“LION’s GATE” 8.8.2021–22: Galactic Harmonic Convergence

Entering a NEW OCTAVE of our Evolution

The Harmonic Factor
14 min readAug 4, 2021

Every year, from July 26th to August 12-13th, there is a celestial event known as the ‘Lion’s Gate’ Portal. This takes place at the time of the year when the heliacal rising of the star Sirius (the brightest star in the night sky) is taking place across the Northern hemisphere while the Sun is transiting the constellation of Leo (hence the name ‘Lion’s Gate’). ​This is why it is said to be a ‘Star Gate’, in other words, a gateway portal of energy.

Sirius A: The brightest star in the night sky.

NOTE: Considering the harmonic nature of this gateway, we are updating this article to reflect the clear continuity and pattern coherence between the 8.8. Gregorian portal of 2021 and 2022.


The shape of number 8 looks like an “infinite loop”, and it is very round and feminine (no straight lines) resembling the shape of a woman, specially a pregnant woman… It therefore interesting to note that from Earth’s vantage point, it appears as if our closest star (the sun) draws a number 8 across the sky during the year. This phenomena is called analema..

Within the Spiral of Creation expressed in SPACE as the mathematical progression of the Fibonacci sequence, Number 8 holds the 6th position, while the 8th position corresponds to Number 21.

Number 21 represents Hunab Ku, “The One Giver of Movement and Measure that resides at the center of our Galaxy. We can appreciate the resonance


In music theory, an octave or “perfect octave” is the interval between one musical pitch and another with double its frequency. The octave relationship is a natural phenomenon that has been referred to as the “basic miracle of music”…

Within the Cosmology of Time of the synchronic order, number 8 represents Galactic Harmony and Integrity. On the Fibonacci Spiral sequence Number 8, holds the 6th position and is followed by Number 13 to complete a perfect FRACTAL of the 7 DAYS/STAGES of CREATION.


The Lion’s Gate of 2021 is enshrined by one of the most harmonic intersections of the year between celestial cycles, the 13-MOON, 28-DAY Calendar and ancient Mayan Long Count. How is this? There are several harmonic factors to consider:

  1. Last July 26, 2021 marked the Heliacal Rising of Sirius at the sacred geometrical latitude of 19.5 degrees North signaling the END and the START of the New Galactic Year.
  2. August 1 (8.1) marks every year the entrance to the 8th month of the Gregorian calendar, the 8-DAY countdown to the 8.8 stargate and also the 8th DAY of the 13-MOON YEAR.
  3. The 8th of August (8.8.21) marks a node of peak of harmonic resonance as is the day when Sirius is rising before the Sun at Giza Latitude (30 degrees North latitude).
  4. This year Sirius will be rising before the Sun and synchronizing with the NEW MOON rising in Leo:
Heliacal rising of Sirius on 8.8.21 at Cairo latitude. The rising of Sirius will be closely followed by the New Moon, the Sun and planet Mercury all rising in sequence. (Screen cap from Stellarium.com)


This synchronization with the New Moon also holds a unique harmonic significance, considering that:

July 26, 2021 also marked the completion of 8 SOLAR ORBITS since we crossed the Galactic Synchronization Event Horizon of 2013–7–26 (NS1.26.1.1 KIN 164 Yellow Galactic Seed) signaling the arrival of the “New Galactic Synchronization Beam” and the activation of new evolutionary programs on Earth. This 8-YEAR threshold represents therefore the FULL entrance into the next octave of our evolution.

On Noosphere Day (2021–7–22) we completed exactly 8 SOLAR ORBITS from Lunar-Galactic Synchronization, corresponding to the last FULL MOON before Galactic Synchronization portal of 2013. This was presented 8 YEARS ago by Juryt Abma, KIN 243 and it is one of the foundation stones of the U-Ching practice and the tracking of the Lunar Ring (learn more at: https://www.facebook.com/how.i.became.u).

One day after (2021–7–23) the last FULL MOON before the completion of the 8 YEARS from Galactic Synchronization portal of 2013 took place. This synchronization of the FULL MOON taking place during the last days of the 13-MOON YEAR is a reflection of a LARGER HOLOGRAM: an 8-YEAR cycle of the MOON defined as the LUNAR OCTAVE:

“The moon of 28 days is the mean or average moon of the human female menstruation cycle. The actual lunation cycle is 29.20 days. Every eight years there are precisely 100 lunations of 29.20 days and 104 moons of 28 days each. This eight year cycle is called a lunar octave.” — 13 Moons in Motion


TIME is not linear, is not flat and it is neither represented by a circle (cycle). TIME IS best described as A SPIRAL.

