Gawuzela DOES NOT want you to see this video

2 min readDec 20, 2022


Ex-Member of Parliament in the Government of Eswatini, Mduduzi ‘Gawuzela’ Simelane, has been exposed by Zweli Martin Dlamini for calling for arson in schools and farms in the Kingdom of Eswatini.

This comes as a shock to many of his followers, because he always potrays himself as a non-violent man of God. Gawuzela is always careful with his language when he addresses the public — he asks people not to burn or destroy public infrastructure when they are protesting. However, this has been proven to be a facade because Simelane calls for arson of schools, farms, and other public infrastructure when he talks to his comrades in private.

One key piece of evidence to Gawuzela’s miltarism was intercepted by the Hidden Side from Zweli Martin ‘Zwemart’ Dlamini’s communications. Zwemart was warning Gawuzela not to disclose the secrets of “the struggle” to his followers on Facebook. Zwemart threatened that he would release Gawuzela’s secrets if Gawuzela continues to openly speak about activities of “the struggle” in his Facebook videos. This was after Gawuzela had revealed on one Facebook video the chain of events which led to his founding of SWALIMO — including who has been funding social unrest activities in Eswatini, namely the The Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa (OSISA).

To prove that his threats were not empty, Zwemart released a brief audio of Gawuzela committing to, and encouraging arson attacks on farms and schools in the Kingdom of Eswatini. The Ex-MP can be clearly heard giving orders as to what would be burnt first, for how long the arson would continue, and what would follow that period of arson attacks if his demands were not met.

This revelation strongly suggests that Gawuzela has always been a part of the planning process of arson attacks and unrest in the country — as we have maintained here in the Hidden Side.

Watch this video yourself and make your own conclusions about the man caled Gawuzela:




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