The Harmonic Convergence of Timelines

The Harmonic Factor
15 min readJan 16, 2022

Today, January 16, 2022 [NS1.] holds a KEY HARMONIC marker in the distant future on the ancient Maya Long Count and signals a CLIMATIC synchronization point between the 3 calendrical systems we have been exploring for the past years:

φ • The Gregorian calendar

φ • The Mayan Long Count of 13 Baktun and 20 Baktun cycles

φ • The 13 Moon, 28-Day Calendar and the Tzolkin/13:20 Natural Time Matrix.

During this time we have been highlighting the multiple HARMONIC FACTORS converging through this entire 2020–2021–2022 transition, indicating to us a clear and coherent integration node between these 3 calendars, and today is a perfect opportunity to travel in time and explore this multi-dimensional convergence of cycles. How is this?


The Maya recorded higher cycles above the Baktun cycle, leaving us clues into the fractal measure and the harmonic nature present in their advanced time science and its elegant vigesimal mathematical system. Of special relevance for this investigation is the 20-BAKTUN cycle.

As mentioned several times in the past, October 13, 4772, marks the END/START of a NEW Piktun cycle comprised by 20 Baktuns of 144.000 DAYS each since the start of the Maya Long Count, and represents a synchronic threshold only comparable to the December 21, 2012 event horizon…

This date (noted on the Vigesimal Long Count system as 10 AJAW) is referenced on the Western Tablet at the top of the Temple of Inscriptions in Palenque, Chiapas and has baffled archeologists, researchers and elders for years. Thanks to these records in stone, José Arguelles was able to re-construct the entire fractal hologram of 13 and 20 BAKTUNS.


This excerpt from one of his last articles entitled “1000 Days to 2012–7 Baktuns of Timeship Earth 2013” also gives us more insights on this mysterious date in the far future:

“The conclusion of the 13-baktun great cycle of history, 21 December 2012, actually marks a zero point, which is both an ending and a beginning. As of this date a new 7-baktun cycle begins that will run its course in the year 4772 (old count), that is 2760 years later, during the 54th New Sirius cycle. These 2760 years encompass the 7 baktuns of the second creation of the Law of Time, the span of the Sixth Sun of Consciousness. This fact is derived from the following:

“It is interesting that recent decodings of the hieroglyphs at Palenque, which are understood to have been made during the reign of Pacal the Great, refer to dates beyond the end of the Long Count calendar. On the Tablet of the Inscriptions at Palenque a date of 5 Lamat 1 Mol can be inferred — otherwise known as 21 October 4772, almost 3000 years in the future. Perhaps we can deduce from this that Pacal himself believed that the end of the fifth age did not represent the end of time or of the Earth, and that his name would be still mentioned in the sixth age.” — David Douglas, p. 133, The Mayan Prophecy 2012 (2009) IMAGE CREDITS: The West Panel of the Temple of the Inscriptions (drawing by Linda Schele)

This is a most significant piece of information. It indicates that 8 days after the end of the 20th baktun ( that Pacal Votan will return. If October 21 (Self-existing Moon 4), 4772 is, then October 13, Electric Moon 24, would be the precise completion of the 20 baktun cycle begun on 13 August 3113.

Even more profoundly is the fact that this 20 baktun inscription demonstrates the complete power of the numbers 13 and 20 with the occulted interval of 7: 13 baktuns, encompass the great cycle of history, but 7 baktuns more define the great cycle of the sixth sun of the noosphere. 20 is the Mayan number of totality — meaning that the conclusion of 20 baktuns will mark a complete cycle of totality of the planet Earth — from the unconscious 13-baktun cycle of history, to the cosmic conscious 7-baktun cycle of the noosphere.

If 5125 years of operating by inharmonious and mechanistic standards of time produced the disaster of global civilization, what will 2760 years of operating by harmonic cycles of synchronization produce? Will this not be the true golden age of an enlightened humanity at one with the cosmos, at home and forever free on Timeship Earth 2013?”


The synchronic order is based on the prophecy of Pacal Votan, revealing the golden thread that links past, present and future.

From the fractal time perspective, the transition from BAKTUN #20 to #21 holds the same numerical resonance as the transition from CENTURY #20 to #21, on the Gregorian count as well as the transition from the YEAR 2020 to 2021. This transition window represents therefore a KEY FRACTAL threshold considering that:

  1. On the Maya Long Count we are currently transiting the 14th Baktun coded by Number 13. (2012–2406). Number 13 holds the 7th position on the spiral.

2. 2021 marked the completion of 20 YEARS from the start of the 21st CENTURY (2001–01–01). Number 21 holds the 8th position on the spiral…

3. From the cosmological perspective of the synchronic order, this 20-YEAR milestone represents one perfect hologram of 20 units.