The word SPIRAL and the word SPIRIT have the same root, serving us as invitation to observe and notice that Consciousness/Spirit moves in a SPIRAL fashion. We are in ascending spiral of evolution. Each new cycle brings the opportunity to shift our perceptions and transform ourselves in the “twinkle of an eye (I)”.

With the purpose of simplifying and universalizing the comprehension of this organizing principle we are defining it as “THE HARMONIC FACTOR”:



This mathematical constant also known as the “PHI ratio” or “Divine Proportion” is present in the natural unfoldment of forms across the Universe and is reflected in the Fibonacci numerical sequence…

On this sequence ( 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233…) each number is in a Golden Proportion relationship with its predecessor and holds the harmonic resonance of the PHI ratio, defined as the Number 1.61833…


Our purpose here is to use this simple principle present in the Logarithmic Spiral as a frame of reference to measure cycles of time. This framework may allow us to make conscious the inherent elegance, beauty, and sacred order behind the “synchronic order” and the fabric of TIME+SPACE. It also provides us a way to enter into resonance with the universal patterns and SPIRALS in Nature.

On the Galactic count of 260 DAYS today, as we publish this entry is KIN 233. As we can appreciate on the graphic above, 233 holds the 13th STEP on the Fibonacci Spiral. On the Tzolkin Matrix (Harmonic Module) KIN 233 is PRECISELY coded by the 13th of the 20 Solar Seals: The Skywalker.

Within the Tzolkin Cosmology, this 13th Archetype represents the TIME-SPACE Explorer that connects Heaven and Earth. Today is then a perfect opportunity to explore the multi-dimensional harmony embedded within this Lion’s Gate Portal of 2021!


As mentioned at the start of this entry, the 2020–2022 transition is marking a clear harmonic convergence node between 3 calendrical systems:

  • The Gregorian calendar
  • The ancient Maya Long Count and
  • The 13-Moon, 28-Day calendar and the Tzolkin

For the past couple of years these 3 systems have been entering into a synchronization of Golden Proportions. Literally and Numerically. How is this?

July 26, 2021 marked an intersection highlighted by the multi-dimensional presence of the Golden Proportion (PHI ratio). This HARMONIC NODE signaled the synchronization of several KEY cycles and markers holding 5 consecutive numbers of the Fibonacci Sequence (8:13:21:34:55). Let’s examine this in detail:

🌻 July 26, 2021 marked DAY 1 of the 13-MOON YEAR and the completion of 34 YEARS from the New Dispensation of Time that started on KIN 34 (July 26, 1987) White GALACTIC Wizard.

🌻 This 34:34 synchronization is taking place on the YEAR 21 of CENTURY 21 on the Gregorian calendar!

🌻 July 26, 2021 also marks the completion of 8 YEARS from crossing the Galactic Synchronization Portal (July 26, 2013). Number 8 corresponds to the GALACTIC tone of Harmony and Integrity.

🌻 2013 was the YEAR 13 of CENTURY 21 on the Gregorian calendar…

🌻 The next day, July 27, 2021 corresponded to Maya Long Count marker, marking the completion of 13 BAKTUN cycles of 144.000 DAYS, 8 TUN cycles of 360 DAYS, and 13 cycles of 20 DAYS from Ground Zero date (August 13, -3113 BC)

This alignment serves as auspicious sign of GALACTIC HARMONY as we approach the completion of 34 YEARS from the original Harmonic Convergence of August 16–17, 1987 (KIN 55–56)

🌻 8:13:21:34:55 TIME IS ART!


The entire New Galactic Year that started this past July 26, 2021 is coded with KIN 224 3Seed.

NOW seems relevant to highlight again some of the harmonic resonance factors behind the number 224, its close relationship to the Golden Proportion and why it represents a KEY node of intersecting timelines:

φ • DAYS 224–225 mark the Golden Section of ONE 365-DAY cycle. This is because 365/225≈ϕ

φ • On the 13-Moon count DAY 224 correspond to the last DAY of the 8th MOON of the 13-MOON year, marking 5 remaining MOONS of 28 DAYS to complete the 13-MOON YEAR. 5:8:13.

