Eat Fast, Die Young

Three reasons why there’s no excuse for eating shit food when you’re in the business of being creative

The Lean Founder
2 min readMay 10, 2014

I get people coming up to me all the time and saying:

“I’m starting my own business, I can’t afford to eat well”

To that, I reply:

“You’re starting your own business, you can’t afford not to”

When I first started working freelance in one of Sydney’s most progressive app design firms, I witnessed some very clever people making some very dumb choices.

Mi-Goreng noodles, hot chips (fries) and sloppy gravy rolls were standard issue along-side a dozen coffees or 2L barrels of soft drink.

The senior devs claimed to be time-poor. The junior interns just plain poor.

Here’s three reasons why there’s no excuse for eating shit food when you’re in the business of being creative — no matter who you are:

1. Fast food isn’t fast.

By the time the others have driven up the road and battled with tradies in bakeries and cops in chicken shops. The rest of us have enjoyed our meal and are kicking back with a harbour view debating which wearables are more comparable.

2. Crap costs more.

Aside from spending more money on a day-to-day, take away culinary plan (which you will!) there are other, intrinsic costs you need to consider. Eating shit for a year and then blowing thousands on diets or fitness first memberships doesn’t really make much sense. Let alone the financial burden 0n you if your poor diet leads to a REAL problem. Which brings me to my next point…

3. You literally are what you eat.

Your hair, fingernail, skin, bone and even your brain cells are constantly being rebuilt from the materials your body has at it’s disposal. i.e. The grub you put in your gob. So asking yourself in the shopping isle from time to time what you prefer your brain made out of isn’t a bad habit to get into.

Thankfully, my dietary delinquent mates have seen how cheap, easy and healthy it can be to fuel your body with decent stuff and they’ve mostly come around.

Here’s a typical day’s spread around the office these days, costing a daily average of $10:


- Yoghurt with trail mix and sliced fruit


- Toasted wraps with a spread, cheese, veggies and deli meat

Finally, what I like most about this topic is that, if done right, you are guaranteed to empower ALL: Body, Mind, Wallet & Time.




The Lean Founder

Weekly Memes to Empower your Body, Mind, Wallet & Time. Work with me at