The Harmonic Factor
17 min readNov 7, 2021



“As part of the meaning of the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, the return of Quetzalcoatl signifies the awakening of consciousness during the 26-year Harmonic Convergence prophecy cycle, 1987–2013. In this regard, Quetzalcoatl is the awakened rainbow consciousness that characterizes the self-luminous entry into the noosphere. This is the meaning of the seven cycles of the Lord of Dawn and the Seven 144-day Cycles, Return of Sacred Power.” — Jose Arguelles

The entrance to the the last 7 WEEKS of this YEAR 21 of the 21st CENTURY, serves today as a doorway inviting us to contemplate how drastically life has changed on Earth since 2020.

This 2020–2021 transition has been characterized by an unparalleled wave of new control measures designed to reduce and undermine our collective and individual Sovereignity.

This is how from the start of 2020 we have been witnessing an accelerated implementation of trans-humanist agendas playing within a technological landscape driven by an unprecedented digital revolution that is starting to look more as unconscious involution.

These are clear indicators that we are crossing a new KEY intersection between INORGANIC and ORGANIC paths of evolution of life on Earth…

Nonetheless, these events have been opening an opportunity for self-reflection and for a major transmutation of our collective unconscious / shadow self.


Parallel to the dystopian narratives projected by the mainstream media there is a more powerful, subtle and uplifting archetypal story taking place behind the third dimensional veil of illusion. With events on Earth appearing to enter into increasing levels of volatility and unpredictability, is KEY to keep present that above and beyond the external world of chaos, the synchronic order keeps informing us that we are entering into higher resonance with the larger HARMONIC patterns of Time. This is the case NOW.

From the perspective of the synchronic order, and the biosphere-noosphere transition timeline, we are transiting a key harmonic intersecting node between timelines. How is this?


We are now entering a NEW fractal stage within the process of harmonic convergence /galactic synchronization that has been taking place from 2012 to 2021 and that we have been carefully mapping, tracking and documenting here for the past 8 YEARS.

According to the “Galactic Spiral Density Wave” Timeline, July 26, 2013 signaled the completion of 7 cycles of 144-DAYS each, known as the cycles of the “Return of Sacred Power”. AS we can appreciate on the MAP below, these cycles were defined as an “Index of Increase of Spiritual Energy Activating the Noosphere”.

The completion of these 7 CYCLES of 144 DAYS defined the Galactic Synchronization event horizon and the START of a NEW “104,000-TUN galactic spiral density wave pulsation” and last November 4, 2021 (NS1.34.4.18 — KIN 65 13 Serpent), we also closed/opened KEY harmonic markers:

🌞🌬 On the ancient Mayan Long Count we closed the 9th TUN cycle since we closed the 13th baktun of 144000 DAYS (LC 4AjawLC 7Ajaw)

🌞🌬 On the New Sirius Count, this prophetic marker corresponded to the last day of 13-DAY cycle of the 13:20 Tzolkin Matrix coded by Seal 13 and marked the completion of 21 cycles of 144 days each since we crossed the Galactic Synchronization Event horizon of July 25–26, 2013 (NS1.26.0.0–1.1) Numbers 13, 21 and 144 hold the 7th, 8th and 12th positions on the logarithmic spiral sequence.

🌞🌬 In other words: Adding these 21 CYCLES of 144 DAYS to the 7 CYCLES leading to Galactic Synchronization, we closed a PERFECT HARMONIC of 28 CYCLES (7+21) of 144 days of the “Return of Sacred Power”!


This fractal cycle of 22 stages of 144 DAYS each, started at the Zero Mid-Point of the current 52-YEAR cycle (1987–2039) on July 26, 2013 (NS1.26.1.1 KIN 164 Yellow Galactic Seed) and concludes on March 28, 2022. This day is synchronizing with the marker 8 Kan on the Ancient Maya Long Count. 8 Kan is the analog of KIN 164 8 Seed on the Galactic Maya Count.

