Path of Gold 2019 — Random Stats and Facts

Martin V
3 min readMar 22, 2019


Dogpile on Main Maxx!

Philippine Wrestling Revolution (PWR) just had its Path of Gold 2019 a few days back at the Powermac Center Spotlight in Circuit, Makati. It featured a lot of great matches, but let’s focus on the Path of Gold match itself. In its fourth iteration, there was a lot of action, shocking eliminations and shocking returns!

Madrigal and Quatro face off while they pin their respective opponents


1. Quatro

2. Jan Evander Pw.D.

3. AB3

4. Kh3ndrick

5. Evan Carleaux

6. The Revo-Ranger

7. Chino Guinto

8. Main Maxx

9. Chris Panzer


11. Ken Warren

12. Mh4rckie

13. Vlad Sinnsyk

14. Trian Dela Torre

15. Martivo

16. Joey Bax

17. Super Vintendo

18. Brad Cruz

19. Mike Madrigal

20. James “Idol” Martinez


1 and 2. Chris Panzer and Ken Warren by Main Maxx and SANDATA

3 and 4. SANDATA by Kh3ndrick and Main Maxx by Mh4rckie

5. Trian Dela Torre by Kh3ndrick

6. Evan Carleaux by Mh4rckie

7. Kh3ndrick by Quatro

8. Mh4rckie by Quatro

9. Revo-Ranger by Jan Evander and Super Vintendo

10. Joey Bax by Jan Evander and Super Vintendo

11. Brad Cruz by Jan Evander and Super Vintendo

12. AB3 by Jan Evander and Super Vintendo

13. Idol by Jan Evander

14. Super Vintendo by Chino Guinto

15. Jan Evander by Chino Guinto

16. Martivo by Mike Madrigal

17 and 18. Chino Guinto by Mike Madrigal and Vlad Sinnsyk by Quatro

19. Mike Madrigal by Quatro

Random Facts

Jan Evander Pw.D. holds the most eliminations this year with 5.

Quatro and Super Vintendo come in second place with 4 eliminations under their belt for this year’s Path of Gold match.

Let’s stick to the number of Four as Quatro is the winner of the Fourth Path of Gold Match.

We’re not yet done with the number 4. SANDATA is the only PWR wrestler to appear in all four Path of Gold matches since 2015.


Pictures by: Hub Pacheco

Disclaimer: My notes on Elimination nos. 3–4 might be interchanged. Will double check once I get to re watch the full match if it’s uploaded on the Youtube. Fact-checkers please do send me a PM here or tweet me at @the_martinv if I switched up which Kakaibro member pinned which MSG guy.

