Executing India’s biggest fashion sale. Under lockdown.

The Giant Leap
4 min readSep 30, 2020


  • Written by Viraj Vaz, Account Supervisor

With current circumstances leading to an all too apparent shift in consumer mindset, our campaign for Myntra’s first End Of Reason Sale of 2020 was an executional challenge from the get-go.It aimed to establish a sense of relatedness amongst an audience trying to embrace a new sense of normalcy. With current precautions and safety measures in place, along with an inherent fear for safety amongst us all, production for the campaign was an uphill task from the start. Mediating these circumstances, being extremely considerate and precautionary helped bring forth a feeling of assurance amongst all parties to deliver a successful campaign for the brand.

In the given climate, with priorities and focus greatly altered, we felt the need to address current circumstances rather than shy away from them. Leading with safety and an unforgettably accessible shopping experience, our launch campaign for the sale addressed the significant pent up demand from consumers to acquire the best from fashion brands at a time when safety and precaution are of paramount importance. The pan-India campaign was fronted by 3 icons of Indian film, Hrithik Roshan, Sonakshi Sinha (North-India) and Samatha Akkineni (South-India), bringing the glitz and glamour of a traditional End of Reason Sale to one within a slightly different reality.

As many of us spent most of our days cooped up at home with little around to stimulate our senses we started to embrace a life that started and ended, at home. Our campaign aimed to play on that fact, taking a behind-the-scenes look at the preparation that goes into launching India’s Biggest Fashion Sale. The main campaign films see each of our 3 celebs, in the comfort of their homes, in practise-mode running through their lines and preparing for an End of Reason Sale announcement like no other. This not only helped bring about a more relatable essence to the celebs but for the brand, also brings to light the mastery of the End of Reason Sale as a portal to acquire the best of fashion at a time when stepping out of your home may not be the most considerate thing to do. As mentioned earlier the films were regionalised with Sonakshi dominating the north of the country with an edit in Hindi, Samatha dominating the south market with edits in Telugu and Tamil and Hrithik with an English edit for the rest of the country.

In what ended up being quite a unique move for the brand and one which hadn’t been implemented in any form previously, was the introduction of the Myntra Heralds. The new trumpet playing mascots, accompanied by a new signature clarion call will now signify the arrival of every edition of the End of Reason Sale. The same delivered greatly on recall, memorability and portability across media.

The resulting clarion call also made a huge impression on social media forming the base for an extremely successful Tik Tok campaign, The “Myntra EORS Challenge”, grabbing billions of eyeballs ahead of the sale.

The campaign manifested itself on several platforms leading with 20 and 10 second TVCs running across the country, short 5 and 10 second stings pushing various customer call to actions on digital, along with several product feature videos and print and radio ads, a majority of which were regionally adapted in order to garner more reach for the campaign. The regionalisation of the campaign content played a huge role in achieving two major objectives for the campaign; New User Acquisition and Reach into T2 and T3 markets which were targeted by the brand for the first time.

How did we do?

With a total of over 80 films released across TV and digital, the campaign was not only one of the most successful in the brand’s history but considering the circumstances, also managed to achieve several firsts for the brand that now form a new base for considering future successes for the End of Reason Sale.

The campaign achieved its targeted reach and website/app traffic goals on the first day of the 4-day long sale (19th to 22nd June). With the highest ever organic acquisition ever for the brand at 1 Lakh per day for 4 days straight resulting in the most efficiency on social achieved by any End of Reason Sale so far.

Due to the inherently strong RTB push for the campaign and with the regional use of celeb power, the penetration of the campaign was extremely successful and a strong driving force especially in T2 and T3 cities with audiences attaching a great amount of affinity to the celebs and in turn the sale and the brand. On social, the Tik Tok challenge garnered a massive 11.6 billion views on the platform making it Myntra’s biggest ever social campaign in terms of reach.

The End of Reason launch campaign for 2020 worked extremely well for the brand. With a concept that lay in adopting an understanding of current circumstances and a willingness to bring life and excitement back into these uncertain times. The launch campaign proved to be one of the most successful in the brand’s history and one which showed adaptability, relatability, understanding, and consideration in order to launch the extravagance that is India’s Biggest Fashion Sale.



The Giant Leap

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