In other words: this prophetic fractal window comprised by 22 CYCLES of 144 DAYS each, started on KIN 164 on the Galactic Maya count and is closing 8 Kan on the Indigenous Maya count, the equivalent of KIN 164. Time is ART!”.164:164


KIN 66 (22+22+22) marked therefore DAY 1 of the prophetic cycle 22 of 144 DAYS of “The Return of Sacred Power”. This cycle is of utter prophetic significance considering the multiple synchronizations taking place:

1- It represents the closing of a PERFECT HOLOGRAM of the 22 Calendar Rounds of 52 YEARS comprised within the Quetzalcoatl Prophecy of 13 Heavens and 9 Underworlds (843–1987)

2- This CYCLE 22 will come to a close on March 28, 2022 on KIN 209 1Moon, the 9th Solar Seal of the Tzolkin Matrix.

KIN 209 marks also the entrance to the 5th cycle of 52 days of the Tzolkin Matrix: The Green Castle of Enchantment. Court of Magic.

3- On the fractal count of 260 MOONS (see “20 Tablets of the Law of Time”), the START of this prophetic fractal of 22 cycles of 144 DAYS each on July 26, 2013 corresponded ALSO to the entrance to this 5th cycle of 52 MOONS . These 52 MOONS (KIN 209–260) correspond therefore to the 4 cycles of 13 MOONS comprised between the years 2013 and 2017.

To summarize: CYCLE #22 of 144 DAYS of “The Return of Sacred Power” started on KIN 66 (22+22+22) and is closing on DAY #22 of the the 9th MOON of the 13-MOON year. It is synchronizing with the start of the 13-DAY cycle commanded by the 9th Solar Seal on the Tzolkin Matrix. This day marks therefore the LAST DAY of the 9 fractal “Underworld Cycles” that started on 9.9.2018. The completion of this CYCLE #22 of 144 DAYS also indicate us that there are 9 cycles of 144 DAYS remaining to the the “Golden Intersection of Timelines”.


November 6, 2021 marks therefore DAY #2 of this CYCLE #22 that will close in 2022 is synchronizing on the ancient Maya Long Count with 9 Ik, the equivalent of KIN #22 White Solar Wind on the 13:20 Matrix!!! 22:2:22!!!

26-DAY TIMELINE of wavespells 5 (KIN 53–65) and 6 (KIN 66–78) highlighting the prophetic connections between the Indigenous Maya and the Galactic Maya counts.

This represents another KEY confirmation of the prophetic unification of counts that we have been carefully tracking since 2013 considering that:

🌞🌬 9Ik (Iq’ / Ehecatl) is associated with the Quetzalcoatl/ Kukulcan Rainbow Serpent mythic complex across Mesoamerican traditions.

🌞🌬 9Ik or Bolon Ik (analog of KIN 22 9Wind) corresponds to the main deity of the so-called Palenque Triad, labeled as “GI,” “GII,” and “GIII” (Berlin, 1965):

“The Venus identification of GI stems mainly from his birth date 9 Ik’ (Nine Wind), mentioned already as the calendar name of Ehecatl-Quetzalcoatl, a major Venus god in Central Mexican mythology (Kelley 1965)”.

“A New Look at Palenque’s Mythology” by David Stuart

🌞🌬 Quetzalcotal/Kukulcan/Planet Venus is the patron deity of the Harmonic Convergence of 1987 and EXACTLY 2 Tzolkins ago, on June 2, 2020 (NS1.32.12.5–6 KIN 65 13 Serpent, KIN 66 1Worldbridger) marked the transition from the 2012–2020 Venus-Earth pentagonal cycle to the 2020–2028 pentagonal cycle.

🌞🌬 Last September 9 (9.9.2021) KIN 9, 9 Moon (noted also as 9.9) marked the completion of a perfect hologram of 13 Tzolkin cycles of 260 DAYS since the rare Venus Transit of 6.6.2012 (KIN 9. 9.9).

🌞🌬 On the Time Map showing the FRACTAL prophetic correspondence between these 22 CYCLES of Return of Sacred Power and the 22 CALENDAR ROUNDS of 52YEARS each, we can appreciate that DAY 1 of CYCLE 1 of the 9 FRACTAL “Underworld” CYCLES, synchronized precisely with September 9, 2018 noted as 9.9.18 (1+8=9). Hence 999

In simple words: These 9 FRACTAL CYCLES of 144 DAYS each started on 9.9.9 on the Gregorian Calendar. 999 is the NUMBER of COMPLETION… These 9 cycles will close on KIN 209, 1Moon opening the 13-DAY cycle coded by solar seal #9.

