Eswatini’s ex-Army Commander to get E150 000 a month to lead 2nd political unrest

3 min readJan 2, 2024


Former Army Commander Jeffrey Tshabalala will be paid a salary of E150 000 a month to carry out a political unrest that is intended to dethrone His Majesty King Mswati III and also topple to Tinkhundla System of Government.

Mduduzi Gawuzela Simelane and Jeffery Tshabalala

The broke and jobless former leader of the country’s military has agreed to be the master strategist to carry out an armed insurrection against the State (King and Country).

He has come in to replace the so-called commander of the underground forces, Thabo Kunene, the former top police detective, who was arrested and is currently imprisoned for crimes committed during the political unrest that began in June 2021.

Kunene was the self-styled commander of the underground armed group that called itself the Swaziland International Solidarity Forces (SISF) and later, after there was split in the SISF, he led the splinter armed group that became known as the Sikhali Sesive Semaswati (SSS).

Now that Tshabalala has agreed to replace Kunene, he first wants an assurance that his welfare will be given top priority because he does not want to go through what Kunene experienced.

Kunene is reportedly owed about E2 million that was promised to him by leaders of SWALIMO and PUDEMO.

In Tshabalala’s role, his salary will be paid by the Federation of the Eswatini Business Community (FESBC), which has received millions of Emalangeni from foreign funders who have been solicited by exiled SWALIMO president Mduduzi Gawuzela Simelane.

FESBC is led by SWALIMO member and businessman Henry Tum du Point, who was greatly involved in funding arson and shooting incidents that unfolded during the 2021 to 2022 political unrest.

Du Pont also provided his farm at Sidvokodvo as a shooting range and sanctuary for the SISF and later to the splinter armed group known as SSS.

SWALIMO’s Gawuzela and du Pont first approached Tshabalala in 2021, after stepping down as Commander of the Umbutfo Eswatini Defence Force (UEDF) due to the famous sex scandal that made him to reveal State secrets, to lead the underground forces as their commander.

He was promised an undisclosed amount of money for this assignment.

However, Tshabalala turned down the offer because he still harboured hopes that His Majesty King Mswati III would re- assign him to another national defence-related position.

Having waited for almost two years without being considered for reappointment, Tshabalala has now decided to take the carrot that has long been dangled in his face.

Tshabalala has already disclosed to his close associates that he could not turn down this offer because he risked having his family starving to death.

He told his associates that His Majaesty had promised to appoint him as a replacement to the late Prince Hlangusemphi, who was Chief Defence Officer, which is a position that is equal to that of Minister of Defence and National Security.

Tshabalala said, now that Cabinet appointments were done and dusted, it was clear that there was no position for him, hence he had to think of other ways to fend for his family.




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