4. On the New Sirius Cycle count, we are currently transiting the year coded by Number 34 (NS1.34) Number 34 holds the 9th position on the logarithmic spiral…

5. This is therefore an intersection of unprecedented harmonic significance between the dissonance of the Gregorian calendar and the perfect harmonic resonance of the 13-Moon, 28-Day calendar and the vigesimal system of the Mayan Long Count.


As mentioned above, the mysterious date marking the END of the 20th BAKTUN cycle noted as 10 Ajaw (October 13, 4772) is inscribed along with the Long Count date 5Lamat (October 21, 4772), marking the ancient future return of Mayan master synchronic architect Pakal Votan, on the completion of 80 Calendar Rounds of 52 YEARS from his accession to the throne of Palenque (Lakamha’) on July 26, 615 AD, Long Count Marker 5Lamat 1Mol.

Yesterday, January 15, 2022 [NS1.34.7.6 KIN 137 7Earth] as we were preparing the final 20-BAKTUN Time-Map for the release of our Cosmic Time ePHImeris, we had MAJOR new revelations…


While contemplating the FACT that there are precisely 8 DAYS between October 13 to October 21, 4772, and that these 3 numbers (8:13:21) can be mapped on a Fibonacci SPIRAL sequence, we had several realizations:

1 • The Long Count Date - 5 Lamat (October 21, 4772) marks therefore DAY #8 of BAKTUN #21.

2 • Number 21 holds precisely the 8th position on the Fibonacci SPIRAL.

3 • 5 Lamat is the equivalent of KIN 148 (5 STAR) coded by TONE #5 (Fibonacci 5) and seal #8 (Fibonacci 6).

4 • 5 STAR corresponds therefore the 5th DAY of the 13-DAY cycle of the SEED that starts on KIN 144 (Fibonacci 12)

5 φ • The date 10 AJAW marks precisely the LAST DAY of the KATUN cycle #140 closing the 7-Baktun cycle of the Noosphere that is also coded by 10 AJAW! In other words: DAY 10AJAW is nested within KATUN 10AJAW! (See 21-BAKTUN Map for details)

10 AJAW is the equivalent of KIN 140 10Sun on the Dreamspell Count and codes the TELEKTONON Prophecy of Pakal Votan.

6 • In only 2 days (January 18, 2021 — KIN 140) we will reach this fractal point of resonance on the daily Tzolkin Count.

7 • DAY #22 of this Gregorian year 2022 will correspond to the DAY#13 of MOON#7 and to KIN 144 1 Seed, marking the completion of 40 TZOLKINS of 260 DAYS since the Telektonon Prophecy Revelation to José Arguelles on July 26, 1993 NS1.6.1.1 KIN 144 1 Seed, EXACTLY 1378 YEARS from Pakal Votan’s accession to the throne of Palenque…

Original Telektonon Prophecy Book cover.

This day signaled the FIRST DAY of the FIRST YEAR of the 7 YEARS of PROPHECY (1993–2000). 40 Tzolkins represent 2 CYCLES comprised of 20 Tzolkins each or 5 CYCLES of 8 TZOLKINS, each one comprised by 20 cycles of 13 DAYS! 5:8:13



These realizations prompted us to extend the 20-BAKTUN hologram and create a visual map of 21 Baktuns to study and determine with clarity the harmonic nexus points of resonance and harmonic relationships between the 13 and 8 Baktun cycles. In this way we are able to keep a fractal scale based on the Golden Proportion and the Fibonacci progression. While doing this exploration, yet a new spectrum of harmonic factors converged with impeccable exactitude. How is this?

As we calculated the END of the BAKTUN #21 we realized that it corresponds to…

JANUARY 16, 5167!!!

In other words: TODAY, as we publish this entry, marks precisely a fractal point of resonance across the fabric of TIME + SPACE connecting us to the Ancient-Future-NOW that is reaching a CLIMAX in EXACTLY 3145 YEARS as we close BAKTUN #21 of the Maya Long Count!!!

The are 7 factors of indisputable harmonic resonance relevance that were immediately brought to our awareness:


This convergence of harmonic factors was reveled on the eve of 7th DAY of the 7th MOON of the 13-MOON YEAR and the 7th DAY of the 13-DAY cycle of the Monkey as we are traversing the 7th COLUMN (HARMONIC RUN) of the 13:20 Tzolkin Matrix. 7:7::7:7.

This is the 49th Tzolkin cycle of the New Dispensation of Time. 49= 7x7.

