Why Your Kid Should Start a Fight on the First Day of School: Establish Dominance Early

The Fried Braincell
3 min readAug 12, 2024


As the school year kicks off, parents are bombarded with advice on everything from healthy lunch options to the best backpacks. But there’s one critical piece of wisdom that’s often overlooked: the importance of getting into a fight on the first day of school.

Before you clutch your pearls, let’s get one thing straight — I’m not advocating for senseless violence. I’m talking about strategic, purposeful confrontation. Think of it as a rite of passage, a tradition that dates back to the days when cave-kids used to club each other for the last piece of mammoth meat.

Let’s break down why this is the most important lesson your little one can learn this year.

1. Establishing Dominance

We all know the classroom is a jungle. The first day of school is like being dropped into the middle of the Serengeti. It’s survival of the fittest out there, and your kid needs to make sure they’re not at the bottom of the food chain.

What better way to show everyone who’s boss than by landing a solid punch to the gut of the kid who cut in line at recess? It’s not just about winning a fight; it’s about sending a message: “Don’t mess with me.” And honestly, isn’t that what life’s all about?

2. Boosting Confidence

There’s no better confidence boost than seeing your opponent cower after a well-placed shove. It’s like the first sip of coffee in the morning or the thrill of a new follower on Instagram — instant gratification.

Your kid’s self-esteem will skyrocket faster than you can say “detention,” and that swagger will carry them through the rest of the year. No more hiding behind mom’s leg at drop-off. They’ll walk into school like they own the place. And in a way, they will.

3. Building Resilience

Getting into a fight teaches kids a valuable lesson: sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, but you always get back up. It’s like that participation trophy, but with bruises.

If your child takes a hit, they’ll learn that life isn’t always fair, but you’ve got to roll with the punches — literally. Plus, nothing builds character like explaining to the principal why their nose is bleeding.

4. Enhancing Problem-Solving Skills

Conflict resolution is a key life skill, and what better way to practice than by throwing a few punches? Your child will learn how to assess situations quickly, decide whether it’s worth engaging, and then strategize their next move.

Forget those team-building exercises or trust falls; nothing says “I’ve got this” like dodging a flying kick from a fifth-grader.

5. It’s Just Plain Fun

Let’s face it, school can be a drag. Reading, writing, and arithmetic get old real quick. But a good ol’ fashioned brawl? Now that’s entertainment! It breaks up the monotony of the school day and gives everyone something to talk about at lunch.

And if your kid gets grounded, well, that just means they’ll have a little more time to reflect on their choices — while secretly plotting their next move.

So, this back-to-school season, forget about those anti-bullying assemblies and peace talks. Equip your kid with the only tool they’ll really need: the guts to throw the first punch.

Because in the wild, it’s eat or be eaten. And in elementary school, it’s fight or be forgotten.



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