The 4 Habits Of Highly Disciplined People

Photo by Ion Fet on Unsplash

Becoming disciplined isn’t hard if you know how to lay a good foundation.

After years of studying what made the worlds most disciplined people who they are I’ve identified four common habits among them.

These habits are:

Habit #1: The 3 G’s Of Willpower (Gym, Good Food, & Good Sleep)

Habit #2: Vitamin M: Meditation

Habit #3: Purpose Aka WHYpower

Habit #4: Maximizing motivation by Minimizing Stimulation

If you want to become disciplined, master these first and the rest will come easy.

The First Habit: The 3 G’s Of Willpower

If you want good output, you need good inputs brothesr

What determines if your car’s engine runs clean?

What you put in it.

If you want a car to run clean, you need to give it high quality gasoline right?

If you want your mind to run clean, you need to do the same.

What gas is to a car, the 3 G’s are to the human body.

What are they?

  • Good Food