Number 7 represents Creation:

🌈 7 Colors of the Rainbow

🎼 7 Musical Notes

🌻 7 Circles in the Seed of Life

  • φ • The 13th DAY of this 13-DAY cycle of the Monkey will correspond to January 21, 2022 KIN 143 13Night.
  • φ • Since the 21st century technically began on January 1, 2001 and ends on December 31, 2100, January 21, 2022 actually corresponds to DAY#21 of the YEAR #21 of this CENTURY #21. 21:21:21!!!
  • These insights are being published on the 7th DAY of the 7th MOON on KIN 138 White Galactic Mirror represented by numbers 13 and 8 (13+8=21)


  • φ • As we can appreciate on the 21-BAKTUN Map, the START (ALPHA) and END (OMEGA) dates of this cycle correspond to 4 AJAW (August 11, 3114 BCE) and 9 AJAW (January 16, 5167 CE)
  • φ • These are precisely the 2 positions that hold the Golden Intersections of the Tzolkin Matrix. This is because:

    4 AJAW is the equivalent of KIN 160 and holds the last position of the 8th column of the Tzolkin Matrix (8x20=160)
  • 9 AJAW is the equivalent of KIN 100 and holds the last position of the 5th column of the Tzolkin Matrix (5x20=100)


As a result of this harmonic relationship between the START and END dates, the unified ALPHA+OMEGA signature of the entire 21-BAKTUN cycle is 13 AJAW, the equivalent of KIN 260 holding the last position of the 13th column and the entire Tzolkin Matrix. This is because:

KIN 160 (ALPHA) + KIN 100 (OMEGA)= KIN 260


As we can also appreciate on the 21-BAKTUN Map, the START date corresponds 4AJAW (KIN 160) on the daily count, while the END date corresponds to the KATUN coded by 4AJAW (KATUN 160) closing in this way a perfect fractal circuit of Golden Proportions comprised by 21 cycles of 144.000 days each.


In an analog way, the START (ALPHA) and END (OMEGA) dates of this cycle on the Galactic Maya Count, correspond to KIN 150 7Dog (August 11, 3114 BCE) and 7Night (January 16, 5167 CE)

  • φ • The END date (OMEGA) corresponds to KIN 163 7Night, the galactic signature of DAY OUT OF TIME 2013, holding the portal to Galactic Synchronization 2013.
  • φ • In other words: The END date of BAKTUN #21 will mark the completion of ?? Tzolkin cycles from crossing the Galactic Synchronization of 2013 and the arrival of the NEW Galactic Beam.
  • φ • KIN 163 is also close numerical fractal to 1.618 and close to KIN 160–161–162 holding the Golden Section of the Tzolkin Matrix.
  • φ • Both END + START dates are coded by Tone #7. 7Dog and 7Night (7:7)
  • φ • The Unified Power of these 2 gateways corresponds to KIN 53 1Skywalker. This is because:
    KIN 150 (ALPHA) + KIN 163 (OMEGA)= 313 (-260)= KIN 53
  • This holds and immense prophetic significance because:KIN 53 holds the entrance to the 13-DAY wave spell of Prophecy and is analog of 1Ben/1 Reed/Acatl, birth sign of the prophet Ce Acatl Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl, the prophet who brought forward the Prophecy of the 13 Heavens and 9 Hells, resurrected by Native American poet Tony Shearer and fulfilled by the Harmonic Convergence of 1987
  • 53 represents the frequency of Sirian Rebirth (52+1).
  • 53 is also analog of the 53 cycles of 52 years (Sirian Rounds) of the 7 Dynasties of Timeship Earth (2016–4772) as presented on the last chapter Book #7 of the Cosmic History Chronicles: “The Book of the Cube”
  • Now seems also relevant to note that according to the 1 KIN = 1 MOON Fractal count of 260 MOONS (see “20 Tablets of the Law of Time”) this entire 13-MOON planetary service wavespell is coded by KIN 53 1Skywalker.

On this fractal count, the magnetic moon corresponds to KIN 53, and the 3rd and 4th moons to KIN 55 3 Eagle and KIN 56 4Warrior, the galactic gateways of The Harmonic Convergence of 1987. The 6th moon corresponds, therefore, to KIN 58 (6Mirror) and the 8th moon to KIN 60. KIN 58 and 60, are analog of 6 Etznab and 8Ajaw, both clear signs #2 and #1 of prophecy carved around the sarcophagus lid of Pakal Votan correspond to the days of his ascension/dis-incarnation (6ETZNAB)and his birth (8AJAW).


Since 13 AJAW — KIN 260 13Sun when combined to any other KIN acts always a Universal mirror of Unity, the Indigenous+Galactic Maya UNIFIED signature is KIN 53 1Skywalker — 1 Ben, holding the perfection of the Prophetic Alliance between counts that was sealed in Palenque on December 21, 2012…

“We may now define the Traditional Count as the Indigenous Maya and the Dreamspell/Chilam Balam as the Galactic Maya…The two counts actually constitute a prophetic alliance…There is no conflict…The Law of Time embraces both systems in the higher fourth-dimensional order of truth.”

Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan


“As the special witness of time, I, Pacal Votan, know the perfect count of days. I bow in the temple of the tower and the rock, the sanctuary of Bolon Ik. In my body, formed of the ultimate perfection of God’s power of all movement and measure (Hunab Ku), is the recollection that is prophecy…”

Telektonon Prophecy — Verse #21

On the vigesimal notation system, Number 20 is written as 1.0. Within this whole system, Number 20 is therefore defined as the Number of TOTALITY (ONE) and 21 as the Number of UNIFIED TOTALITY (20+1).

Jose Arguelles re-defined the 13:20 Cosmology of Time with the introduction of the 441 Cube Matrix (21x21x21). In this cosmology the 20 Solar Seals of the Tzolkin correspond to the the TOTALITY of the cosmology and Hunab Ku (“The ONE Giver of Movement and Measure”) corresponds to the UNIFICATION factor represented by Number 21 as the “root of the cube of knowledge, root of galactic wisdom and knowledge.” (See “Hunab Ku 21” and “21 Galactic Archetypes” of Cosmic History Chronicles).

As a holonomic reflection of the perfection of spiral patterns in Life, the synchronic order and its tools (13-Moon, 28-Day synchronometer, and 260-DAY Tzolkin Matrix) act as a telepathic field of harmony capable of absorbing the dissonance embedded into the Gregorian calendar, and integrate it via Hunab Ku (“The ONE Giver of Movement and Measure”) into the PERFECT mathematical resonance with the cycles of the Galaxy, the Stars, the Sun and the Moon and the stages of the logarithmic Spiral pattern of creation… TIME is ART!

Heptad Path Codes for the Resonant Moon. Image Credits: www.lawoftime.org


The script of the Telektonon prophecy did not “came to an end” in the year 2012. It is a living transmission still unfolding in REAL TIME. We are now the protagonists of our own individual and collective Hero’s Journey. We are enacting the male + female archetypal journey of redemption in time. We are the ones who, by following the steps and guidance of our ancestors, and of our Higher Self, can still enact our own liberation from a world that keeps us, at large, entrapped in the walls of materialism and the numbing effects of the artificial time matrix. As in any real-life adventure game, we just need to have the right attitude, the right set of tools, and the right focus to uncover more clues, messages, and memory treasures encoded within the “Mother of ALL prophecies”, in order to find our way out of the consciousness labyrinth in which we are living.

These alignments are opening once again a perfect window of opportunity to tune in to the larger picture. Let’s elevate our focus of attention to rise above the current climate of fear propagated by the old paradigm. With so much chaos transpiring around our planet now, it is wise to take some time to focus our attention on the sacred ratios and proportions of the synchronic order and enter into resonance with the larger harmonic patterns and cycles of time. Now is a time for deep reflection on the state of our world and on how we wish to shift the way we live our lives on this planet. Society STILL has an opportunity to change; are we paying attention?!”

May this be an opportunity to connect with the archetype of the Feathered Serpent, Kukulkan, Quetzalcoatl, and give birth to a NEW Consciousness on Earth!

2021–2022 marks the flowering of the first generation of the 3rd MILLENNIUM! This is then a TIME inviting us to think about RE-GENERATION and ENVISION A NEW FUTURE…

The way to change the old paradigm is to begin to live by a timing standard that is a harmonic reflection of the cycles of nature. The 13-Month/Moon 28-Day Calendar is an indigenous calendar for a sovereign humanity, a new harmonic calendar for a new time of peace and harmony!

Please CLICK HERE to sign and support an open petition for Calendar Referendum 2028 and Declaration of Universal World Peace, and to ensure that humanity can adopt and implement the 13-Month, 28-Day Calendar as a new Harmonic Standard by 2028.


As an offering to redeem the Julian/Gregorian distortion during this harmonic passage from 2021 to 2022, we are happy to announce we are working on the final aspects of our Cosmic Time EPHImeris, and we are aiming to release it in 7 DAYS, at the heart of this resonant moon of attunement and as a tribute to the legacy of José Arguelles on his 83 Solar Return this coming Resonant Moon 15 (January 24, 2022)

Ephemerides were constructed as early as the 4th century BC and are still essential today to the astronomer and navigator.

While the regular ephemeris is a table or data file giving the calculated positions of a celestial object at regular intervals throughout a period, this NEW Cosmic Time ePHImeris serves as a table mapping the synchronization points between calendrical systems throughout cycles of time according to the synchronic order, the Golden ratio and the fractal power of the Number 13.

Cosmic Time EPHImeris. Sample page

This new tool is intended to serve as a guide for the advanced chronoanaut to navigate the next 3 YEARS within the biosphere-noosphere transition timeline.

To pre-order your FREE PDF copy please just write us an email to info@theharmonicfactor.com with your name, kin # and a brief note on why you are interested and inspired to get one!


May Peace, Harmony and Beauty prevail on Earth!

In Lak’ech


