Cracking the Murder Case of Human Rights Laywer Thulani Maseko

3 min readMar 13, 2023


Part 2: Who called ‘Stufuza’?

Ever since the killing of targeted individuals or the burning of homesteads belonging to certain people or arson attacks on government structures began, none of these incidents were broken as news by blogger-turned journalist ‘Stufuza’.


Such incidents have been exclusively published first mostly by Zweli Martin Dlamini, AKA Zwemart, in his Swaziland News online publication. These incidents were carried out by the terrorist underground military group calling itself the Swaziland International Solidarity Forces that was formed mainly by the trio of SWALIMO leader Mduduzi ‘Gawuzela’ Simelane, PUDEMO leader Mlungisi Makhanya and Zwemart.

Soon thereafter, another online platform calling itself Swaziland Democratic News soon exclusively reported such attacks first. This was after the emergence of a second underground terrorist group known as Sikhali Senkhululeko YemaSwati, which was formed by Bonginkhosi ‘IB’ Dlamini together with ‘Gawuzela’ after a fallout with Mlungisi and Zwemart. Some members of the Solidarity Forces crossed over to join the new Sikhali Senkhululeko. Acts that were carried out by the Solidarity Forces were exclusively broken by Swaziland News and those carried out by Sikhali Senkhululeko were broken by Swaziland Democratic News. Only these two had access to this information because they were sponsors of these attacks.

Even when attacks were carried out on leaders and members of various political parties, they would be first reported by either of the two. However, when human rights lawyer Thulani Maseko, the biggest and most influential name in the mass democratic movement, was shot dead at his home, both the Swaziland News and the Swaziland Democratic News were missing in action. Instead, ‘Stufuza’ and his Voice of the People was first with this “SCOOP”. He scooped everyone. How and why? Who called ‘Stufuza’ to tip him off about the biggest story he has ever written?

The answers are right there in the open. During and a few moments after Thulani was shot dead, it was only his wife and two young children who were there. There is no doubt that the wife would be the one to make calls to whoever she felt needed to know immediately what had happened. Would she call ‘Stufuza’? NO! Who was she likely to call first? Considering Thulani’s political affiliation and profession, there are two people she would have called first. PUDEMO leader Mlungisi and Thulani’s protégé Sibusiso Nhlabatsi were the two people she most definitely called first. Who would these two go on to call? Stufuza? NO! Without a doubt, they would let Zwemart of Swaziland News know first. Zwemart knew first. But why didn’t he break such big news first? Who called ‘Stufuza’ to give him this exclusive and massive story? The Hidden Side knows who called ‘Stufuza’ and why. But we will reveal all in the end. For now we are nicely leading you through the web.

Remember, in the previous article we led you on the role of Thulani’s wife Tanele in her husband’s assassination. Today, we show you that the phone call that was made to ‘Stufuza’ to tip him off about Thulani’s killing was not random. It was well calculated. It was a decoy. It was meant to divert attention from those behind the assassinantion. And the wet-behind-the- ears ‘Stufuza’ did not even suspect that he was being used as s decoy. To him, this was just a big tip about a big scoop. It never crossed his mind that he was just a pawn in a chess game. We hope everyone still remembers that someone praised ‘Stufuza’ for the scoop and this person is now paying ‘Stufuza’s tuition fee for a journalism course in one of the local tertiary institutions. This is by no means an honest gesture. Enough said. Let us meet in the coming days for Part 3.




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