The Freezing Chicken
1 min readJul 14, 2017


Hi, reading your story really cheered me up cause it’s basically the future I’m trying to picture for myself, even half that successful would be good. I dropped out of University a few months ago cause I always felt like I could already do more than at least 70% of people around me, and that a degree is really overrated where I live. My problem is that I’m struggling with motivation. In high school I really loved exploring and trying everything that was even remotely programming related for hours and hours when I first started, but after a few years of having really horrible and uninterested classmates completely destroyed my passion, having to go to University and re-listen to things I already knew made it even worse. Have you ever had moments where you felt like you lost so much motivation to almost doubt your work as a passion? If so, did you manage to get your shit together in some way?
Hope my english isn’t too much broken.



The Freezing Chicken

I actually may not be a chicken *twist sound plays in the background*