Astrology Study: Hades Moon

7 min readApr 30, 2024


[Apologies for writing this in the 1st person, like a blog.

Feel free to comment or reach out if you’d like more critical comments on this, or help with astrology in general.

If yourself or someone you know strikes you as absolutely world-changing batshite — then maybe they’ve got something going on with Pluto]

Hades Moon — a swag book on this very topic. Highly recommend
For example

I don’t like to tell people right off the bat, that I do readings of all kinds. To this date, I haven’t ever charged money, and people usually hear through friends, and then track me down through friends. — Yeah. I don’t even like to pretend that I do them for fun anymore, — because I really don’t.

And sometimes it’s kind of depressing? Its just always been automatic, no matter what modality, and people realize quite quickly that I know things that I shouldn’t know. Even a friend giving me a hug is usually enough for me to pick up on a lot. This has led confidants to utilize friendship with benefits, you know my whole life, asking for witchy things, and I can’t help it. I learned astrology relatively late. I did a few readings on a famous friend of mine, and the famous friend recommended me so highly and commanded me to study it, that I sort of boosted me enough to at least do that.

In political science, most of my friends tend to be serious microdick PhD people, and it has led me underground so to speak. Taking breaks from economics and policy, to read palms and write poetry is so wild. But people who know me, realize that I am either saving the world, or prophesying about it. I met an evangelical the other day, my age, at the friend of a former prime minister’s house, and he literally didn’t know what a zOdIaC sIgN was.

My friend told him I was a just nice“poet”, I am far-left, and the guy was an evangelical far right libertarian, to spare him that I wasn’t a Christian. Maybe if my friend made me seem artsy or kooky, that would help break the ice! But I wept inside for him a bit. Ignorance is bliss.

I am on day three of a bad mushroom trip, you know. I hate to be super raw and honest here, but I woke up super itchy, scratched till I bled, cooked chicken soup from scratch, fighting off a migraine, and took more mushrooms to top it off. I am coming out of a Major depressive phase of bipolar, and drank a shitetonne of coffee. — I’m having a rough transition in life with a bunch of stuff going on. Two wars, peace activism, and so on. This is just a super dark time in the world.


So I’ve been studying astrology again just a decompressing past time, looking at aspects now, trying to journal a bit before bed every night. Sometimes I notice old things I had forgotten, or I see new things.

Most importantly I’ve noticed the Hades Moon. I have a super Pluto placement, and a Hades Moon.

Menacing Depth,

When people ask friends or family about me, because I am so neat or something, the horrified and painful reaction they give strangers is “you have no idea”. Some family friends have been pressuring to write a biography because it would be a best seller. But I really don’t like Doctor Phil, and probably don’t want to end up in anything like that. It would be interesting to do astrology on all of his guests though, to see if they also have the Hades Moon.

I was grimacing over my major aspects.. And I came across a machine description saying “pathologically” ‘intense’. Wow.

Okay, that’s a bit biased.

Ha! One part of it ended on, will never be able to see others, without therapy or a lot of work. ‘Crazy relationships with family’, crazy relationships in general. And when Moon transits through Pluto, watch-the-fuck-out. You might come out of it a whole new person.

And I was baffled. Whoever wrote this machine calculator blurb must have been a foreign e-commerce person with poor english. But kept looking.

Moon, aspect with Pluto, whatever,.. Okay. Sweet.

A Hades Moon is defined by a Moon with a Scorpio placement/ near Pluto, or otherwise a moon with an aspect with Pluto.

I saw a few reddit threads, dare I say, other people’s stories are far more cursed than mine. But not too far off. I don’t have a very emotional placement, but some people do.

This was a decent non biased blurb, I felt.

I actually found this blog post to be the most hopefully. Another spot-on, cookbook style interpretation says:


Consider your natal chart firstly. Not everyone’s chart should be read equally, you really can’t even trust your Sun, or big 3 (Sun, Moon, Rising), because some placements are more powerful than others.

A Moon or Pluto with very little relevance or score in dominant planets, or aspects, stelliums, etc, which is calculated with many factors would be different. If these are more powerful placements for you, then you should tape a warning label to your forehead.

I know Pluto is a very dominant placement for myself. Some astrology calculators can calculate these things based on a score. Others just list them, or you can kind of see it on the circle diagram.

Exaltations are important too. Essentially I already knew that Pluto in my natal chart is already far more significant than my Sun or Moon or Ascendant. Calculating my dominant planets, the Sun scores 10 points, and Pluto scores 15. I am an uber scorpio in a lot of ways despite a powerful Sun to start. But not many people know to look deeper, which is why I mention it. Check yours too.

Perhaps this is rare to top it off, otherwise…Check your moon, check your Pluto, check the aspect, whether you have the Hades Moon. You can often find blurbs of the different combinations.

Major Transformations and The Hades Moon

The moon is very revised in modern spirituality, depicted in all kinds of ways today. However it really doesn’t have any light of its own. The moon in the true sense takes light from the sun, and reflects it. That’s it.

To reflect, is to correct the light, remembering and thinking as history accumulates, but there is less light. Better less, but better.

Consider the Sunlight, whichever sign, to be our core personality. And the moon reflects on our core trajectory. The moon to reflect on our life course, is our perpetual course-correction, and it is often depicted as our inner life. Reflections are deeper, inner, and thoughtful.

Pluto is the planet of death, underworld, and transformation. It has natures that are secretive, dark, successive, cyclical, intense, and can often be taken into many metaphors and myths from there.

The myth of Persephone, the wife of Hades (Pluto), Queen of the underworld, is the core story that depicts perpetual rebirth, confrontation with death, revolution, and transformation. Pluto is not normally the moon. And the moon is not normally Pluto.

The Hades Moon ‘Effect’, so to speak, is both. — Revolutionary for the individual, but transformational for the world. This effect, which is depicted in the photo above, has an intensity and an honesty that regular people who feel intense or dark emotions do not.

For example, a regular person might go through a horrendous life event, develop post truamatic stress from a warzone or be tortured, escape, and have nightmares, and so on. But they are just emotions and truama, and they can go for a walk, grab the mail, watch cartoons just like normal people. Nothing is really too unusual about it.

In comparison the Hades Moon puts their spirit to the labyrinth. They won’t only find themselves down there, and more, but they will save the world with whatever they find. They’ll march back to that warzone with a laser gatling gun and some sweet Sarah Conner sunglasses. Not only did they take it to heart. They absolutely pummelled its ass, while helping everyone else too.

Keep in mind, I do not believe in psychiatry at all. Some do, because it is our modern period or whatever, but the mind will baffle with labels, or without. And I prefer without.

That being said, a Hades Moon, is very likely to have intense psychologies and struggles. Astrology really isn’t very good for pinning down mental health, but sometimes there are placements that speak for themselves.

These are unbelievably tough people, who will go to hell and back, many times as naturally as the seasons change. And once they change, either you’ve been there hand in hand transforming with them, or your finished. They very well could vanish on you.

One bottom line for them, is they require radical honesty in all things, at all times, and a willingness to continually confront one’s shadow is a core part of their lives.

