3 min readJul 4, 2024

Comfort for your heart and mine by the Holy Spirit

At times we’re mad at where God has us. We fail to see or recognise how sometimes our wrong choices and bad decisions are the reason we are in that dark place at the moment. At such times, we tend to push the blame on God. We assume that being the almighty He could have by his sovereignty prevented us from getting there, somehow.

We fail to see that God gave us a will for a purpose.

The same offer God gave to the Israelites was given to the believer at salvation and is continually present to him in the entirety of his walk with God. The choice of life by believing in the death, burial and resurrection of Christ, or the choice of death by rejecting the light of the gospel. Even though it is God’s desire to see (all) men saved (1 Timothy 2:4). The choice of living by God’s word or not as a believer. The choice of blessing others with your spiritual gift or not, and so on.

God never overrides the will of man. Nonetheless, even when we are entangled in the web of our not so good choices and decisions, our loving father, God, yet provides us with "cushioning mechanisms", so that we are hit, we are not hit so hard with the "consequences" of our choices that we fall. The problem is that, we sometimes get so emotional and overwhelmed by the reality of our circumstances that we fail to see God coming through for us in the midst of it.

A while back, I made some not so godlike choices, although they were borne out of very sincere motives and intentions. By the way, sometimes we are sincere but sincerely wrong. (Pun intended)
While the consequences of my choice loomed, unknowing to me, here was my loving father, preparing my heart, cushioning the effect. How? You might want to ask.

One day, as I fellowshipped with God in word and prayers, I was led to a particular scripture and my heart and mind was fixated on that scripture for days and then, weeks. No matter how much I prayed or studied, I always ended up at that scripture. All the while, I wondered why my heart would not let go of the scripture, but I kept reading and I kept praying it.

A few weeks later, my consequence came, I was shaken but thanks to the comfort of the spirit, I was not moved . Everytime I look back, even now, I know that there was no way I could have gone through everything that happened, with the way it happened, without being moved but for that scripture God gave me: my cushioning mechanism.
If only we would look, we would see and recognise these cushioning mechanisms, we would see, that even in messes we got ourselves into, God does not leave us stranded or to our own devices. He is our ever present help, even when we mess up.

I said all of that to say this, the place of fellowship with the Father can never be overemphasised for the believer. As we fellowship, his intentions are communicated to us so we don't have to make wrong choices and decisions, but even when we do and we recognise what we have done, as we fellowship with His word in prayers, He yet brings us comfort and encouragement so that we are able to communicate the same to others around us who might fall into similar circumstances.

Constant and consistent fellowship with God's word in prayers keeps us locked in the centre of God's will.


I am the Man in Christ. I write about new creation realities and how they come to play in our day to day lives as believers.