Machine Learning Training Notifications

M. Haseeb Hassan
2 min readJul 11, 2022


Machine Learning Training Notifications using MLNotify which is an open-source tool that monitors the model training and generates notifications when completed.
Machine Learning Training Notifications using MLNotify

The training of machine learning models takes time and you do not have to sit and wait for completion anymore. While exploring the options, I got MLNotify by Aporia which is an open-source tool that notifies you when model training is complete via the web, mobile, and email notifications. I thought to write a blog about it so that others can take advantage as well. If you like reading such technical findings: Follow me , stay tuned and enjoy the ride!

ML Training Notifications

The data scientists after training hundred of models know that waiting time for the model training to end is tedious. It takes a long time and keeps you in a loop of Alt+Tab back and forth now and then to check up on it. Well, MLNotify is an open-source tool that does the waiting and notifies once the training is completed. Install the mlnotify module using pip:

# Install Modulepip install mlnotify

After installing the module, the usage of mlnotify is straight and simple.

MLNotify Usage


The MLNotify is a python library that allows you to monitor the progress of machine learning training by providing notifications when the fit() method is completed. The library features a plugin system to extend its functionality. The supported libraries or the manual API if library is not supported are good resources to start using the module.

To try MLNotify, here’s a short snippet:

MLNotify Trial Snippet

This should train a simple model for a few minutes. Once training begins, MLNotify will print a unique tracking URL for it:

MLNotify QR Code Example

Scan the QR Code and see the progress of the training. The web, mobile, or email notifications can be enabled to know exactly when the training finishes. When training ends, the notifications will be generated automatically!

Things to do during training:

Contributing to MLNotify

Aporia has a lot of existing ideas but they are open to suggestions and help. The project is available on GitHub: so please feel free to add new features and capabilities.


The field of machine learning is advancing and there’s a lot of fun while experimentation. This blog is just an example of how people are contributing in this ocean of artificial intelligence. MLNotify is a great open-source tool to keep track of model training and don’t worry about checking if after every minute.

For more blogs, stay tuned and have fun!

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M. Haseeb Hassan

I write about Technology, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning whereas a non-tech part of me writes about Life, Darkness, Silence and Peace..