NASTY BUSINESS: Part One — A Himmmm Blind Story

7 min readAug 12, 2019


(NOTE: Everything in this “story” is “alleged”, and based on our own sources. Things we have been told are fact. However, we cannot verify the 100% accuracy of these and some of them were translated to us through both Russian and Spanish interpreters, which leaves room for error. However, we believe it and leave it to you to make up your own minds. Our attorneys have vetted this story, and we are waiting for them to finish vetting the rest of it. Instead of delaying for another day, we split it in two. This is PART ONE. When cleared, we will post PART TWO tomorrow. Sorry for the delays, and thank you.).

She has already spent over a week trying to arrange the meeting, but was having a very hard time. Now? She is frantic. Apparently she was drawing more attention than even she could have anticipated. Because with everything going on, she never imagined that even Russian oligarchs would find her “too hot to handle”. After all, their relationships went back decades. Billions of dollars changing hands, and secrets that could change history of more than one nation.

“She” is a woman we will refer to as “MARI”. The best way to describe Mari is as a middle-aged foreign-born woman raised in a life of privilege, wealth, global luxury — and a legacy of criminal immorality that warps the mind just to fathom it all. Her own father had been a scandalous man in every way that would be the center of a million stories of his own. The things she witnessed and even suffered growing up would be enough to drive anyone insane.
Unfortunately, she decided to carry that torch herself. She has perpetuated that hell on her own.

She became the partner, co-conspirator, and confidant of a man who has grown to be one of the most disgusting, perverted, rapist animals of our current era. (We’ll just call him MONSTER). His crimes and reach have been well documented for many years. And through it all, Mari has been right there. In fact Mari has been of equal responsibility in that monster’s crimes. She has been his procurer, his partner, and when the mood hit her — even a willing participant. She is no victim.

But most of all, Mari has been in charge of the cover ups, lawsuits, and protection of both Monster and herself. Most of all, Mari has found herself trying to use the information (the proof) she has, as a bargaining chip to save herself, even against the most powerful people in the world.

When many questioned how the Monster was able to facilitate relations with so many powerful people, they rarely saw Mari in the shadows. It was usually her “hands” at work, using contacts and relations of her family. Her dad’s old business friends (and enemies) and many of his government friends — they all knew her charming social style. They also knew of her bent to the wild side, and her “anything goes” attitude; along with the discretion it required.

Many people had forgotten (or maybe didn’t know) of Mari’s family and their relations with foreign leaders. Especially third-world dictators. Mari was actually the missing link in a bizarre nexus of people who otherwise may never cross paths. From Hollywood celebrities, to global corrupt military leaders, to technology businessmen — Mari knew so many of them. Her father had paved the way, so it was easy for her to follow.

This is why, when the sexually criminal actions of Mari and Monster, began to be a “thing” among the rich and powerful — they needed more privacy. So it was Mari who found a very secluded island for their activities. This place and its many crimes have been documented many times (including by our pals at CDAN and in the mainstream press). But what is not as well known is this other foreign locale; nearly a country almost to themselves.

It was within a country ruled by a nearly-insane dictator, under the guise of Socialism. That dictator has now died, but his protégé has carried on. This nation was also ground zero for a constant flow of vulnerable victims from dirt-poor families that could be easily “erased” if the need be. Best of all for their plans — it was within close jet distance from their private island; and in the same hemisphere as the USA. No need to make refuel stops, so less paper trails. It provided no shortage of cover stories, including “humanitarian work” and “environmental work”. All within an easily-bribed corrupt government happy to provide protection. Funny thing, that for a socialist country? They sure enjoyed the millions they got paid, under the table, to protect the criminals.

The criminals were Monster, Mari, and their guests.

This included not just the billionaires and politicians and celebs, but the top leaders of this country. It is very easy to connect the dots between this country; a legendary political family from America; and a super-tough lawyer (or two) who are the weak links in the cover up for Mari and the Monster’s actions. It was part of the lawyers’ spin plans back when the Monster was first accused. Little did they know that many years later, those same news quotes and even Youtube videos, would rear their heads to point the way to lead people to connect the dots. So obvious is it, that Mari has contacted the lawyers and told them to warn the political family of their exposure. But those same lawyers aren’t happy to take her calls now either.

Nor is the Hollywood A-Lister with a history of friendship with banana-Republic rulers. That A-Lister was a guest of Mari, as a tag-along with a member of that political family. The A-Lister, for all of his own nasty history, enjoyed the party favors at the foreign hideaway; but he drew the line at partaking in sexual activities. (Which says a lot with that guy’s history).

In fact, the A-Lister (who is either an actor or director, or maybe even both), was disgusted by what he was offered by his hosts; and the few things he saw himself. So he partook of partying/drugs, but not the underage sex crimes. According to the A-Lister, he is very scared about the people he did see there and what it could mean if it all came out. Not just as a witness for legal reasons, but scared for his life. Not his career — as this is a guy who revels in controversy. He is literally afraid for his own life. Maybe he should’ve been more scared…not for himself but for those poor victims…back when he was partying on site with them all.

So now we come in back where we began.

The Monster is dead, and regardless of how, who, and whatever — he is actually dead. Cheating justice for all the victims. But there are many, many, many loose ends left out “there”. After this untimely, yet very predictable, demise of her Monster crony; Mari is now frantically trying to secure a meeting with a Russian oligarch she knows well. A man who has spent millions and many years trying to whitewash his reputation and hide his own past. Trying to keep himself far away from scandal and appear as just another billionaire global businessman. The last thing this guy probably wants is to be affiliated with Mari, or mentioned in the same story. But he has no choice really.

Mari has proof of many of his old dealings, going back all the way to her own father’s era. Her father (a monster himself), had helped the oligarch in the late 80's-early 90’s. Her father who was murdered, despite findings of “suicide”. Her same father whose murder was alleged to be ordered by Russian oligarchs for his waste of tens of millions of their money he was supposed to be laundering. In fact, this Russian oligarch and Mari have many similar friends — in politics; Hollywood; and in sitting government positions today.

The Russian also knows that Mari is clever enough to be sure that if she meets an untimely demise? Much of that proof will certainly be made public. That would be a disaster for the Russian, and many of the most powerful people in politics (both sides of the aisle); global business, and entertainment/media. None of them want that.

Some have speculated that Mari’s father never actually died, by suicide nor by murder — and that some of his former associates in foreign government security services had helped arrange his disappearance. It is with that in mind that Mari has contacted this Russian lately. According to the Russian oligarch, there is no way she can make it out of her current situation in one piece. The best she can hope for is to arrange a “suicide” or “murder” of her own that will allow her to slip off the map undetected. She still has tens of millions of Monster’s money along with her own to help her vanish.

Because if she can’t do it? Many others will make sure she does die, for real.

Those who can be brought down by what Mari can reveal — they want time to stop her fail-safe backup leaks, BEFORE they leak (in case of her demise). Meanwhile, Mari must certainly want to rapidly wrap up her future plans before she’s locked up and cannot. According to the Russian oligarch, he’s avoided this as long as possible. He has to decide what to do. So he has reached out to London and Washington to help him decide. But even he is afraid of the answer.

(PART TWO to follow).




There's a 1 in 4 shot that one of us is sane...but only a 25% chance of that. email: Himmmm (at) protonmail (dot) com