🌞🌬 According to the ancient/indigenous Maya count we are currently transiting year 5129 coded by 9 ik (Iq’). In other words: Precisely 260 DAYS ago, marked the entrance to the New Year 5129. This is of special harmonic significance as November 7, 2021, KIN 68 3Star marks the 260-DAY countdown to Day Out of Time 2022 — July 25, 2022 — KIN 68. 260:260!

Image Source: https://mayatecum.com/

🌞🌬 The Equinox Portal from September 22, 2021 corresponded to KIN 22 (9 Wind) and it is PRECISELY at the equinox points when the sunlight aligns with the main stairway of the pyramid of Kukulcan at Chichen-Itzá, causing 7 isosceles triangles to form imitating the body of a serpent that travels downwards until it joins the huge serpent’s head carved in stone at the bottom of the stairway.

🌞🌬 The equinox portal of KIN 22 also signaled the start of 22 perfect WEEKS TO the 2022.2.2 SYNCHRONIZATION PORTAL on the Gregorian count…

🌞🌬 The December 21, 2021 solstice portal will mark the completion of 9 SOLAR YEARS from DAY 1 of the current 13th Baktun (LC and will correspond to KIN 113 Red Solar Skywalker coded by TONE 9 and SEAL 13.

🌞🌬 KIN 22 9WIND is the birth sign of Lloydine Burris, Bolon Ik, the woman who next to Jose Arguelles, organized the Harmonic Convergence of 1987.

🌞🌬 KIN 22 is the perfect mirror of KIN 222 on the Tzolkin Matrix. Last KIN 222 1 Wind synchronized with the last day of the 13-MOON year (13.28) and the START of the 13-DAY cycle that commands the purpose of this electric seed year (KIN 224).

🌞🌬 On the logarithmic spiral time-map of the Harmonic Convergence and the New Dispensation of Time, we are transiting the from the Fibonacci 21 position to the Fibonacci 22 position.

Time is ART!!!


Number 22 holds a wide spectrum of multi-cultural/ multi-dimensional significance within the context of prophecy, scripture and world spiritual practices:

⁂ 22 is the number of biblical books of the Old Testament

⁂ 22 is the number of chapters in the Revelation of John

⁂ 22 is the number of letters of the hebrew alphabet that we find in the Pentateuch.

⁂ The chronology of the Patriarchs, from Adam to Jacob, includes 22 names.

⁂ The 22 chapters of the Vendidad, book of the Avesta, written by Zarathustra.

⁂ The 22 prayers (“Yeshts”) of the “Khorda-Avesta”.

⁂ The Chronos god was surrounded by 22 main assistants and 22 secondary, according to the Phoenician Sanchoniaton.

⁂ For Muslims, the Koran is the recording of the oral revelation authorized by the grace of God to the Prophet of Islam during almost 22 years, in the beginning of the seventh century of the Christian era — from 610 to 632.

⁂ The 22 cards of the Tarot — 22 major arcana.

⁂ The initiation of Pythagoras with the Egyptian priests lasted 22 years.

⁂ The twenty-two channels linking the ten “Sephiroth” between them in the “sephirotic Tree” of the Cabal.

⁂ 22 divided by 7 gives the number “pi”, which represents the mysterious and approximate ratio of the perimeter of a circle to its diameter.

⁂ July 22nd (22/7=pi): NOOSPHERE DAY. Mary Magdalene Feast Day



The Mesoamerican understanding of the cosmos was guided by parallelisms, or dualities. From this perspective, everything is formed from a pair. Within this cosmology probably one of the most fundamental dualities was the pair comprised of “macrocosmos”, or the divine powers in the universe, and “microcosmos” or life on EARTH. Mesoamerican Cosmovision connected in this way space and time in a way that provided necessary structure to encompass life.

The Numbers 9 and 13 represent therefore the axis of Mesoamerican cosmology. This axis holds the entire Creation comprised by 13 Heavens and 9 Underworlds, with 9 Lords guarding the 9 levels of the earth (BolonTiku) and 13 Lords guarding the 13 celestial realms (OxlahunTiku). These are the protagonists of the “myth of creation” according to the Book of the Chilam Balam of Chumayel.