This is of SPECIAL significance during this NEW Galactic Year considering that:

φ • The 224th DAY of this YEAR coded by KIN 224 will mark therefore the completion of the first Golden Section of this New Sirius Cycle coded by Number 34 (NS1.34)

φ • July 26, 2021 KIN 224 marked the completion of a PERFECT OCTAVE of 8 YEARS from Galactic Synchronization 2013 and DAY 224/365 of the year coded by 224 marks the PERFECT OCTAVE of the 13-MOON YEAR. 8:8!

In order to make the integration/harmonization of these 3 TIME-SPIRALS conscious, let’s examine each calendrical system one by one:


The year 2021 represents the completion of 21 YEARS from the start of the 21st CENTURY. From the cosmological perspective of the synchronic order, this year is therefore an intersection of unprecedented harmonic significance between the dissonance of the Gregorian calendar and the perfect harmonic resonance of the 13-Moon, 28-Day calendar and the vigesimal system of the Mayan Long Count. How is this?

φ • Every year the date August 13 marks the Golden Section of the Gregorian year (DAY 225/365).

φ • August 13 is noted as 8.13. Numbers 8 and 13 hold the 6th and 7th positions of the Fibonacci sequence. 13/8=1.625

φ • August 13 (8.13) also marks every year the GROUND ZERO position on the Mayan Long Count (MLC) on August 13, -3113 BC corresponding to vigesimal marker 4 Ajaw.

φ • The Mayan Long Count marker signaled the completion of 8 TUN cycles of 360 DAYS each + 13 Baktun cycles of 144000 DAYS each since Ground Zero of the Mayan Long Count (MLC0. We crossed this 13:8 marker on November 9, 2020 and it synchronized with KEY harmonic markers:

1. The completion of 20 cycles of 144 DAYS each from crossing the Mayan Long Count marker. (360x8 = 144x20). This is a perfect holographic fractal of ONE PIKTUN cycle (20 BAKTUNS of 144.000 days each)

2. On the Tzolkin count, last November 9, 2020 ( to KIN 225, marking the EXACT 260-DAY countdown to the Galactic NEW Year on July 26, 2021, KIN 224.

φ • Venus, our twin planet, completes one orbit around the Sun every 224–225 DAYS. When Venus completes 13 ORBITS, Earth immediately completes 8 ORBITS (13:8) and both planets complete a perfect 5-Pointed STAR (13:8:5).

This is because:

1 VENUS ORBIT: 224.7 x 13 = 2921 DAYS
1 EARTH ORBIT: 365.25 x 8 = 2922 DAYS



In 2022 the 8.8 “Lion’s Gate” Gregorian gateway is now signaling the start of 33-DAY synchronization portal to the completion of a prophetic harmonic marker of 3333 DAYS elapsed from Galactic Synchronization on Gregorian 9.9.2022!!! (NS1.35.2.18 KIN 114 10 Wizard) How is this and why is it prophetic?

August 7,2022 marks the completion of 3300 DAYS from crossing the Galactic Synchronization event horizon of July 26, 2013, the EXACT CENTER/HEART/AXIS POINT of the current 52-YEAR New Sirius Cycle 1 (1987–2039).

33 DAYS TO 9.9:3333

This 3300-DAY marker since we crossed the axis point of this time-spiral is synchronizing with KIN 81 on the Galactic count of 260 DAYS. (81= 9x9 or 3x3x3x3)and…

There are 33 DAYS from 8.8 to the 9.9 Gregorian gateway synchronizing with DAY 3333 since galactic synchronization! TIME IS ART!

This 3333:9.9 33-DAY synchronization portal holds several KEY HARMONIC NODES within the biosphere-noosphere transition timeline and the narrative of the Quetzalcoatl Prophecy of 13 Heavens and 9 Underworlds, signaling an even greater level of numerical coherence.

Let’s examine them ONE by ONE:Let’s examine them ONE by ONE:


DAY 1: 8.8.2022 corresponds to KIN 82 White Self-ExistingWind. Lion’s Gate bulls-eye. start of 33 DAY countdown to 9.9.2022

DAY 5: 8.11.2022 corresponds to KIN 85. On the Indigenous/Ancient Maya count this date corresponds to the completion of 5135 YEARS from GROUND ZERO of the Long Count: Marker August 11, -3113.

DAY 6–7: 8.12–13.2022 KIN 86–87
August 12–13 marks the Golden Section of the Gregorian year (DAYS 224- 225/365).

DAY 9–10: 16–17.8.2022 corresponds to KIN 90–91 and marks the completion of 35 Solar Orbits since the Harmonic Convergence of 1987. 35 years correspond to a PERFECT FRACTAL of 7 CYCLES of 260 WEEKS EACH.

