, themes, and the techniques used by filmmakers.

Creator Julian Palmer’s approach involves a detailed examination of films, where he dissects various aspects of cinema to reveal the underlying mechanisms that contribute to their overall impact. This channel serves as a valuable resource for film enthusiasts, students, and anyone interested in a deeper understanding of cinematic art. The videos offer a nuanced perspective on filmmaking, enabling viewers to appreciate the complexities and artistic choices that shape the movies they love.

Every Frame a Painting

Every Frame a Painting, created by the dynamic duo Taylor Ramos and Tony Zhou, is a celebrated YouTube channel that elevated the art of video essays about film form. Known for its exceptional production quality, each essay is a masterclass in film analysis. The channel’s insightful content explores the intricate details of filmmaking, shedding light on various technical, creative, and historical aspects.

From examining the thought process behind film editing to discussing the subtleties of music in cinema, the channel covers a wide range of topics. It delves into the unique storytelling and visual techniques of iconic directors, offering viewers a deeper understanding of what makes their work stand out. For movie enthusiasts and budding filmmakers, Every Frame a Painting remains an invaluable resource for understanding the nuanced language of cinema.

Film Riot

Film Riot, created by Ryan Connolly, is a highly influential how-to filmmaking channel on YouTube. Film Riot offers a comprehensive range of content, including in-depth tutorials, behind-the-scenes breakdowns, visual effects guides, color grading tutorials, camera reviews, and much more.

Ryan Connolly’s approach to creating high-quality and informative content has made Film Riot a go-to destination for aspiring filmmakers and those seeking to enhance their skills and understanding of filmmaking. The channel’s extensive catalog of tutorials, reviews, tips, advice, and breakdowns, all maintained at a high-quality standard, showcases Connolly’s commitment to educating and inspiring the next generation of filmmakers​​​​​​​​​​.


Films&Stuff offers in-depth analyses of popular movies, exploring the reasons behind their appeal and impact. The channel’s approach is centered around dissecting why audiences love the films they do, making it a valuable resource for movie enthusiasts who seek a deeper understanding of the art and craft of cinema. Whether it’s exploring thematic elements, cinematic techniques, or storytelling strategies, Films&Stuff provides insightful commentary that enhances the viewing experience of mainstream movies.

For those who enjoy exploring the intricacies of popular films and wish to gain a better understanding of what makes them tick, Films&Stuff offers engaging and thoughtful content that sheds light on the magic of blockbuster filmmaking​​​​.

Georg Rockall-Schmidt

Georg Rockall-Schmidt’s approach to content creation combines depth and wit, making his channel a captivating destination for those interested in thoughtful and entertaining discussions on film and popular culture. His videos often delve into the intricacies of filmmaking and media, offering insights that are both educational and engaging.

The channel stands out for its unique blend of content that spans various formats, from in-depth essays to lighter, more humorous podcasts. This versatility demonstrates Rockall-Schmidt’s ability to cater to a wide range of viewer preferences, making his channel a rich source of knowledge and entertainment for a diverse audience. For viewers seeking a mix of critical analysis, insightful commentary, and a touch of humor in their exploration of films and media, Georg Rockall-Schmidt’s channel offers a unique and enjoyable viewing experience​​​​​​

Just Write

Just Write is a haven for movie buffs and aspiring writers alike. Run by Sage Hyden. The channel excels in dissecting the art of storytelling across various forms of media, including film, television, and literature. It’s renowned for its straightforward approach, breaking down complex writing concepts into easily digestible content. From exploring narrative techniques to providing practical screenplay writing advice, Just Write is an invaluable resource for those seeking to understand and appreciate the intricacies of storytelling.

Kirby Ferguson

Kirby Ferguson is enowned for his insightful explorations into creative works and popular culture. Ferguson’s channel is best known for his documentary series “Everything is a Remix,” which examines the issues of fair use and the inspiration behind creative works, emphasizing how new ideas often stem from existing works. These principles form the foundation for all novel ideas, including in the realm of music and film, where he highlights the reuse and inspiration drawn from other sources across genres and time.