Let’s keep in mind that the entrance to this CYCLE #22 of 144 DAYS also marked the entrance to a prophetic window of 1440 DAYS of 1440 minutes each, from Long Count marker 7Ajaw (November 4, 2021)to Long Count marker 4Ajaw (October 14, 2025). This day marks the Golden Intersection of Timelines. How is this? There are 3 MAJOR and UNPRECEDENTED synchronizations taking place:

1 • October 14, 2025 (LC will mark the completion of 443 YEARS since the START date of the Gregorian calendar. 443 YEARS is equal to 161803 DAYS: a PERFECT fractal measure of the Golden ratio: 1.61803…

2 • This prophetic marker in the future (LC corresponds to 4 Ajaw on the 260-DAY Sacred Calendar: The same marker as the START and END dates of the entire 13-Baktun cycle.

3 • 4 Ajaw is the equivalent of KIN 160 (4 Sun) the DAY marking the Golden Section/Proportion of the 13:20 Time Matrix. (260/160=1.625)


The Number 144 holds a UNIQUE set of harmonic attributes that may explain why the Maya devised it as the basis of their sacred Baktun Count of 13 periods of 144.000 DAYS each. How is this?

★ Number 144 (12X12) corresponds to the 12th position on the Fibonacci sequence, the mathematical principle present in ALL Nature and also embedded into the 13-UNIT structure of the Cosmology of Time.

★ 144 is therefore the only number on the Logarithmic SPIRAL that is a SQUARE and a CIRCLE (spiral) at the same TIME. A DIVINE INTERSECTION of Golden Proportions where SPACE (SQUARE) and TIME (CIRCLE) meet.

★ Within this artificial time matrix, the most BASIC UNIT OF TIME ( 1 DAY) is comprised by 1440 minutes of mechanical time. We may ask now: How did we end up trapped within this perpetual 1440-minute cycle of the machine after being able to track evolutionary cycles of 144.000 days? What other layers of the artificial time matrix are coded by this number?


Using this mechanical division of time as our yardstick for measurement, it turns out that as demonstrated by the work of Bruce Cathie, the Speed of Light in free space, has an angular velocity of 144,000 minutes of arc per grid second. He named this 24-Hour (12+12) partitioning of the Full Day as “Earth Time”.


“In (AD 843) the prophetic Sirian cycle was initiated — 22 cycles of 52-years each, 13 Heavens and 9 Hells (Underworld). The 1144 (52 x 22) year cycle was completed August 16-17, 1987. August 16 was Magnetic Moon 22, and August 17, Kin 56, Magnetic 23, was the 22nd day after Kin 34, 26 July, 1987. These two dates, known as the Harmonic Convergence, commemorated the fractal completion of the 22 Sirius cycles of the Quetzalcoatl prophecy. Henceforth, the date, White Galactic Wizard, Kin 34, Magnetic Moon 1, marked the commencement of the new dispensation of time, the first New Sirius 52-year cycle.

A new system of chronology is positioned from this date. The new chronology is known as the “Chronology of the New Sirius Cycles,” and increases in increments of 52 years per Sirius cycle. Gregorian correlate 26 July, was the original date for marking the heliacal rising of Sirius in ancient Egypt and among the Maya. July 26 is also the 34th day after the Crystal solstice. It is for this reason that the first 260-kin Sirius chromatic initiating the New Chronology began 23 June, 1987, the first day after the solstice. There is much about the perfection of the Sirian wisdom to contemplate in the recitation of the foregoing facts.”

Rinri Project Newsletter III,

Mystery of the Stone Edition, Vol. 3, №1

Special Issue: Dreamspell: The Sirius Code Revealed


The 13-Moon, 28-Day Calendar establishes a new harmonic standard for timekeeping that promotes greater access to our inherent creativity and capacity to live in right relationship with each other and the planet. Adopting a new calendar means a new society and a new way of doing things.

The proactive choice now is to change the calendar yourself. That’s right. The way to change the old paradigm is to begin to live our lives guided by a timing standard that is a harmonic reflection of the cycles of nature. The 13-Month/Moon 28-Day Calendar is an indigenous calendar for a sovereign humanity, a new calendar for a new time!

