Common Types of Vampires

Jessica Bugg
4 min readAug 19, 2021

A Brief Guide To The Creature Of The Night

Photo Courtesy of David Baley via

I make it no secret that Anne Rice is my all time favorite author. Her work and story behind the work inspire me to no end. So today, in honor of the Vampire Chronicles adaptation by AMC (which I hold stock in), I have created a brief guide to vampires and the vampire hierarchy that is seen in popular fiction now, which we have Anne Rice to thank for (she also wrote some badass erotica but that’s another article for another day).

One of the biggest things to remember when trying to classify a vampire into a specific category, is that vampires are grouped according to what they use as their food/energy source. Not all vampires drink blood although that is the most common.

So let’s get started with the most common types of vampires, remember this is not an all encompassing list of every vampire type, only the most common vampires in popular media.


Also known as Sanguine Vampires, this vampire category is what comes to mind for most people when you say the word ‘vampire’. The blood drinking vampire can be found in all cultures across the world and dates back all the way to mythology in Ancient Greece.

The blood drinking vampire must consume human blood in order to survive and can be seen hunting humans to get…

