Swaziland News openly collaborates with another killer

2 min readApr 24, 2023


The online propaganda and tabloid publication Swaziland News is at again, publishing murderous intentions from with proof that the perpetrator was actually stalking their prey.

The tabloid, which is edited by propagandist Zweli Martin Zwemart Dlamini, has published photos from a man who confessed that he was stalking Superintendent Clement Sihlongonyane who is a police officer. The stalker also sent a message to Swaziland News saying “he’s too relaxed, if I was carrying my gun I would have emptied the bullets into his head.”

This message just clearly shows that Swaziland News encourages unlawful behavior like stalking and murder. Otherwise, why else would they publish the illegal acts and intentions of someone stalking a police officer wishing to shoot him in the head while he is buying vegetables for his family from street vendors?

What kind of values does Swaziland News have that they would publish such hateful and fear inducing story? Are all street vendors supposed to worry when selling to police officers now because they could be shot anytime? Is this good in any way for the people of Eswatini?

Is this story supposed to make people support the chaos and fear caused by an environment of murder and arson directed towards government officials like the police? Clearly, Swaziland News does not care about the overall well-being of Emaswati.

Swaziland News cares too much about notoriety because that gets clicks, and clicks get ads and donors.

Stay tuned for another story on how Swaziland News editor Zwemart’s desire to tell lies about Eswatini has, once again, led to him revealing some incredible truth about the killers he works with.




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