To sign and support an open petition for Calendar Referendum 2028 and Declaration of Universal World Peace, and to ensure that humanity adopt and implement the 13-Month, 28-Day Calendar as a new Harmonic Standard by 2028, please go to:


To download a PDF copy of the 2021–2022 transitional 13-Month, 28-Day WALL Calendar please go to:


To read part 1 of this report: “The Harmonic Convergence of Prophecy” (13.9.2021).



Agent 113 [13.9]

Gregorian: November 6, 2021
Long Count: 9Ik’ 0 Keh
New Sirius Count: NS1.
DAY 2 of CYCLE 22 of 144 DAYS of “The Return of Sacred Power”
1440 DAY countdown to the Golden Intersection of Timelines:
LC 4Ajaw
Time is ART!

“Why Lord of the Dawn Quetzalcoatl?

Lord of the Dawn Quetzalcoatl, prophet and mythic complex of ancient Mexico is the patron saint or tutelary deity of the Harmonic Convergence. The Harmonic Convergence of 1987 was in commemoration of the completion of his prophecy of 13 Heavens and 9 Hells, and was celebrated worldwide as a global peace meditation.

One writer refers to Quetzalcoatl as the magician par excellence, “He who knows the secrets of all enchantments.” He is a culture hero and bringer of the knowledge of astronomy, mathematics and the calendar. He is the one who initiates man into the mysteries of the interior life. He is often depicted as a plumed serpent, representing the marriage of heaven and earth. He is an alchemical cipher of the cycles and stages of transformation. He is associated with Venus and its synodic cycles of appearance, disappearance and reappearance as the morning and evening star.As a prophet he is known as Ce Acatl Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl — Our Lord One Reed Quetzalcoatl. He was born in the Christian year 947 in Amatlan in the present state of Morelos, Mexico. He was known as a model king of peace and promoter of the arts and culture, who was opposed to human sacrifice, and built his palaces in the city of Tula in the archetypal memory of the original Tollan, the city of the distant star born. After many adventures and wanderings, he departed on a raft of serpents on the eastern sea in the Christian year 999, traveling toward the dawn, vowing he would return on the year sacred to him, the year One Reed in the Nahuatl tradition, the year and day of his birth (1 Reed = 1 Skywalker, Kin 53). In the Mexica tradition this year last occurred in 1987, exactly 1040 years or 20 52 year cycles after his birth in 947.

In the Nahuatl tradition, Quetzalcoatl is regarded as a multiple avatar and the first human to discover and convert himself into a “god”, i.e., to attain and realize his divine nature. Quetzalcoatl taught that human greatness grows out of the awareness of spiritual order. The era of Quetzalcoatl is that of the advent of the soul, the unifying center which is the essence of all religious thought.

Quetzalcoatl gave three principle counsels or advices:

1. Always be aware that God is ever-present; don’t despair or become cowardly, but remain humble in your heart and love God.

2. Be at peace with everybody, regardless.

3. Don’t waste your time. You have been given a precious opportunity in this earthly life; use it wisely and creatively.

As part of the meaning of the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, the return of Quetzalcoatl signifies the awakening of consciousness during the 26-year Harmonic Convergence prophecy cycle, 1987–2013. In this regard, Quetzalcoatl is the awakened rainbow consciousness that characterizes the self-luminous entry into the noosphere. This is the meaning of the seven cycles of the Lord of Dawn and the Seven 144-day Cycles, Return of Sacred Power.

José Argüelles-Valum Votan,

Galactic Research Institute
Self-existing 15, Kin 207, 5 Moon year
(1 November, 2010, Day of the Dead, All Saints Day)

Sura 113, Lord of the Dawn

In the Name of God most gracious, most merciful!

113.1 Say, “I seek refuge with the Lord of the Dawn.

113.2 “From the mischief of the created things.

113.3 “From the mischief of darkness as it spreads over things.

113.4 “From the mischief of those who practice secret arts as they blow into knots.

113.5 “And from the mischief of the envious one as he practices envy”

(This sura is essentially a prayer for protection in dark times. Lord of the Dawn in this context is a designation for Allah/God).

Learn more: https://www.lawoftime.org/timeshipearth/articlesbyvv/spiral-density-wave.html