DAY 32: 8.9.2022 cThe eve of the culmination of of this 3333-DAY milestone corresponds to KIN 113 Red Solar Skywalker guided by KIN 9 (9.9) and coded by the numbers of prophecy: tone 9 and seal 13. Also identified as “The Lord of the Dawn” according to “Galactic Spiral Density Wave: The final Cycles of Transformation” .

DAY 33: 9.9.2022 corresponds to KIN 114 White Planetary Wizard, Tone 10 and Seal 14 symbolizing the Planetary Manifestation (10) of Timeless Wizardry. Also corresponds to John Lennon birth day.


On the Indigenous/Traditional Count this 3333-DAY marker corresponds to 4Muluk, the equivalent of the current Year -Bearer within the Galactic Maya Count KIN 69 4 MOON.

In other words: Last July 26, 2022, KIN 69 we completed 9 YEARS (3x3) from crossing the Galactic Synchronization portal and the 3333-DAY synchronization is taking place on 4 Muluk (analog of KIN 69) on the Ancient Maya count.

As presented last year, 9.9.2021 synchronized precisely with KIN 9 (9.9) on the Tzolkin count and with the completion of 13 Tzolkin cycles from the Venus Transit of 2012!

In an analog way it was on 9.9.2018 when we completed the fractal milestone of 13 CYCLES of 144 DAYS (Return of Sacred Power)


Today is a good opportunity to remember that Noosphere Day 2021 synchronized with another CELESTIAL KEY NODE: the completion of 3333 days from the passage of Venus through the solar disk. (3333 corresponds to 100 cycles of 33 days + 33 days)

THE 3333:6666:9999 CONNECTION

These synchronizations via Number 6 and 9 prompted us to match the numbers coding this year and 3333 gateway and calculate the entire triplet of portals . The results were as coherent and prophetic as the initial revelation:


This 3333:9.9 portal is highlighted by the 33-DAY interval between 8.8 and 9.9 Gregorian, signaling an even greater level of numerical coherence. This synchronization prompted us to calculate the entire triplet of portals and the results were as coherent and prophetic as the initial revelation:

From Thursday, July 25, 2013 at 11:59:59 pm
Added 3333 days (repeated 3 times)

Result 1: 3333 DAYS COMPLETED
Friday, September 9, 2022 at 11:59:59 pm

Result 2: 6666 DAYS COMPLETED


Saturday, October 25, 2031 at 11:59:59 pm

This second harmonic marker of 6666 DAYS synchronizes with Tony Shearer’s Solar Return №105.

In other words: On October 26, 2031, 6666 DAYS elapsed from Galactic Synchronization 2013, the voice behind the “Lord of the Dawn” and the “Prophecy of Quetzalcoatl” completes YEAR 1 of the second 104-YEAR Venus Round Return. 2030 marks therefore his first 104-YEAR “Venus Round” return.

The current Venus-Earth Pentagonal cycle started on KIN 66

Result 3: 9999 DAYS COMPLETED
Sunday, December 9, 2040 at 11:59:59 pm

This THIRD harmonic marker of 9999 DAYS synchronizes with 2 MAJOR prophetic events:

  • 77 YEARS to the Venus Transit December 10, 2117
  • 51 YEARS from the Discovery of the Law of Time December 10, 1989


The 13-Moon, 28-Day Calendar establishes a new harmonic standard for timekeeping that promotes greater access to our inherent creativity and capacity to live in harmony with each other and the planet.

The 13-Month/Moon 28-Day Calendar is an indigenous calendar for a sovereign humanity, a new harmonic calendar for a new time of peace and harmony!

To download your FREE PDF copy of the 2021–2022 edition of the 13-Month, 28-Day calendar please go to: https://13months28days.info/free-calendar

We invite everyone to connect this coming August 16–17, 2021 and tune in to the energy of the original Harmonic Convergence of 1987 from 34 years ago on KIN 55–56. Let’s vibrate, once again, in tune with the Heart of the Earth and the Heart of the Galaxy. We are ONE Pulse. ONE Earth. ONE People.

“Once humanity is operating on the correct standard of time, it will have a proper basis of unification for accomplishing the enormous and heroic task that now challenges it. Greater than any spiritual teaching is the gift of time.” (José + LLoydine Argüelles, “Thirteen Moons in Motion” — 1992 )


In Lak’ech

WE are another YOU!

