Untangling Complexities

The Loyal Revolter
1 min readSep 9, 2023


The complexity and depth of emotions, A vast and endless sea, With waves that crash and ebb, And currents that run deep.

There are moments of joy, That lift us up so high, And moments of sorrow, That make us want to cry.

Love that warms our hearts, And hate that brings us pain, A spectrum of feelings, That we cannot restrain.

Emotions that guide us, And emotions that mislead, A labyrinth of the mind, That we must navigate with care and heed.

We search for understanding, Of the emotions that we feel, But they are ever-changing, And never quite reveal.

For emotions are not simple, They are not black and white, But a kaleidoscope of colors, That shift and change with light.

We try to label them, And put them in a box, But emotions are not meant to be, Tamed and locked.

They are meant to be felt, In all their raw and wild form, For it is in embracing them, That we learn and transform.

So let the emotions flow, Through your heart and mind, For they are a part of you, And essential to your kind.

Embrace their complexity, And their depth will be revealed, For in understanding emotions, Our true selves are unsealed.



The Loyal Revolter

The more I Learn. The more I Learn that I need to Learn more.