Lessons from the Screenplay

Lessons from the Screenplay, created by Michael Tucker, is a standout YouTube channel for movie enthusiasts and aspiring screenwriters. The channel offers deep dives into popular movie screenplays, breaking them down to their core storytelling techniques. Its insightful analysis reveals what makes a well-written movie, delving into narrative components, themes, and character arcs.

This makes the channel not only a great learning resource for new writers but also a fascinating exploration for professionals. The content is presented in an easy-to-understand format, with sleek and well-designed graphics, making it accessible to a broad audience.

Like Stories of Old

Like Stories of Old, managed by Tom van der Linden, is an exceptional channel that blends philosophy and a deep love for cinema to produce highly engaging and thoughtful content. LSOO’s content is notable for its empathetic and emotionally resonant approach to media analysis, philosophy, and personal development.

The channel’s video essays are praised for their depth and the ability to pull scenes from multiple films to illustrate complex ideas and concepts. Whether it’s addressing identity crises or exploring the philosophical underpinnings of heroism and suffering, LSOO offers a unique and profound perspective on cinema and its impact on our lives​​​​​​​​​​.

Now You See It

Now You See It goes beyond surface-level reviews, diving deep into the art of storytelling in movies, TV shows, and even books. It’s not just about what’s on screen; it’s about finding deeper meaning in unexpected places, offering viewers a fresh perspective on familiar narratives.

Beyond just movie reviews, Now You See It has occasionally stepped into meta-critique, discussing broader themes like anti-war sentiments and the breaking of the fourth wall in films. This approach provides an enriching experience for viewers, blending entertainment with insightful analysis. For those seeking to understand the hidden layers and storytelling techniques that make movies resonate with audiences, Now You See It is an essential destination. Its detailed and thought-provoking content offers a deeper appreciation of cinema, making it a treasure trove for film enthusiasts​​​​​​​​.

Oliver Harper

Oliver Harper’s YouTube channel emerges as a haven for those who cherish classic movies, especially from the ’80s and ’90s. He creates retrospective videos and audio commentaries that do more than scratch the surface. His approach is a blend of half-documentary, half-review style, offering viewers a comprehensive understanding of each film’s context and significance.

For those who yearn to revisit the classics and delve deeper into their narratives, Oliver Harper’s YouTube channel offers a rich, educational, and nostalgic experience. It’s a space where the legacy of cinema is celebrated and explored in depth, making it a must-visit destination for movie buffs around the world​​​​​​​​.

One Hundred Years of Cinema

One Hundred Years of Cinema is a YouTube channel that takes its viewers on a remarkable journey through the evolution of the film industry. Launched in 2016, this channel embarked on an ambitious project to analyze one significant film from each year, starting from 1915. This unique approach offers an extensive look at how cinema has transformed from the simple, silent films of the early 20th century to today’s high-budget blockbusters.

Each video is a deep dive into the cultural, technological, and artistic advancements that shaped cinema through the years. From the first Hollywood feature film to modern masterpieces, One Hundred Years of Cinema explores the myriad ways in which films have become an integral part of our cultural fabric. The channel’s exploration extends beyond just the movies themselves, looking into the broader narrative of cinema’s development over the decades.

RocketJump Film School

RocketJump Film School’s content spans a wide range of filmmaking aspects, offering tutorials, tips, tricks, interviews, podcasts, live streams, events, contests, forums, film commentary, and behind-the-scenes peeks. This diverse array of content caters to all levels of experience, from beginners to advanced practitioners, making it a valuable resource for anyone interested in the art and craft of filmmaking.

RocketJump Film School is constantly evolving, shaped by the filmmakers and community engaging with it. They even plan to release footage and sound libraries for their audience, understanding the challenges of accessing high-quality resources. Future plans also include in-person workshops, camps, and contests, aiming to expand their reach and impact.


