My Rating Scale, Explained

Spencer Rider
1 min readMar 8, 2018


Since my rating tilt a bit lower than most people’s, I thought I’d elaborate on them a bit for the sake of clarity.

91–100 — One of the best movies ever made. Near-perfection.
81–90 — Amazing. One of the decade’s best.
71–80 — An excellent film, despite a few minor issues.
61–70 — A very good movie, but there are enough issues to start seriously cutting into my enjoyment.
51–60 — An overall decent movie, but ultimately too minor and/or problematic to merit a recommendation to anyone not already interested.
41–50 — Either mediocre or a mixed bag. Either way, I’m on the fence, generally leaning towards the negative.
31–40 — Not an irredeemable movie, but its flaws heavily outweigh its merits.
21–30 — A really bad movie, despite some things working.
11–20 — Excruciating to watch.
01–10 — Barely a functioning product. Might be worth checking out, honestly, as movies this bad only come out a few times a decade.

