PWR 2018 Path of Gold — Quick Stats

Martin V
2 min readMar 27, 2018


This entry is quite short with the sole purpose of jotting down the entrants and eliminations of this year’s Path of Gold match from the Philippine Wrestling Revolution’s (PWR) recent event, PWR Path of Gold 2018.

Martivo does some corner things


1. Miguel Rosales

2. Rederick Mahaba

3. Mh4rckie

4. Quatro

5. Zayden Trudeau

6. Peter Versoza


8. Alexander Belmonte III

9. Martivo

10. Kh3ndrick

11. Evan Carleaux

12. Logan Ollores

13. Ken Warren

14. Trian Dela Torre

15. Yohann Ollores

16. Jake De Leon

17. Dax Xaviera

18. Jan Evander

19. Revo-Ranger

20. Robynn

Jan Evander debuts


1. Rederick Mahaba by Rosales (1)

2. AB3 by PV (1)

3. TDT by Logan Ollores (1)

4. Kh3ndrick by Ken Warren (1)

5. Mh4rckie by everyone currently in the ring at that moment

6. Logan Ollores by Ken Warren (2)

7. Yohann Ollores by Ken Warren (3)

8. Dax by SANDATA (1)

9. SANDATA by JDL (1)

10. ECX by Jan Evander (1)

11. Revo-Ranger by PV (2)

12. Zayden by PV (3)

13. PV by Martivo and Robynn (1)

14. Jan Evander by Quatro (1)

15. Robynn by JDL (2)

16. Martivo by Ken Warren (4)

17. Quatro by JDL (3)

18. Miguel Rosales by JDL (4)

19. JDL by Ken Warren (5)

Final 2: Ken Warren and Jake De Leon

Other stats

Most Eliminations by an individual: Ken Warren — 5 (6 if you count the Mh4rckie group elimination)

Fastest Elimination: Trian Dela Torre (pinned by Logan Ollores in 10 seconds)

First time a PoG winner chose the PHX Championship

Photos by: TCHuang Productions

