Hypergamy: Should Women “Marry Up”?

Nicole R. Goode, M.A.
9 min readApr 9, 2024

Buckle up, folks. We’re about to take a ride.


For many women, the answer to this question is quite obvious. For some men, there may be debate.

Let’s put it all on the table.

In my customary fashion, we will begin with clarifying terminology.

  1. What is marriage? Marriage is a legal, social, and religious institution. Notice that word “institution”. Institution is a structure [composed of rules, norms, and expectations] not simply for social order, but also social control.
  2. What is the complete definition of hypergamy? From a sociological perspective, hypergamy refers to marrying a person with higher social status, economic means (resources, wealth, income/salary), and/or educational background. In social sciences, hypergamy can also include marrying a person with more sexual capital than oneself. Hence “marrying up” is not restricted to the financial aspect alone.

Sexual capital = Erotic capital

Sexual/erotic capital is social power.

The social power of sexual/erotic capital refers to one’s sexual attractiveness, allure, and charm.