Rossatron stands out for its insightful video essays, released weekly, which delve deep into the nuances of action cinema. Ross Peacock, the creative force behind Rossatron, is not only a full-time video editor but also an action filmmaker himself. His expertise and passion for the genre shine through in each video, where he often features action masterclasses and detailed film analyses.

Rossatron’s content is characterized by a blend of entertainment and education, offering viewers a deeper understanding of the complexities and artistry of action films. Whether it’s breaking down fight choreography, exploring the use of special effects, or analyzing narrative techniques, the channel offers a rich and diverse exploration of the genre.

Rowan J Coleman

Rowan J Coleman’s YouTube channel is a haven for fans of science fiction and superhero TV shows and movies. His channel is particularly known for its extensive retrospectives on iconic sci-fi series like Star Trek, Babylon 5, and Battlestar Galactica. These retrospectives are comprehensive explorations that chronicle the development and influence of these seminal works in the sci-fi genre. Fans of these series appreciate the depth and detail Rowan brings to his analyses, which are informed by his lifelong fascination with and knowledge of the genre.

The Royal Ocean Film Society

The Royal Ocean Film Society, created by filmmaker Andrew Saladino, is dedicated to bettering discourse about films, leading to an enhanced appreciation and understanding of the medium. Saladino’s approach combines a passion for film craft and history with his expertise as a freelance editor, resulting in a channel that is both informative and visually captivating.

The Royal Ocean Film Society has gained significant recognition for its high-quality content, receiving eleven Vimeo Staff Picks and being featured on Sight & Sound’s Best Video Essays of the Year list from 2017 to 2022. Additionally, the channel has been spotlighted by notable publications like Wired, Slate, The A.V. Club, The Playlist, Film School Rejects, and No Film School.

Ryan Hollinger

Ryan Hollinger’s YouTube channel features detailed analyses of films across various genres, though he primarily focuses on horror. His videos often explore the quality, story, and cinematography of different movies, providing viewers with a deeper understanding of the genre. This approach has made his channel a go-to resource for viewers looking to understand horror films beyond their surface-level thrills.

Scott Prop and Roll

Scott Prop and Roll, helmed by Scott Reeder, is a gem on YouTube for film enthusiasts and industry aspirants alike. Reeder, a seasoned TV and film prop master, offers a behind-the-scenes look at the often-overlooked world of film props. It’s not just about the glamorous actors or the visionary directors; Scott Prop and Roll shines a spotlight on the intricate and creative work of prop masters. The channel’s content ranges from fun and quirky revelations to detailed explorations of prop-making processes, providing both entertainment and education to its viewers.

Offering a blend of humor and expertise, Scott Prop and Roll is an essential stop for anyone fascinated by the nuts and bolts of what goes into creating the magical world of movies. It’s a channel where the unsung heroes of film production — the props — and the stories behind them take center stage​​​​​​​​.

The Templin Institute

The Templin Institute delves into the intricate worlds of science fiction, fantasy, and alternate history. The channel covers the places, people, and battles of fictional worlds, as well as discussions on worldbuilding and background. Whether it’s a deep dive into a well-known sci-fi universe or an exploration of lesser-known alternate histories, The Templin Institute offers a detailed and engaging analysis that appeals to both casual viewers and hardcore fans alike.

Trailers From Hell

Trailers From Hell ffers a fascinating twist on movie trailers, showcasing classic previews of past movie attractions, each accompanied by humorous and insightful commentary from iconic filmmakers. The channel is a brainchild of film director Joe Dante, new media entrepreneur Jonas Hudson, graphic artist Charlie Largent, and producer Elizabeth Stanley.

The focus of Trailers From Hell spans a broad range of genres, though it places a special emphasis on horror, science fiction, fantasy, and exploitation cinema. The commentaries by renowned filmmakers add a layer of depth and expertise, making each trailer both a learning experience and a nostalgic journey.

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